Scoring rubric for Digestive Model Group’s Name : Components Materials 20 -18 Materials were chosen wisely, creative (but reasonable) and gave the proper structural appearance. 17 - 14 Materials reasonable and creative but lack structural appearance. Labels All structures were labeled correctly with neat and precise markers Most structures were labeled correctly with neat and precise markers Accuracy Model is an accurate representation of the structures we have learned about Explanation Students were very knowledgeable about the structures and their functions and discussed all structures that we learned about Model is somewhat accurate, but has missing parts or parts that look nothing like the actual structures. Students were knowledgeable about the structures and their functions and discussed most structures that we learned about Teamwork Team members got along splendidly. I NEVER had to intervene, NOR did I ever notice a conflict. Group members worked out conflicts on their own and I never had to intervene Comments : 13 - 9 Model is either creative or a good representation, but not both. Team spent a lot of time on it but misunderstood their mission Some structures were labeled correctly and others were not labeled or was incorrect. OR labels were not neat or precise Model is incomplete, missing structures and what is there isn’t accurate Students were somewhat knowledgeable about the structures and their functions and discussed most structures that we learned about. There were noticeable tensions between group members and I had to intervene once or twice. 8-4 Model is thrown together and makes some sense, but really is a good representation 3-0 Model was quickly thrown together and makes little sense or was not turned in at all. Few labels were made. Most of this were incorrect Structures were not labeled, were completely incorrect or were to sloppy to decipher. Model has the general look of the digestive system, but the structures are NOT representative of the ones we studied in class Students were not overly knowledgeable about their structures and their functions and discussed SOME structures that we learned about The model doesn’t look like a flower at all and the structures don’t look like the ones we studied in class I really had to keep the eye on this group as tension was high and there was a lot of arguing Students were NOT knowledgeable about the structures and their functions and discussed FEW or MORE of the structures that we learned about This group was constantly arguing about something. There was not a team effort given and I was constantly intervening.