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Employee Job Satisfaction Assessment: Hawassa Adare Hospital










BY: Yonas Kaleb

ADVISOR: Mr. Belay Chekole

FEB 2018

Jimma Ethiopia a


This study was conducted in Hawassa Adare Hospital. The main purpose of the study was to search for the major employee’s job dissatisfaction of the organization. This study mainly provides a new insight of reducing workers dissatisfaction and it is important least to minimize the severity work satisfaction in this organization. It would point the way of taking corrective action to the management in order to accomplish its goals and objectives efficiently and effectively. The researcher was used stratified random sampling technique and also the researcher would be used primary and secondary source of data to accomplish this study. The data would be collected through structured questionnaires and interviews from employees in

Hawassa Adare Hospital. Finally, to carry out the study, descriptive research was conducted based on questionnaires filled by employees of the organization and data would be analyzed and interpreted in both tabulation and statement form and also results would presented in percentage as well as tabulation. i


First and for most, I would like to thanks almighty GOD. Who helped me in every direction while I am doing this paper.

Secondly, my gratitude goes to my dearest advisor Mr. Belay C, for his sincere effort, frank advice in the preparation and completion of this paper. He has really been cooperative, understanding and challenging to me to read more and work hard to get some better thing than I had I have been quite in different as to his brethren or advisories he was democratic and forced himself to feel the pains I used to express while conducting the study concerning this study, had there been more than “thank you” he would be the only to have it.

Thirdly, I would like to forward my heart and soul appreciation to my family for their moral and financial support throughout my study. My special gratitude also goes to all my friends whose names are not mentioned, known I was remembering you with eyes filled with tears, yet with my heart beating in reminisce. You are all unforgettable to me through my life. Finally, I would like to thank Hawassa Adare Hospital employees in supporting me through filling the questionnaire. ii

Table of Contents

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Back ground of the study .................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 background of the organization ........................................................................................................... 3

1.3. Statement of the problem ................................................................................................................... 4

1.4. Objective of the study ........................................................................................................................ 5

1.4.1. General objectives ........................................................................................................................... 5

1.4.2. Specific objective ........................................................................................................................ 5

1.6. Significance of the study .................................................................................................................... 6

1.7. Scope of the study .................................................................................................................................. 6

1.8. Limitation of the study ....................................................................................................................... 6

1.9. Organization of the study ................................................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER-TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 8

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 8

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 8

2.1. Overview of Job Satisfaction ............................................................................................................. 8

2.2. Determinants of job satisfaction ........................................................................................................ 9

2.2.1 The cognitive component ........................................................................................................... 10

2.3. Factors affecting job satisfaction ..................................................................................................... 10

2.3.1. Working condition .................................................................................................................... 11

2.3.2. Opportunity for advancement ................................................................................................... 11

2.3.3. Job stress ................................................................................................................................... 11

2.3.4. Financial rewards ...................................................................................................................... 11

2.3.5. Salary/Pay ................................................................................................................................. 12

2.3.6. Job complexity .......................................................................................................................... 12

2.3.7. The organization reward system ............................................................................................... 12

2.3.8. Other factors affecting job satisfaction ..................................................................................... 12


2.4. Importance of job satisfaction .......................................................................................................... 13

2.4.1. Employee performance ............................................................................................................. 13

2.4.2. Employee turnover .................................................................................................................... 13

2.4.3. Employees absenteeism ............................................................................................................ 14

2.5. Dimensions of job satisfaction ......................................................................................................... 14

2.7 conceptual frameworks .................................................................................................................... 15

CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................................................... 16

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 16

3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN ...................................................................................................................... 16

3.1.1 Description of the study area ..................................................................................................... 16

3.2 Data type and source ......................................................................................................................... 16

3.5. Sampling technique and sample size ............................................................................................... 17

3.5 Method of Data collection ................................................................................................................ 18

3.6 method of Data Analysis ................................................................................................................... 18




The objective of this research study is to identify the assessment of employees job satisfaction in

Hawassa Adare hospital. This chapter consists of research background, problem statement, research objective, research questions, and significance of this study, organization of the study and limitations.

1.1 Back ground of the study

Job satisfaction can be defined as psychological state of how an individual feels towards work, in other words, it is people’s feelings and attitudes about variety of intrinsic and extrinsic elements towards jobs and the organizations they perform their jobs in. The elements of job satisfaction are related to pay, promotion, benefits, work nature, supervision, and relationship with colleagues (Mosade ghard, 2003). Employees‟ satisfaction is considered as all-around module of an organization’s human resource strategies. According to Simatwa (2011)

Job satisfaction means a function which is positively related to the degree to which one’s personal needs are fulfilled in the job situation. Kuria (2011) argues that employees are the most satisfied and highly productive when their job offers them security from economic strain, recognition of their effort clean policy of grievances, opportunity to contribute ideas and suggestions, participation in decision making and managing the affairs, clean definitions of duties and responsibilities and opportunities for promotion, fringe benefits, sound payment structure, incentive plans and profit sharing activities, health and safety measures, social security, compensation, communication, communication system and finally, atmosphere of mutual trust respect. Job satisfaction means pleasurable emotional state of feeling that results from performance of work (Simatwa, 2011).

It commences with the recruiting of right people and continues with practicing programs to keep them engaged and committed to the organization (Freyermuth, 2004). Sutherland, (2004) contends that companies with high quality human capital perform better in marketplace, and deliver higher and more consistent returns to shareholders, than companies with mediocre workers. Sustainable competitive advantage requires satisfaction of employees for retention to the knowledge base of an organization. This knowledge is often tacit and hard to transmit


between employees. Competitive companies worldwide rely on their employees to provide innovative, advantageous and original solutions to problems the company may have. Employees are deemed to be part of the intangible assets of an organization. They are a precious commodity that forms a significant part of an organization’s value. Employee job satisfaction is supremely important in an organization because it is what productivity depends on. If your employees are satisfied they would produce superior quality performance in optimal time and lead to growing profits. Satisfied employees are also more likely to be creative and innovative and come up with breakthroughs that allow a company to grow and change positively with time and changing market conditions.

Employee satisfaction is becoming more challenging for companies including those in the telecommunication industry due to a number of factors such as availability of the right talent in some fields, manager-employee relations, competition, differences in the level of employer employee expectations, the high cost associated with hiring new talents, among others.

Employers‟ need for strategic effort directed at satisfying current employees is now urgent than ever to improve retention rates and decrease the associated costs of high turnover. Voluntary turnover is a huge problem for many organizations (Mitchell et al., 2001).

The labor market today is growing and changing fast. It is the responsibility of the leader in the organization to adapt to these changes to be able to make the organization profitable. To be able to do this, it is crucial to satisfy the key employees in the organization since they are the ones that drive the company forward. According to Young (2006), companies are faced with people leaving to join other companies. The average worker is changing jobs ten times between ages of

18 and 37 continuously. Young asserts that one answer to this issue is to believe that you can purchase knowledge to replace what you are losing. McCrea (2001) suggests that employees today change jobs frequently and do not have the company loyalty that existed 30 years ago when your valued employees were hired. The article, “The battle for brainpower” (2006), also states that loyalty to employers is fading therefore companies need to raise productivity by managing talent better. The hunt for talent has gone global as the globalization creates demands and opportunities for most employees. Employees in an organization have always been key assets as their departure could have significant effect on the implementation of the organization’s business plans and may eventually cause a parallel decline in productivity. As such, employee


satisfaction is important in the long term growth and success of a company. Employee satisfaction would ensure customer satisfaction and effective succession planning (Mello, 2007).

Employee satisfaction would also improve investor’s confidence, as they are concerned with organization’s capacity to perform in such ways that would positively influence the value of their investment in the company, hence there is no question that uncontrolled employee turnover could damage the stability of the company.

Talent and employee job satisfaction are closely related, in that happy brains lead to creative brains. Job satisfaction and employee happiness should be a big aspiration in talent management due to its impact on productivity, creativity and loyalty of employees. Talented employees want a clear vision of where the organization is going and an opportunity to personally grow and develop. Talent is the natural above average ability to perform a task. This individual has the natural inclination to perform the tasks they are talented in better than others. A talent is always a skill but a skill isn’t always a talent. A skill is the ability to do something well i.e. expertise, while talent is the natural aptitude. Career is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of an individual’s life with opportunities for progress. It’s an individual’s journey through learning, work and aspects of life. Employees want to feel that their talent and skill enables them to develop in a certain organization through opportunities for growth. Absence of this leads to dissatisfaction and poor performance. This is currently the case at Hawassa Adare Hospital.

1.2 background of the organization

Hawassa Adare hospital is one of the prominent public hospitals in hawasa. It is found 285 km south of Addis Ababa in SNNPs region in sidama zone, Hawassa town. It was established in the form of health center in 1999 G.C and it was expanded it is facility and became hospital in 2009

G.C , it becomes a self-run hospital with little informal support from Ethiopian government and regional government support . It has 150 beds which serving the patient & thousands of people.

It is number of employees are showing increasing from time to time. Currently, it has 298 employees, out of them 115 are males, and the rests, 181 are females. They are engaging in different departments in the hospital, like clinical, laboratory, midwifery, pharmacy and administrative parts. In the referral, referrals are mainly from sidama zone and neighboring zones and region. This includes Gedeo, Amaro, Burli and Wolita zones



Therefore, before any actions are taken, the extent of the problem should be studied there are plenty research gap under this topic and there are some research is there which is conducted by others, Dr.Mini Jain, the study of employees job satisfaction and its impact on their performance, Mohammed mohamudaa parvin, M.M Nurul Kabir Factor affecting employee job satisfaction pharmaceutical sector, Hartono Ismaeil, Mursalim Umar Gany,Bahar Sinring,

Mapparenta, factor influencing job satisfaction, Thomas G.Reio Jr and Catachy A. Kidd university of Louisville, an exploration of the impact of employee job satisfaction affect, job performance ,and organizational financial performance, Tetovo, Makedonia facuclty of business and economics, south east European university, and Ssegawa JodFrey facin; influencing employee job satisfaction and its impact on employee performance :case of university Kenya So the researcher initiated to conduct such study in order to fill such gap by improving the above problems. to fill the gap mentioned above the researcher will conduct on assement of employee job satisfaction in case of hawassa Adare Hospital

1.3. Statement of the problem

Human resource is one of the main factors of production for an organization and human resource department must give due attention to hold the key employees in their hands. Because the retention of productive employees in one organization is fundamental for the existence of the organization in the competitive business environment. However human resource department may face difficulty in keeping all employees satisfied on their duties, because every employee may have different perception towards their job. However there seems to exist high employee turnover which may indicate job dissatisfaction among employees. Therefore, before any actions are taken, the extent of the problem should be studied.

The present study conducted among the Hawassa Adare hospital located in Hawassa city with the target of employer of the hospital. The study found that satisfaction and motivation are significantly correlated and economic factors are powerful than the other in satisfying employees. Some suggestions are also given, in the paper, to increase the level of satisfaction and motivation.


Research questions

This study, therefore attempts to investigate the situation by asking the following questions based on the assumption that employees are not performing what is expected of them due to lack of job satisfaction.

1. What are the factors affecting employees job satisfaction in hawassa Adare hospital?

2. How does pay, work environment and work itself affect employees’ job satisfaction in hawassa Adare hospital?

3. What are the causes and consequences of employees’ job dissatisfaction in hawassa Adare hospital?

1.4. Objective of the study

1.4.1. General objectives

The general objective of this study was the assessment of employee’s job satisfaction in

Hawassa Adare hospital.

1.4.2. Specific objective

To explore the influence of availability of career advancement, promotion and new job opportunities on job satisfaction and performance at Hawassa Adare hospital.

To investigate the influence of organizational commitment, physical working environment and involvement of employee in decision making on job satisfaction and performance at Hawassa Adare hospital.

To identify the extent to which reward and recognition influences job satisfaction and performance at Hawassa Adare hospital.

 To investigate the influence of organizational structure and organizational policies on job satisfaction and performance at Hawassa Adare hospital.

 To study measures taken to improve employees’ job satisfaction.

To identify the impact of job satisfaction on employee performance.

To determine the influence of work environment on job satisfaction among hospital staff in public.


1.6. Significance of the study

This study was significant for various people, and the researcher that would get knowledge about job satisfaction and improve their research skill. This also would give a mental satisfaction to the workers of the hospital. This study helped for Hawassa Adare hospital to know the problems that is made on employee’s job satisfaction. It was helped to rearrange the disorder activates of the hospital. It was create harmonious relationship between the management and employees on job satisfaction.

The findings and results of the study was provide a more reliable in depth understanding of the factors that affect employee satisfaction and to help shape the future policy formulation of the hospital, thus facilitating immensely the achievements of the objectives of the hospital in enhancing the reliability and efficiency of the provision of hospital service; data provide was assist in monitoring the hospital achievement toward the millennium goals. To the management of hospital, the findings are expected to provide answer to the fundamental question of why employee stay and what was cause them to leave and to help the hospital formulate appropriate retention policies and strategies to enhance employee satisfaction and employee.

1.7. Scope of the study

The scope of the study is limited to assess employees’ job satisfaction. The researcher focused particularly in Hawassa Adare hospital , which is found in Hawassa regional state at the center of the city around piazza in front of Dashen bank main branch. Other privet and government hospitals or clinics would not be included on the student research, because of it needs high man power, finance and time and also Adare hospital is found at the centre of the city and its near to my village. The researcher would use stratified techniques because of there are many divisions of departments in the Hawassa Adare hospital . However, the researcher would take samples from four departments, i.e. pharmacy, midwifery, clinical and laboratory departments only.

1.8. Limitation of the study

The researcher may face many problems during conducting this research. The most recognized and very challenging limitations of the study are:-

Since it is my first field study lack of experience was major expected limitation.


Lack of cooperation and interest of some employees in responding to questionnaires and filling it carelessly.

While conducting the study the researcher may face several limitations throughout the whole process. Some of them may include inaccessibility of secondary sources/related literature review /for documentary analysis and primary souse especially respondent lack of interest to give accurate and reliable information expected from them.

 Lack of adequate secondary data particularly in relating with job satisfaction.

1.9. Organization of the study

The study would have five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part. It includes,

Background of the study, background of the organization, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, and limitation of the study. The second chapter deals with review of related literature and the third chapter research methodology, the fourth data analysis and interpretation. Finally, the fifth chapter would deal with summery of finding, conclusion and recommendation.





This chapter on literature review explains the, related literatures on entrepreneurial attitude and orientation, conceptual framework.

This chapter would serve as the foundation for the development of study. It would discuss the relevant literature to the factors that affect employee job satisfaction. it would specifically focus on theoretical review, past studies on the subject in an effort to highlight the relationship of those research and this research and a review of some of the literature on the variables of the research.

These variables include; talent development, reward, organization structure, organization commitment and influence of manager on job satisfaction, these variables from the basis of research. The chapter also provides the research gap and the conceptual framework that shows the relation the variables of the study.

2.1. Overview of Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards one’s job, the difference between the amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive. Employee is a back bone of every organization, without employee no work can be done. So employee’s satisfaction is very important. Employees will be more satisfied if they get what they expected, job satisfaction relates to inner feelings of workers. Job satisfaction is the most widely investigated job attitude, as well as one of the most extensively researched subjects in industrial/organizational psychology. Many work motivation theories have represented the implied role of job satisfaction (Ed GIBNEY (2010) Evolutionary Hierarchy of needs. The term employee job satisfaction refers to an individual general guide to be his job. A person with high level of job satisfaction hold positive attitude about the job while a person who is dissatisfied with his/her job hold negative attitude about the job. Manager was concerned that job satisfaction for two reasons. First, they often believe that job satisfaction has influenced such employee’s behavior as attend once and length service. It is commonly assumed the positive satisfaction leads to positive behavior. Second (Herzberg) set out to collect data attitude from which


assumption about human behavior could be made in intensive interview as asked about what of job on their job made unhappy or dissatisfied. Job satisfaction is the positive or negative attitude held by individuals towards their job (AL-Hussami, M. (2008) further he says, “Job satisfaction is defined as individual cognitive, affective and evaluative reaction towards their job.”

Job satisfaction represents an attitude rather than behavior. The organizational behavior researchers stated that satisfied employees are more productive than dissatisfied employees has been a basic tenet among managers for years. Although much evidence questions that assumed causal relationship, it can be argued that advanced societies should be concerned not only with the quality of life-that is concerns such a higher productivity and material acquisitions. Not only is satisfaction negatively related to absenteeism and turnover, but they argue organizations have a responsibility to provide employees with jobs that are challenging and intrinsically rewarding,

Therefore, Job satisfaction represents an attitude rather than a behavior; organizational behavior researchers typically consider it an important dependent variable (Stephen Robbins 2003).

Job satisfaction is the collection of tasks and responsibilities regularly assigned to one person, while a job is a group of position, which involves essentially the same duties, responsibility, skill and knowledge”. Job satisfaction has some relation with mental health of the people. It spreads the good will of the organization and increase employee’s morale & productivity. Job satisfaction creates innovative ideas among the employees will be more satisfied if they get what they expected , Job satisfaction relates to inner feelings of workers. Naturally, it is the satisfied worker who shows the maximum effectiveness and efficiency in his work. Most people generalize that workers are concerned more about pay rather that other factors which also affects their level of satisfaction, such as facilities, bonus, working condition etc. These conditions are less significant when compared to pay.

2.2. Determinants of job satisfaction

Job satisfaction or employee satisfaction is one of the most widely used variables in organization behavior. It is an employee’s attitudinal response to his/her organization. The following section summarizes the cognitive components of job satisfaction, their relationship to organizational inducement system and their impact on performance and member ship (Lai Wan, 2007).


2.2.1 The cognitive component

An individual perception, opinion, beliefs and expectations regarding the organization are the focus of hi/her cognitions. Employees hold cognitions about each of four major inducements system cognitions in which the individual perceives that his/her expectation have been meet generally lead to positive evaluation. Additionally positive evaluations are more likely when cognitions (expectation) support appositive and secure future with the organization. Some of the specific cognitions regarding each inducement systems are:-

Reward inducement system : Individuals developed expectations regarding their pay, through negotiation, comparison to other and promises made. Satisfaction is increased when these salary expectations met. Likewise individuals developed unexpected time table for advancement.

Managerial inducement system : Satisfaction with one’s boss is a function of how he/she meets your mental mode (expectation) of low a leader should behave.

Task inducement system

: The extent to which ones’ assigned task and responsibility is meet role expectation is the measure determinants of an individual’s cognitive assessment of his/her job. Work design that include variables such as, autonomy, responsibility, and task identity tend to high levels of satisfaction with work. Because they allow for challenge which met, lead to validation of important skills and competencies.

Social inducement system: how co-workers behave relative to your exception of them and how they help or hinder your job performances is the bases the cognitive appraisal of this inducement system. People (employees ) in the organization initiated by financial and non financial incentives that pays off either directly or indirectly in money is labeled as financial incentive such as wage , salary, bonus, profit sharing schemes, retirement pay and vacation pay. While non financial incentives state the form of earning higher status, greater responsibility and satisfaction in decision making (Robert Dobbins).

2.3. Factors affecting job satisfaction

An employee’s overall satisfaction with job is the result of a combination of factors. And financial compensation is only one of them. Managements role in changing employees job satisfaction is to make sure the work environment is positive, morale is high and employees have the resources they need to accomplish the task they have been assigned.


2.3.1. Working condition

Because of employees spend so much time in their work environment each week; it’s important for companies to optimize working condition. Such things as providing spacious work areas rather than cramped ones, adequate lighting and comfortable work station contribute to favorable working condition. Providing productivity tools such as up graded information technology to help employees accomplish tasks more efficiently contributes to job satisfaction as well.

2.3.2. Opportunity for advancement

Employees are more satisfied with their current job if they see a path available to move up the ranks in the company and be given more responsibility and a long with it higher compensation.

Many companies encourage are employees to acquire more advanced skills that will lead to the chance of promotion. Companies often pay the cost of tuition for employees taking university courses, for example, during an employee’s annual performance review, a supervisor should manage out and what new skill she needs to develop in order to on a track to advancement within the organization.

2.3.3. Job stress

When employees are not happy with their job, they are much more likely to experience and report stress on the job. Causes for stress is low availability of manpower, the nature of the job, and the organization working procedure. The job workers who are satisfied or happy at work are much less likely to report feeling stressed out by their job. This is basic human nature if you are not doing something you enjoy, chances you are going to feel dissatisfied and even little things will make you feel stressed out and un happy (Kate McFarlin).

2.3.4. Financial rewards

Job satisfaction is impacted by employee’s view about fairness of the company wage scale as well as the current compensation he/she may be receiving. Company’s needed to have a mechanism in place to evaluate employee performance and provides salary increase to top performance.


2.3.5. Salary/Pay

This is one of the most important factors to be considered before taking up a new job or leaving your current job. The pay they you are getting and the growth pattern of the pay will largely influence the level of your job satisfaction. If you are happy with your pay, it will show in your performance and productivity.

2.3.6. Job complexity

Not only a job design added to enriching complexity but employees themselves. Sometimes take measure to make their work interesting. Some employees bring personnel stress head set to work.

So, they can listen to music or radios shows while they working many supervisors disapprove working that the head set will interest with the employees ability to provide good customer and service (Gomer, MEJAJUS R 1995)

2.3.7. The organization reward system

Reward can be influence both job satisfaction and employees motivation. The regular system affects job satisfaction by making the employees more or less comfortable as the result of the reward received. The reward system influenced motivation primarily through the perceived value of the reward and other contingency on performance.

2.3.8. Other factors affecting job satisfaction

There have been many studies performed to determine factors that affect job satisfaction.

Organizational involvement, locus of control, age, identification with role, due career families and commitment to organization are some of them. Another important factor is job quality as measured by autonomy, meaning fullness, opportunities for learning, advancement and job securities. By contrasts actual pay and access to benefit were found to have relatively insignificant effect on employee’s satisfaction. The total impact of this factor causes employees to be either generally satisfied or dissatisfied with their job. Employees who are dissatisfied with their job to behave in ways that can determine to the organization, this employees are likely to experience high rate of turnover, absenteeism, tardiness and more accident strikes and grievance(personnel management) 1980).


2.4. Importance of job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is significance because a person attitude and belief may affects his /her behavior.

Attitude and beliefs may cause a person to work harder to work harder or the opposite may occurs and he/she may workless. Job satisfaction also affects a person a general well being. For the reasons that people spend a good part of a day at work. Consequently, if a person is dissatisfied with their work, this could lead to disaffection in other area of their life. Job satisfaction has been linked to many variables including performance, absenteeism and turnover

(P. Robbins (2003).

2.4.1. Employee performance

Managers’ interest in job satisfaction tends to be centered on its effect on employee performance.

Researcher has studied that has been design to assess the impacts of job satisfaction on employee productivity, absenteeism, and turn over. As the “myth or science” most conclusions are happy workers are not necessarily productive worker. At the individual level the evidence suggests the reverse to be more accurate. Productivity is likely to lead to satisfaction. If we move from the individual level to that of an organization there is s reward support for the original satisfaction performance relationship. When satisfaction and effective service render data are gathered for the organization as a whole, rather than as the individual level we find that organizations with more satisfied employees tend to be more effective thanorganizations with less satisfied employees. It will be that the reason we have not gotten strong support for the satisfactioncauses-productivity thesis is that studies focused on individual rather than the organization. So while we might not be able to say that a happy worker is more productive, it might be true that happy organizations are more productive (Stephen.P.Robbins (2003).

2.4.2. Employee turnover

Employee turnover has been defined as the rate of change in working staff of a concern during a definite period. In other word, it signifies the shifting of the work in to and out of an organization. It is a measure of the extent which an old employee’s leave and new employees enter in to a service in a given period. Employee turnover is the resignation dismissal.

Resignation may be due to such as dissatisfaction with working condition and dissatisfaction the wage they get. (C.B Memoriam (1980)


Evidence also indicates that an important moderator the satisfaction- turn over relationship is the employee level of performance, and satisfaction is negatively related with turnover but corelation is stronger than what we found for absenteeism. Yet again other factors such as labor market condition, expectation about alternative job opportunity, and the strength of tenure with the organization are important constraint on the actual decision to leave ones current job

(Stephenson P. Robbins) (2003).

2.4.3. Employees absenteeism

It is obviously difficult for an organization to operate smoothly and to attain its objectives. If employees fail to report to their jobs, the work flow is disrupted, and often important decisions must be delayed. In organizations that rely heavily up on a quality service render, absenteeism can be considerably more than a disruption. Not only is satisfaction negatively related to absenteeism but they argue that organization have a responsibility to provide employees with jobs that organization have that are challenging and interracially rewarding (Stephen P. Robbins


2.5. Dimensions of job satisfaction

There is some doubt whether job satisfaction consists of a single dimension or a number of separate dimensions. Some worker may be satisfied with certain aspects of their work and dissatisfied with other aspects. There does, however, appear to be appositive correlation between satisfactions in different areas of work. This suggests a single overall factor of job satisfaction.

However, it seems that there is no one, general, comprehensive theory which explains job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is itself is a complex concept and difficult to measure objectively. The level of job satisfaction is affected by wide range of variables relating to individual, social, cultural, organizational and environmental factors. Individual factor- includes personality, education, intelligence and abilities material status, orientation to work, Social factor- include relationship with co-workers, group working and norms opportunities for interaction, informal organization

Cultural factor- include underlying attitudes beliefs and values of Organizational factor: include nature and size, formal structure, personal policy and procedures, employee relation, nature of the work. Technology and work organization, supervision and styles of leadership, management systems, working conditions. Environmental factors- in clued economic, social, technical and


governmental influence. There is also a wide range of specific factors which influence job satisfaction including Herzberg’s by hygiene and motivation factors. These different factors all affect the job satisfaction of certain individual in a given set of circumstances but not necessarily in others. The various studies of job satisfaction all have some validity (laurieL.Mullins (1999).



Measuring of job satisfactions

The majorities of job satisfaction measures are reports and based on multi item. Several measures have been developed over the years, although they vary interims of how carefully distinctly they are conceptualized with respect to effective job satisfaction. Job descriptive index:- is a specifically cognitive job satisfaction measure. It measures ones satisfaction in five facts pay, promotion, opportunity, coworkers, supervision and the work itself. The scale is simple; participants to whether give statements accurately describe one’s job. The Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire (MSQ):- measures job satisfaction in 20 facts and has along form with

100 questions (5 items) from each fact) and a short form with 20 questions (1 item from each fact).The job satisfaction survey: it is a 36 item questionnaires that measures of facts of job satisfaction The face scale satisfaction: one of the first scales used widely, measured over all job satisfaction with just one item which participates respond to buy choosing a face (Thompson E.R


2.7 conceptual frameworks

Determinant’s of job satisfaction

Employee Job Satisfaction

Working condition

Job stress

Implication of Job Satisfaction

Measuring of job satisfactions




This chapter describes the research design, data collection methods, sampling design, research instruments, data processing and data analysis


3.1.1 Description of the study area

The study was conducted on the assessment of employee’s job statistician in case hawassa Adare hospital. This study would focus on hawassa city which is 285km away from Addis Ababa.

Hawassa city is one of the 22 (twenty two) reform town of the SNNPR status under sidama zone original stated service as the center of trade especially coffee trading hawassa city in addition to above the rate is known by moderate climate condition and annual rainfall 1450MI and also daily temperature is 192

0 c.








Adare hospital is found in the capital city of SNNP’s region in Ethiopia sidama zone hawassa city and it graduate and started works in 2009 G.C (hawassa city).

3.2 Data type and source

The source of data includes both primary and secondary data. The primary data would be collected from interviewing the manager and distributing questionnaires to the employees of

Adare hospital. Secondary source would be collected from records, written documents and manuals written about the organization.

3.3 target population

The total population of the organization was 390 included man and woman as manager the total of emplacement in four department are among these 250 of them are clinical 21 of them are med wifely 55 of them are pharmacy and 64of them are laboratory.


3.4 sample size




No Department

1 Clinical med wifely



No of population





Total 390

Table 3.1 shows the total population and sample size

Sample size






3.5. Sampling technique and sample size

The sampling techniques that would use in this study were stratified random sampling. First, populations are divided in to sub groups (strata) like, pharmacy, midwifery, clinical and laboratory. The total numbers of employees in four departments are 390, among this 250 of them are clinical, 21 of them are midwifery, 55 of them are pharmacy and 64 of them are laboratory.

From this, the researcher has taken, 32, 14, 17 and 22 samples were selected by using proportional stratified sampling techniques respectively. In hawassa Adare hospital regarding to the sample size there are many employees in the organization. So it is very difficult and time consuming to get data from all employees, therefore the researcher would take only 46 samples of the total employees in the hospital by using stratified sampling techniques.

Thus, n = 𝑧 2 ∗𝑝∗𝑞∗𝑁



( 𝑁−1 ) +𝑝∗𝑞∗𝑧 2


(Kothari, 2004)

Where n= required sample size

N=Total population=390 p =population proportion at which the sample size is maximum (at p=0.5 and q=0.5, p*q=0.25) q=1-p

E=margin of error at 5% (standard value of 0.08)


Z=level Confidential level at 95% (standard value of 1.96)

Sample sizing of Hawassa Adare hospital employers.

N= 390 (Hospital employers of hawassa Adare hospital)

𝑛 =


2 ∗ 0.5 ∗ 0.5 ∗ 390


2 (390) + 0.5 ∗ 0.5 ∗ 1.96


𝑛 = 85

To check the finite population correction (FPC) the researchers divides the determined sample size to the population. If the result is greater than 5% (i.e. n/N>5%N), FPC used to adjust the final sample size unless the required sample size can be accepted as it is (Kothari, 2004).

The reason for selecting of stratified random sampling was:-

Every item or person in the population has a chance of being selected for the sample. The existence of different groups like, pharmacy, midwifery, clinical and laboratory are helpful to use the stratified sampling methods.

3.5 Method of Data collection

To collect relevant data for the study different data collection tools used. Self-administered questionnaire was prepare and distributed to respondents (employees). The questionnaires have both open ended and closed ended questionnaires. To support the data obtained through questionnaire, interview would conducted with manager of the hospital. The secondary data was gathered by reviewing recorded documents, books and manual from the hospital and internet.

3.6 method of Data Analysis

After collection of the needed data, the data would be organized and analyzed using simple descriptive analysis statistics like percentage and table that the relevance of job likelihood to employees job satisfaction. Finally, the results of the analysis expressed through tabulation and narrative ways.



4 . Discussion and Analysis

This part of the study presents and interpretations of data collected through questionnaire from sample employees of Hawassa Adare Hospital and interview results from general managers.

From the total of 390 populations, the researcher distributed 85 questionnaire to the selected sample employee’s out of these 36 questionnaires are returned back.

Ten (49) questionnaires were unreturned due to different reasons, so analysis has been made based on the 36 returned questionnaires.

4.1 Profile of Respondents

Understanding the profile of the respondents is very important to the student research in order to differentiate and know the problems and also identify the possible solutions for those problems.

Accordingly their profile is presented as follows:

Table 4.1: Profile of Respondents

Resp onde nts in










No 22 14 3

% 61 39 8





Source: from questionnaires of 2018





Educational qualification

Below diplom a dipl Degree oma and above



12 19

33 55

Year of service


2 years



2-5 year s

6-10 years

13 6

36 17


10 years



As it is shown on the above table 61 % ( 22) of the respondents were males whereas 39 % ( 14) of them were females. This shown that the numbers of males is much more than number of female workers. As indicated in Table 4.1 age distribution is one of the demographic


characteristics that show the proportion of people by dividing in to different sections. From the given table 8 % of the total respondents were within age range of 18-27 years, 50% of them within 28-37 years, 25% of them within 38-47years and the remaining17% were within age range of greater than 57 years. Here the researcher can understand that out of the respondents above this indicates that most of the employees are degree holders 19(55%) of the respondents are degree,12(33%) of them are diploma and 5(14%) of them are below diploma.

When the researcher tries to assess the length of service indicated in the organization 17%(6) of the respondents are worked below two years,32%(24) work for two up to five years 17%(6 ) work for six up to ten years and the remaining 36%(13) work for above ten years. The basic idea behind this concept is that most of the works have served for the company between 2 to 5 years.

Table 4.2: Work experience in another organization

Question Alternative

I Have you ever been employed in other Yes organization before this organization? No


No %





36 100

II If your answer for the above question is yes specify the reason why are left that organization.


Source: from questionnaire of 2018

As indicated in the above Table 4.2 10(27.78%) of the respondents are engaged with other organizations. While the remaining 26(72.2%) of the respondents have not been employed before that organization, following to this respondents are asked as to the reason why they are terminate their previous employment the main reasons specified by most of the respondents are low salary,


working environment, biased supervision and the job itself pushes them to leave the organization.

Table4.3 Employee Motivation

Question Alternative

I How much are you satisfied with your current job?

Very satisfied satisfied

Not satisfied dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied

Respondent in

No %











II If your answer for the above question is not satisfied or very dissatisfied what do you think is the reason

Source: from Questionnaire of 2018

Total 36 100

As indicated in Table 4.3, 14(38.89%) of the respondents are not satisfied,8(22.2%) of the respondents are satisfied 6(16.67%) of the respondents are dissatisfied, 5(13.89%) of the respondents are very dissatisfied, and3(8.3) of the respondents are very satisfied with their current job.

According to the table 4.7, the researcher concludes that majority of the employee are not satisfied with their job they are doing. The causes of dissatisfaction was attributed to low salary, lack of promotion, lack of conducive environment, conflict with supervisors, lack of incentives , lack of educational improvement, and job overload, administrative problem in working area.



Table4.4. Perception of employees about their job, skill and relationship between their salary and work.

Question Alternative

How do you see your skill With the job?

II If your answer for the above question is poor what is your reason


III How do you see your work and its payment?




Source: from questionnaire of 2018


Good fair poor



Respondent in

No %





















From Table 4.4. 11(30.56%) of the respondents were perceived their skill as excellent,

19(%52.57) of the respondents were perceived their skill as good, 4(11.1%) of the respondents were perceived their skill as fair, and only 2(5.56%) of them were perceived their skill as

“poor”. Despite their above average perception on their skill, their payment was perceived as 2

(5.56%) of the respondents were excellent, 7(19.4%) of the respondents were good, 11.56%) of the respondents were fair, and 16(44.4%) of the respondents were poor,


According to Table 4.4 recommended the organization should change the salary policy because, the current life condition is very hard and difficult and currently every commodities priceare very high.

Where as in table 4.4, the largest number of the respondents 16(44.4%) are getting poor benefits and 11(30.56%) are getting faire benefits. This indicates that relatively most of the employee are getting poor benefits. This indicates payment inequity i.e. the payment system is unfair compared to the skill of the employees. The researcher recommended the organization should have give or create the opportunity for those who are not getting benefit because it would not be fair.

Table 4.5 Attitude of Respondents of their work environment

Question Alternatives

I How do you see the degree of Excellent relationship with your supervisor? Good




Source: from questionnaire of 2018

Respondents in

No %











As indicated in the above Table 4.5 17.6%(6) of the respondents said that their relationship with their supervisor is excellent,31%(11) of the respondent are said that their relationship with their supervisor is good,44%(16) of the respondents are said that their relationship is replied they have fair relationship with their supervisor ,and the remaining 8%(3) of the respondents replied they have poor relationship. The researcher conclude the majority of the respondents resonances is there is have fair that used to improve performance. Hence it indicates somehow healthy working environment. and also the organization create the opportunity for those who are not good relationship with supervisor.

Table 4.6 Employee Participation in Decision Making


Question Alternatives

Respondents in

No %

I Does the management allow employee Yes involvement in decision making? No








Source: from questionnaire of 2018

As indicated inTable4 .

6questionI, asks to the respondents whether the management of the organization allows employees involvement in decision making process. As a result 10(28%) of respondents said the organization allows them to participate in decision making process and the remaining 26(72%) replied the organization does not allow them to participate in decision making. This implies that most employees were not participation the organization decision making process. The researcher concludes the organization strategies and polices have to be fair and easy by making the following actions participating the employee in strategy and police making and includes their perception , it should consider the financial and human resource of the organization and finally must act based on their existing police and also that motivates the employees to work according to the organization police, the organization management should be effective by managing the employee with well studied plan and procedure and serve the interest of the employee and there should be system and subordination with the employee.

Table4 .

7Treatment of Employeebythe Organization

Question Alternative Respondents in

No %

I Does your organization treat every Yes worker equally? No









Source: from questionnaire of 2018

In above Table 4 .

7 the researcher asks the respondent whether the organization looks to every worker equally or not. According to the respondents 47 %( 17) of them said that the organization treat to every worker equally and the remaining 53 %( 19) replied that the organization does not treat every worker equally .the researcher concludes that most of the respondents are does not treat workers equally that is the case of un fair treatment and promotion and not equally participation during decision making. As conclude the table 4.7 that the organization have un equally treatment. As recommended table the organization should eliminate the un equal treatment. The organization should make timely decision and participate equally the employee for decision making.

Table 4.8 Availability of Educational Opportunity in the Organization



Does your organization help you to get further education?




Respondents in







Total 36 100

Source: from questionnaire of 2018

As indicated in the above table 4.8 out of 36 respondents 25 % (9) the respondents replied that the organization gives them a chance for further education and the remaining 75%(27) of the respondents replied that the organization does not gives them a chance for further education so, this implies that more of the employees of Hawassa Adare Hospital do not gain the chance of further education by the organization. The researcher conclude the table 4.8, that the respondent are not satisfied in terms of educational growth, recommend the table 4.8 the organization should in not creating job satisfaction and avoid or resolve the conflict and interest .From the above table 4.8 the majority of respondents 75%(27) are not satisfied with hospitals management for


giving the opportunity to improve professional knowledge and employee skill, the management is making a good effort to create job satisfaction in terms of improving professional knowledge and employee skill.

Table 4.9 Turnover in the organization

Question Alternatives

I Is there any turn over in your organization?










II If your answer for the above question is yes what do you think is the reason?

Source: from questionnaire of 2018

In Table 4.9 question I the researcher asks the respondent regarding to employee turnover, as result 56 %( 20) of the respondents agree that there is turn over while 44 %( 16) of them replied that there is no turn over. The researcher concludes that most of the respondents leave the organization.

Question II tries to know the reason why there is turn over in Hawassa Adare hospital the major reasons forwarder by the respondents are low salary, working environment, the work itself and the interest of employees to open their own private clinic and pharmacy.

Generally the researcher understands that there is turnover of employees in Hawassa

Adarehospital. The researcher the organization should create good working environment, pay appropriate salary, and improve the work itself.


Table 4.10: Promotion, Opportunity and Job Satisfaction

Question Alternatives

I Is there opportunity for promotion Yes and advancement? No


II What is your overall job satisfaction Excellent level? Good




Source: from questionnaire of 2018




















As shown on the above table the researcher asks respondents weather there is opportunity for promotion and advancement accordingly 36 %( 13) said yes these is promotion and advance and the remaining 64 %( 23) said there is no promotion and advancement. This shows that most of the employees do not get promotion and advancement.

Question II from the above table4.10 attempted to know the overall job satisfied level of the employees accordingly 5%(2) of the respondents said excellent,17%(6)of the respondents said good,31%(17)of the respondents said fair and the remaining 47%(17) of the respondents said poor. From this the researcher understands the overall job satisfaction of majority of the employees is low. Because some are not satisfied with that of they are doing by different reason such as salary payment, lack of motivation or incentive etc.

Table 4.11 Employee Relations

Question Alternatives Respondents in

No %


I There has been a healthy work Strongly agree relationship among employees in Agree the same level Neutral

Dies agree

Strongly disagree



You set fast and appropriate Strongly agree response from your immediate Agree supervisor that helps to speed up Neutral your task and improve your Disagree working condition? Strongly disagree


Source. From questioner of 2018













As the above table indicates 31%(11) of the respondents strongly that there is a healthy relationship among employees in the same level,42%(15) of them also agree that there is healthy relation among employees of the organization in the same level and the remaining 19%(7) and

8%(3) are neutral and disagree with this question respectively.

From this the researcher understands that there is good relation among the employees of the organization in the same level.













Question II ask the respondents regarding the response they get from their immediate supervisor that helps to speed up their task and improve the working condition. Accordingly 34%(12)agree that they get fast and appropriate response from immediate supervisors 16%(6) respondents are neutral regarding this question,45%(16) disagree that they get fast and appropriate response from immediate supervisor and the remaining 5%(2) strong disagree that they get fast and appropriate response from their immediate supervisor. From this the researcher understands that there is lack of fast and appropriate response from supervisors to employees in Hawassa Adarehospital to speed up their tasks and improve work conditions.


Table 4.12 Employees Interest to continue

Question Alternatives

I Your interest to work in Strongly agree this organization in the Agree future is high? Neutral


Strongly disagree


Source: from questionnaire of 2018
















Based on the response to the above table4.12 statement 14%(5) of the employees strongly agreed to continue working in the organization, 22%(8) also agreed to continue working in the organization, 8%(3) of the respondent were neutral, 39%(14) of the respondents disagreed to continue working with the organization and the remaining 17%(6) strongly disagreed to continue working with the organization. From this the researcher understand that most employees have the interest to leave the organization in the future when they gain another working area that is better than Hawassa Adarehospital by different thing, like better payment, good working environment and enough capital to open their own business. The researcher recommends the organization improves their working condition, salary, in order to decrease the leave of employee.

Table 4.13: Situation of Working Environment

Question Alternative Respondents in

No %


I The working environment Strongly has been so comfortable? agree neutral disagree

strongly disagree


Source: from questionnaire of 2018













According to the above Table 4.13,11%(4) of the respondents were strongly agreed that the working environment has been so comfortable,44%(16) of the respondents also agreed that the working environment is comfortable 11%(4),28%(10) and 6%(2) of the respondents were neutral, disagree and strongly disagree respectively that the working environment is so comfortable. This indicates that the working environment of the hospital is good for the employees. The researcher conclude the above table 4.13 that the organization should sustain its satisfactory way of working environment and the organization should create the opportunity for those who are not satisfied by the working environment.

Table 4.14 Supervisors Encouragement of Employees

Question Alternative

I Supervisors encourage employees to Strongly practice functional conflict to improve Agree the quality of decision and create new Neutral and important ideas? Disagree



Source: from questionnaire of 2018

Respondents in















As indicated in the above Table 4.14,8%(3) of the employees strongly agree that supervisors encourage employees to practice functional conflict to improve the quality of discs ion and create new and important ideas,11% (4) of the employees also agreed,6%(2) of them were neutral,55%(20) of the employees disagreed that supervisors encourage employees to practice


functional conflict to improve the quality of decision and create new and important ideas and the remaining 20%(7) also strongly disagreed to this idea. From this the researcher understands that there is lack of supervisor’s encouragement of employees to practice functional conflict to improve the quality of decision and create new and important ideas in Hawassa Adarehospital.

Table 4.15 Level of Employee Confidence

Question Alternative

I You have confidence to perform your Strongly activities as your plan? Agree





Source: from questionnaire of 2018



Respondents in

No %











As shown in the above Table 4.15 out of 36 respondents 50%(18) of the respondents were strongly agreed that they have the confidence to perform their activities as their plan, 33%(12) of the respondents also agree that they have the confidence to perform their activities as their plan and the remaining 17%(6) of them said they don’t have the confidence to perform according to their plan. This shows that more employees have full confidence to perform their activities as their plan. The researcher concludes most of the respondents are strongly confidence to perform their activities as a plan, the researcher recommends the hospital should create the employees to improves their confidence.

Table 4.16 Performance Appraisal Criteria and Its Process

Question Alternative Respondent


I The evaluation criteria and process is more job Strongly agree related and carried out with high discussion and Agree participation of employees? Neutral


Strongly disagree


Source: from questionnaire of 2018








As the above Table 3.16 indicates 14%(5) of the respondents were agree about this idea, 5%(2) of them were neutral, 56%(20) of the respondents disagree that the evaluation criteria and process is more job related and carried out with high discussion and participation of employees and the remaining 25%(9) also strongly disagree that evaluation criteria and process is more job related and carried out with high discussion and participation of employees.

From this the researcher understands that the evaluation criteria and process is solely developed and carried out by supervisors.

Table 4.17 Availability of Training

Question Alternative

I Is periodic training given to Strongly agree upgrade employee skills and Agree knowledge and their performance? Neutral


Strongly disagree


Source: from questionnaire of 2018

Respondents in

No %













As indicated in table 4.17, out of 36 respondents 8%(3) of the respondents were strongly agree with this idea, 28%(10) of them also agreed that is periodical training to upgrade employees skill and knowledge and there by their performance, 39%(14) disagree that there is periodical training









to upgrade employee skill and knowledge and their performance and the remaining 25%(9) strongly disagree to the existence of periodical training to upgrade employee skill. From this the researcher understands that most employees are do not gain training to upgrade their skills and performance.

Analysis of Interview

Interview with Dr. Kebede Girma general manager of the hospital answered as follows. The first question that was raised to his was for how many years you are working in Hawassa Adare hospital. Those he replied that the manager 9 years. According to the general manager of the hospital responds that the problem of employees in this hospital is tiredness due to lack of man power, they are not punctual, poor coordination with member, unbalance of patients and professionals, anxiety and conflict with some member.

As the general manager indicated the role of satisfied employees for the organization are render better service to the society, they devote their normal time to treat patients, and giving advice for the customer. As the manager explained regarding to the measurement rate satisfaction of employees through meeting with staff, and by giving immediate response from staff workers , suggestion box ( box by giving feedback immediately). The general manager replied that initiation are taken in order to enhance the satisfaction employees are promotion, different training about their work, rewards, financial and non-financial incentives are taken by the management.





The researcher studies the employee’s job satisfaction in Adare Hospital. From the total of 390 employees, the researcher distributed 85 questionnaires to the selected sample and 36 questionnaires are returned and 49 questionnaires are unreturned. Majority of the employee in

Adare Hospital was male. Among the total employee’s there were high at age 27-37 that are productive. Most employees were first degree holders and among the total employees majority of them has the work experience of 2-5 years. There is job satisfaction problem in Adare Hospital employees. Due to employees are not initiated by financial and non-financial incentives like promotion and recognition. Employees also were not satisfied with the policy of organization because of slow management decision and no good working condition.


In the study the researcher tried to assess the level of job satisfaction of Adare Hospital employees. As the fining indicates, the employees are not satisfied in most cases. It is only in coworkers relationship, confidence to perform their activities according to their plan, and matching of their skill and the job employees seems to be satisfied. The main reason that can be specified for their dissatisfaction are; low salary payment, lack of promotional activities, lack of conducive working environment, poor supervision, lack of incentives, administration policy, and the work itself leads to be the employee dissatisfaction. There are other factor that leads to the employees to be dissatisfied in the organization these are manager’s has less emphasis for the satisfaction of employees, lack of educational improvement, workers were affected by stress because of customers wants only to treat in this Adare hospital and management problems of punctuality and poor management decision.

Generally, the finding shows that there is low or no job satisfaction of employees.



Based on the concept and finding of the study the researcher has forward the following recommendations. As this world is a center of competition where service rendering organizations compete each other for customers. Therefore, the need to have motivated work force is nonnegotiable. Naturally speaking it is believed that satisfied workers are likely to attract customers.

Thus having such good employee’s enables organizations met their objectives to this end the researcher would like to recommend to the management of Adare Hospital.

It is known that well educated and experienced human resource is the ultimate solution to be productive and effective in any aspect. Therefore, the organization should provide the employees competitive salary, opportunity for promotion and advancement to keep experienced employees and reduce turn over.

The organization should provide conducive working environment that include job security and free of biases, opportunity to take responsibility and direct ones work.

The management of the organization should evaluate employees based on tangible criteria and provide incentives for best performance.

In order to avoid job stress, the management and employees should be followed the procedure, rule and principle of the hospital.

The management should forward for the concerning body to balance the number of professionals and patients.

The management should be given due consideration on employee relationship with supervisors of the hospital.

 The management ought to avoid slow decision making and exhaustive working procedure.

Due to globalization of the world each and every thing is changed within a short period of time. Therefore, in order to be productive and acceptable making one’s organization competent is mandatory. And this was attained by sustainable short term and long term training program that is given to the employees of the organization.

Finally the writer is hopeful that the management will take remedial actions to alleviate those problems discussed so far.



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This questionnaire is prepared by Management student in Jimma University College of Business and Economics for the topic, Assessment of Employee Job Satisfaction. Its purpose is to prepare a research paper for the partial fulfillment of degree of Bachelor of Arts in management.

Your answer was kept confidential and you are kindly requested to fill all questions properly.

This questionnaire is filled by the employees’ hawassa adare hospital.

I, Personal profile:

Sex: Male Female

Age: 18-27 27-37 38-47 57 Above

Qualification below diploma Diploma degree and above

Year of service: below 2 years 2- 5 6- 10 above

II. Read the followings statements and put on your choice and give your response to the discussion part on the space provided.


Have you ever been employed in other organization before this organization?

Yes No


If your answer for the above question is “yes”, specify the reason why you are left that organization?_____________________________________________________________


How much you are satisfied with your current job?

Very satisfied somewhat satisfied Not satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied



If your answers for the above question (question No 3) is somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied what do you think the reason is?

Low salary Lack of promotional activities

Conflict with immediate supervisors Lack of conducive


Other (specify)____________________________________________


How do you see your skill with the job?

Excellent Good fair


If your answer for the above questionnaire is poor what is your reason?




How do you see your work and its payment?

Excellent V. Good fair Poor


How do you see the degree of relationship with your supervisor?

Excellent VeryGood fair Poor


Does the management involve employees in decision making?

Yes No


Does your organization treat to every worker equally?

Yes No


Does your organization help you to get further education?

Yes No


Is there any turn over in your organization?

Yes No


If your answer for the above question is “yes” what do you think is the reason?




Is there opportunity for promotion and advancement?

Yes No


What is your overall job satisfaction level?

Excellent V. Good fair Poor


III, Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement to the following factors by making sign Key 5 = strongly agree 4= agree 3= Neutral 2= disagree 1= strongly disagree.

16. There has been a healthy work relationship among employees in the same level and supervisors in your organization?

5 4 3 2 1

17. You get fast and appropriate response from your immediate supervisor that helps to speed up your task and improve your working condition?

18. Your interest to work in this organization in the future is high?

19. The working environment has been so comfortable?

20. Supervisors encourage employee to practice functional conflict to improve the quality of decision and creative new and important ideas?

21. You have confidence to perform your activities as your plan?

22. The evaluation criteria and process is more job related and carried out with high discussion and participation of employees

23. There are periodical training to upgrade employee skills and knowledge and there by their performance?



