Uploaded by Jason Zheng

Node.js Course: Basics, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose

Getting Started with Node
So, in this section, you learned that:
- Node is a runtime environment for executing JS code.
- Essentially, Node is a C++ program that embeds Chrome’s v8 engine, the fastest
JS engine in the world.
- We use Node to build fast and scalable networking applications. It’s a perfect
choice for building RESTful services.
- Node applications are single-threaded. That means a single thread is used to
serve all clients.
- Node applications are asynchronous or non-blocking by default. That means
when the application involves I/O operations (eg accessing the file system or the
network), the thread doesn’t wait (or block) for the result of the operation. It is
released to serve other clients.
- This architecture makes Node ideal for building I/O-intensive applications.
- You should avoid using Node for CPU-intensive applications, such as a video
encoding service. Because while executing these operations, other clients have
to wait for the single thread to finish its job and be ready to serve them.
- In Node, we don’t have browser environment objects such as window or the
document object. Instead, we have other objects that are not available in
browsers, such as objects for working with the file system, network, operating
system, etc.
Node Core
So, in this section, you learned that:
- We don’t have the window object in Node.
- The global object in Node is “global”.
- Unlike browser applications, variables we define are not added to the “global”
- Every file in a Node application is a module. Node automatically wraps the code
in each file with an IIFE (Immediately-invoked Function Expression) to create
scope. So, variables and functions defined in one file are only scoped to that file
and not visible to other files unless explicitly exported.
- To export a variable or function from a module, you need to add them to
module.exports.sayHello = sayHello;
- To load a module, use the require function. This function returns the
module.exports object exported from the target module:
const logger = require(‘./logger’);
- Node has a few built-in modules that enable us to work with the file system, path
objects, network, operating system, etc.
- EventEmitter is one of the core classes in Node that allows us to raise (emit) and
handle events. Several built-in classes in Node derive from EventEmitter.
- To create a class with the ability to raise events, we should extend EventEmitter:
class Logger extends EventEmitter {
So, in this section, you learned that:
- Every Node application has a package.json file that includes metadata about the
application. This includes the name of the application, its version, dependencies,
- We use NPM to download and install 3rd-party packages from NPM registry:
- All the installed packages and their dependencies are stored under
node_modules folders. This folder should be excluded from the source control.
- Node packages follow semantic versioning: major.minor.patch
- Useful NPM commands are:
// Install a package
npm i <packageName>
// Install a specific version of a package
npm i <packageName>@<version>
// Install a package as a development dependency
npm i <packageName> —save-dev
// Uninstall a package
npm un <packageName>
// List installed packages
npm list —depth=0
// View outdated packages
npm outdated
// Update packages
npm update
- To install/uninstall packages globally, use -g flag.
Building RESTful APIs with Express
So, in this section, you learned that:
- REST defines a set of conventions for creating HTTP services:
- POST: to create a resource
- PUT: to update it
- GET: to read it
- DELETE: to delete it
- Express is a simple, minimalistic and lightweight framework for building web
// Build a web server
const express = require(‘express’);
const app = express();
// Creating a course
app.post(‘/api/courses’, (req, res) => {
// Create the course and return the course object
// Getting all the courses
app.get(‘/api/courses’, (req, res) => {
// To read query string parameters (?sortBy=name)
const sortBy = req.query.sortBy;
// Return the courses
// Getting a single course
app.get(‘/api/courses/:id’, (req, res) => {
const courseId = req.params.id;
// Lookup the course
// If not found, return 404
res.status(404).send(‘Course not found.’);
// Else, return the course object
// Updating a course
app.put(‘/api/courses/:id’, (req, res) => {
// If course not found, return 404, otherwise update it
// and return the updated object.
// Deleting a course
app.delete(‘/api/courses/:id’, (req, res) => {
// If course not found, return 404, otherwise delete it
// and return the deleted object.
// Listen on port 3000
app.listen(3000, () => console.log(‘Listening…’));
- We use Nodemon to watch for changes in files and automatically restart the
node process.
- We can use environment variables to store various settings for an application. To
read an environment variable, we use process.env.
// Reading the port from an environment variable
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
- You should never trust data sent by the client. Always validate! Use Joi package
to perform input validation.
Express: Advanced Topics
So, in this section, you learned that:
- A middleware function is a function that takes a request object and either
terminates the request/response cycle or passes control to another middleware
- Express has a few built-in middleware functions:
- json(): to parse the body of requests with a JSON payload
- urlencoded(): to parse the body of requests with URL-encoded payload
- static(): to serve static files
- You can create custom middleware for cross-cutting concerns, such as logging,
authentication, etc.
// Custom middleware (applied on all routes)
app.use(function(req, res, next)) {
// …
// Custom middleware (applied on routes starting with /api/admin)
app.use(‘/api/admin’, function(req, res, next)) {
// …
- We can detect the environment in which our Node application is running
(development, production, etc) using process.env.NODE_ENV and
- The config package gives us an elegant way to store configuration settings for
our applications.
- We can use the debug package to add debugging information to an application.
Prefer this approach to console.log() statements.
- To return HTML markup to the client, use a templating engine. There are various
templating engines available out there. Pug, EJS and Mustache are the most
popular ones.
CRUD Operations using Mongoose and
So, in this section, you learned that:
- MongoDB is an open-source document database. It stores data in flexible, JSONlike documents.
- In relational databases we have tables and rows, in MongoDB we have
collections and documents. A document can contain sub-documents.
- We don’t have relationships between documents.
- To connect to MongoDB:
// Connecting to MongoDB
const mongoose = require(‘mongoose’);
.then(() => console.log(‘Connected…’))
.catch(err => console.error(‘Connection failed…’));
- To store objects in MongoDB, we need to define a Mongoose schema first. The
schema defines the shape of documents in MongoDB.
// Defining a schema
const courseSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
price: Number
- We can use a SchemaType object to provide additional details:
// Using a SchemaType object
const courseSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
isPublished: { type: Boolean, default: false }
- Supported types are: String, Number, Date, Buffer (for storing binary data),
Boolean and ObjectID.
- Once we have a schema, we need to compile it into a model. A model is like a
class. It’s a blueprint for creating objects:
// Creating a model
const Course = mongoose.model(‘Course’, courseSchema);
CRUD Operations
// Saving a document
let course = new Course({ name: ‘…’ });
course = await course.save();
// Querying documents
const courses = await Course
.find({ author: ‘Mosh’, isPublished: true })
.sort({ name: 1, price: -1 })
.select({ name: 1, price: 1 });
// Updating a document (query first)
const course = await Course.findById(id);
if (!course) return;
course.set({ name: ‘…’ });
// Updating a document (update first)
const result = await Course.update({ _id: id }, {
$set: { name: ‘…’ }
// Updating a document (update first) and return it
const result = await Course.findByIdAndUpdate({ _id: id }, {
$set: { name: ‘…’ }
}, { new: true });
// Removing a document
const result = await Course.deleteOne({ _id: id });
const result = await Course.deleteMany({ _id: id });
const course = await Course.findByIdAndRemove(id);
Mongoose: Validation
So, in this section, you learned that:
- When defining a schema, you can set the type of a property to a SchemaType
object. You use this object to define the validation requirements for the given
// Adding validation
new mongoose.Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true }
- Validation logic is executed by Mongoose prior to saving a document to the
database. You can also trigger it manually by calling the validate() method.
- Built-in validators:
- Strings: minlength, maxlength, match, enum
- Numbers: min, max
- Dates: min, max
- All types: required
// Custom validation
tags: [
type: Array,
validate: {
validator: function(v) { return v && v.length > 0; },
message: ‘A course should have at least 1 tag.’
- If you need to talk to a database or a remote service to perform the validation,
you need to create an async validator:
validate: {
isAsync: true
validator: function(v, callback) {
// Do the validation, when the result is ready, call the callback
- Other useful SchemaType properties:
- Strings: lowercase, uppercase, trim
- All types: get, set (to define a custom getter/setter)
price: {
type: Number,
get: v => Math.round(v),
set: v => Math.round(v)
Mongoose: Modelling Relationships between
Connected Data
So, in this section, you learned that:
- To model relationships between connected data, we can either reference a
document or embed it in another document.
- When referencing a document, there is really no relationship between these two
documents. So, it is possible to reference a non-existing document.
- Referencing documents (normalization) is a good approach when you want to
enforce data consistency. Because there will be a single instance of an object in
the database. But this approach has a negative impact on the performance of
your queries because in MongoDB we cannot JOIN documents as we do in
relational databases. So, to get a complete representation of a document with its
related documents, we need to send multiple queries to the database.
- Embedding documents (denormalization) solves this issue. We can read a
complete representation of a document with a single query. All the necessary
data is embedded in one document and its children. But this also means we’ll
have multiple copies of data in different places. While storage is not an issue
these days, having multiple copies means changes made to the original
document may not propagate to all copies. If the database server dies during an
update, some documents will be inconsistent. For every business, for every
problem, you need to ask this question: “can we tolerate data being inconsistent
for a short period of time?” If not, you’ll have to use references. But again, this
means that your queries will be slower.
// Referencing a document
const courseSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
author: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: ‘Author’
// Referencing a document
const courseSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
author: {
type: new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
bio: String
- Embedded documents don’t have a save method. They can only be saved in the
context of their parent.
// Updating an embedded document
const course = await Course.findById(courseId);
course.author.name = ‘New Name’;
- We don’t have transactions in MongoDB. To implement transactions, we use a
pattern called “Two Phase Commit”. If you don’t want to manually implement this
pattern, use the Fawn NPM package:
// Implementing transactions using Fawn
try {
await new Fawn.Task()
.save(‘rentals’, newRental)
.update(‘movies’, { _id: movie._id }, { $inc: numberInStock: -1 }})
catch (ex) {
// At this point, all operations are automatically rolled back
- ObjectIDs are generated by MongoDB driver and are used to uniquely identify a
document. They consist of 12 bytes:
- 4 bytes: timestamp
- 3 bytes: machine identifier
- 2 bytes: process identifier
- 3 byes: counter
- ObjectIDs are almost unique. In theory, there is a chance for two ObjectIDs to be
equal but the odds are very low (1/16,000,000) for most real-world applications.
// Validating ObjectIDs
- To validate ObjectIDs using joi, use joi-objectid NPM package.
Authentication and Authorization
So, in this section, you learned that:
- Authentication is the process of determining if the user is who he/she claims to
be. It involves validating their email/password.
- Authorization is the process of determining if the user has permission to perform
a given operation.
- To hash passwords, use bcrypt:
// Hashing passwords
const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(10);
const hashed = await bcrypt.hash(‘1234’, salt);
// Validating passwords
const isValid = await bcrypt.compare(‘1234’, hashed);
- A JSON Web Token (JWT) is a JSON object encoded as a long string. We use
them to identify users. It’s similar to a passport or driver’s license. It includes a
few public properties about a user in its payload. These properties cannot be
tampered because doing so requires re-generating the digital signature.
- When the user logs in, we generate a JWT on the server and return it to the
client. We store this token on the client and send it to the server every time we
need to call an API endpoint that is only accessible to authenticated users.
- To generate JSON Web Tokens in an Express app use jsonwebtoken package.
// Generating a JWT
const jwt = require(‘jsonwebtoken’);
const token = jwt.sign({ _id: user._id}, ‘privateKey’);
- Never store private keys and other secrets in your codebase. Store them in
environment variables. Use the config package to read application settings
stored in environment variables.
- When appropriate, encapsulate logic in Mongoose models:
// Adding a method to a Mongoose model
userSchema.methods.generateAuthToken = function() {
const token = user.generateAuthToken();
- Implement authorization using a middleware function. Return a 401 error
(unauthorized) if the client doesn’t send a valid token. Return 403 (forbidden) if
the user provided a valid token but is not allowed to perform the given operation.
- You don’t need to implement logging out on the server. Implement it on the client
by simply removing the JWT from the client.
- Do not store a JWT in plain text in a database. This is similar to storing users’
passports or drivers license in a room. Anyone who has access to that room can
steal these passports. Store JWTs on the client. If you have a strong reason for
storing them on the server, make sure to encrypt them before storing them in a
Handling and Logging Errors
So, in this section, you learned that:
- Our applications don’t run in an ideal world. Unexpected errors can happen as a
result of bugs in our code or issues in the running environment. For example, our
MongoDB server may shut down, or a remote HTTP service we call may go
- As a good developer, you should count for these unexpected errors, log them and
return a proper error to the client.
- Use the Express error middleware to catch any unhandled exceptions in the
“request processing pipeline”.
- Register the error middleware after all the existing routes:
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
// Log the exception and return a friendly error to the client.
res.status(500).send(‘Something failed’);
- To pass control to the error middleware, wrap your route handler code in a try/
catch block and call next().
try {
const genres = await Genre.find();
catch(ex) {
- Adding a try/catch block to every route handler is repetitive and time consuming.
Use express-async-errors module. This module will monkey-patch your route
handlers at runtime. It’ll wrap your code within a try/catch block and pass
unhandled errors to your error middleware.
- To log errors use winston.
- Winston can log errors in multiple transports. A transport is where your log is
- The core transports that come with Winston are Console, File and Http. There
are also 3rd-party transports for storing logs in MongoDB, CouchDB, Redis and
- The error middleware in Express only catches exceptions in the request
processing pipeline. Any errors happening during the application startup (eg
connecting to MongoDB) will be invisible to Express.
- Use process.on(‘uncaughtException’) to catch unhandled exceptions, and
process.on(‘unhandledRejection’) to catch rejected promises.
- As a best practice, in the event handlers you pass to process.on(), you should
log the exception and exit the process, because your process may be in an
unclean state and it may result in more issues in the future. It’s better to restart
the process in a clean state. In production, you can use a process manager to
automatically restart a Node process. You’ll learn about that later in the course.
Unit Testing
So, in this section, you learned that:
- Automated testing is the practice of writing code to test our code.
- Automated tests help us deliver software with fewer bugs and of better quality.
They also help us refactor our code with confidence.
- Jest is a new trending popular testing framework recommended by Facebook. It
comes with everything you need to write automated tests.
- We have 3 types of automated tests:
- Unit tests: test a unit of an application without external resources (eg db)
- Integration tests: test the application with external resources.
- Functional or end-to-end tests: test the application through its UI.
- Tests should not be too general nor too specific. If they’re too general, they don’t
give you much confidence that your code works. If they’re too specific, they
become fragile and can break easily. As you write code, you have to spend extra
unnecessary time to fix these broken tests.
- Mocking is replacing a real implementation of a function with a fake or mock
function. It allows us to isolate our application code from its external resources.
- Popular Jest matcher functions:
// Equality
// Truthiness
// Numbers
// Strings
// Arrays
// Objects
expect(…).toBe(); // check for the equality of object references
expect(…).toEqual(); // check for the equality of properties
// Exceptions
expect(() => { someCode }).toThrow();
Integration Tests
So, in this section, you learned that:
- Unit tests are easy to write, fast to execute and are ideal for testing functions with
minimal or zero dependency on external resources.
- The more you use mock functions, the more your tests get coupled to the current
implementation. If you change this implementation in the future, your tests will
break. If you find yourself doing too much mocking, that’s when you need to
replace your unit test with an integration test.
- With integration tests, we test our application with a real database. As a best
practice, separate your test database from the development or production
- You should write each integration test as if it is the only test in the world. Start
with a clean state (database). Populate the database only with the data required
by the test. Nothing more, nothing less. Clean up after your test using the
afterEach function.
- Run jest with —coverage flag to get a code coverage report.