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LNG Terminal Design Retrieval: Topological & Geometric Matching


Application of Combined Topological Pattern and

Geometric Shape Matching Technique for Retrieval

Process of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal


Ketut Buda Artana 1,a , Dhimas Widhi Handani 1,b , Zaki Ulfauzi 1,c


Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Marine Technology, Institut Teknologi

Sepuluh Nopember, Teknik Kimia Street, Surabaya, Indonesia a. ketutbuda@its.ac.id

, b. dhimas_mareng@yahoo.com

, c. zakiul998@gmail.com


Keywords: Case Based Design system, pattern matching, topological pattern matching, geometric shape matching, retrieval process

Abstract: In the layout design of buildings using applications, such as in the fields of civil engineering, shipping, architecture, there are many Case Based Design (CBD) systems that have been developed. CBD is an approaching method in design where designers reuse old design cases to produce new designs. In a CBD system, pattern matching is a key process in the retrieval process of design cases from an existing database. The two most commonly used techniques in CBD systems are symbolic pattern matching and topological pattern matching, but none have used geometry techniques. In this paper, the author tries to combine topological pattern matching with geometric shape matching for the retrieval process of liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal design. The authors expect computer system can effectively support the retrieval process of a more comprehensive layout design, because not just topology patterns, the geometric shape of the layout is also considered. The developed computer system is expected to be able to pull the layout of LNG terminal design cases from the database and sort the level of similarity between them and the input. So it greatly eases the work of the designer in designing the LNG terminal because the designer only needs to adapt and modify the design case in accordance with the new design requirements.
