ULSTER UNIVERSITY VALIDATED COURSE Higher Level Apprenticeship in Civil Engineering Belfast Metropolitan College Module Code: CIV144 Module Title: Civil Engineering Technology & Materials Module Coordinator: Internal Moderator: College Assessor: Matthew Holmes Patrick Warde Matthew Holmes Handout Date: Submission Date: Assignment Weighting: 4th November 2019 25th November 2019 30% COURSEWORK 1 – Civil Engineering Technology Semester 1 2019/20 Instructions to Students: Coursework Element [1] of [3]. This element is worth 30% of the final coursework mark and typically requires 12 hours of effort. This module is assessed by 100% Coursework. Submission of a portfolio of work-based evidence accompanied with a signed witness testimony may be accepted. Student Name: Student Ref Number: Student declaration I declare that this is all my own work and does not contain unreferenced material copied from any other source. I have read the College and University’s policies on plagiarism and understand the definition of plagiarism. If it is shown that material has been plagiarised, or I have otherwise attempted to obtain an unfair advantage for myself or others, I understand that I may face sanctions in accordance with these policies. A mark of zero may be awarded and the reason for that mark will be recorded on my file. Student signature: Feedback Final Assessment Grade: Assessor Signature and Date: Student Signature and Date: Date: Assignment Brief A major site redevelopment is proposed to take place in Belfast City Centre, which involves the construction of a mixed use five-storey building, containing both retail units and residential apartments. The design also proposes for the construction of a two-storey underground car park which will require deep excavations and trenches to accommodate ground beams and drainage. Task A - Excavations (25 marks) As an engineer within a groundworks sub-contractor, you have been asked to provide a method statement for carrying out the groundworks. i. For the underground car park, produce a method statement describing the sequence of works, methods of protection from collapse, method of groundwater control and the plant and equipment required. ii. What are the significant risks when working with excavations and how can these be reasonably managed? Feedback Comments: Mark /25 Task B - Substructure (25 marks) As the geotechnical design engineer, you are responsible for the design of the foundations. Following a ground investigation report, you are aware of ‘Belfast Sleech’ underlying the surface strata. Describe the following types of foundations; the construction process, plant and equipment required: i. Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piling ii. Pad Foundations Recommend with justification, which of these foundations would be suitable to support the building given in the scenario. Feedback Comments: Mark Page 2 of 8 /25 Task C - Superstructure (50 marks) As the client’s principal designer, you have been invited to hold a value engineering workshop on the design of the building. Evaluate in terms of cost, time and health and safety risk management, the following two methods of construction for the five-storey building: i. Steel frame ii. In-situ reinforced concrete Recommend with justification, which method would be most appropriate for a carbon critical design approach. Feedback Comments: Mark /40 Mark /10 Presentation, Structure, Referencing & Bibliography (10 marks) See Page 3 overleaf for further guidance. Feedback Comments: Page 3 of 8 Presentation Your assignment is to be presented in .doc file format, font style: Arial, font size: 12, 1.5-line spacing, moderate margins (top/bottom: 2.54cm, left/right: 1.91cm), alignment: justified. Footers, font style: Arial, font size: 8, must include page number (bottom right) and date written, month/year, (bottom left). Headers, font style: Arial, font size: 8, must include Belfast Met student ID number (top right) and module title (top left) as follows: C5119/101T: HLA in Civil Engineering CIV144: CE Technology & Materials Coursework 1 A title page is to be included, complete with report title, author, date created, course code (C5119/101T) and course name (Higher Level Apprenticeship in Civil Engineering), module code (CIV144) and module title (Civil Engineering Technology & Materials). Images / graphics may be used. This cover sheet is to be included at the front of your assignment. Referencing Harvard style only. Schedule Submission via file upload on Canvas ONLY - deadline time/date: 09:00, Monday 25th November 2019. Ulster University and Belfast Met regulations for late submissions will apply. Page 4 of 8 Foundation Degree Assessment Feedback ASSESSMENT CRITERIA – QUALITATIVE-BASED WORK Student Name: Module/Task No: Tutor: Date of Submission: Level 4 Classification Weighting % I 18/11/19 80 – 100 I 70 – 79 (Excellent) II (i) 60 – 69 (Good Quality Work) II (ii) 50 - 59 (Acceptable Work) III (Adequate Work) 40 – 49 Fail 35 – 39 (Limited Work) (Unacceptable Work) Matthew Holmes % Range (Outstanding work) Fail CIV144 – Coursework 1 – Civil Engineering Technology 0 – 34 Task A - Excavations Task B - Substructure Task C - Superstructure 25% Excellent knowledge and depth of understanding of principles, concepts and application Knowledge and depth of understanding of principles, concepts and application Knowledge and sound understanding of the key principles, concepts and application Basic knowledge of the key principles, concepts and application only Adequate knowledge of key principles, concepts and application only Limited and or inconsistent knowledge and understanding of key principles, concepts and application Little or no evidence of knowledge and understanding of the key principles, concepts and application. 25% Excellent knowledge and depth of understanding of principles, concepts and application Knowledge and depth of understanding of principles, concepts and application Knowledge and sound understanding of the key principles, concepts and application Basic knowledge of the key principles, concepts and application only Adequate knowledge of key principles, concepts and application only Limited and or inconsistent knowledge and understanding of key principles, concepts and application Little or no evidence of knowledge and understanding of the key principles, concepts and application. 40% Excellent knowledge and depth of understanding of principles, concepts and application Knowledge and depth of understanding of principles, concepts and application Knowledge and sound understanding of the key principles, concepts and application Basic knowledge of the key principles, concepts and application only Adequate knowledge of key principles, concepts and application only Limited and or inconsistent knowledge and understanding of key principles, concepts and application Little or no evidence of knowledge and understanding of the key principles, concepts and application. Tutor Signature: Date: Page 5 of 8 Presentation, Grammar and Spelling 5% Excellent presentation, logically structured, using correct grammar and spelling Referencing and Bibliography 5% Excellent referencing and bibliography Good presentation logically structured, using correct grammar and spelling Orderly presentation, competently structured and acceptable grammar and spelling Adequate presentation and structure, acceptable grammar and spelling Weak presentation and structure, acceptable grammar and spelling Poor presentation, structure, grammar and spelling Accurate referencing and bibliography Unacceptable presentation, grammar and structure Little or no referencing and bibliography Appropriate referencing and bibliography Adequate referencing and bibliography Limited referencing and bibliography Inadequate referencing and bibliography - This page is intentionally blank - Page 6 of 8 Witness Testimony – Higher Level Apprenticeship in Civil Engineering Student name : Student ID : Qualification Title : Higher Level Apprenticeship in Civil Engineering Module Code : CIV144 Module Title : Civil Engineering Technology & Materials Assessment Name : Coursework 1 Tasks evidence A□ B N/A C N/A (tick all that apply) submitted for: Detail below whether the tasks have been fully or partially responded to by work based evidence. Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Fully □ Partially □ N/A N/A Provide commentary on the project and the activites undertaken in support of the evidence submitted. (Further details can be provided on the reverse side of this form if required) (Continue overleaf as necessary) How does the evidence submitted respond to the assessment task(s)? (Continue overleaf as necessary) Student signature: Date: I verify that the attached work has been undertaken solely by the aforenamed student. Witness Details : Name Position Contact Details - Witness signature : Belfast Metropolitan College – Witness Testimony v1.0 Date: September 2019 Additional Information : Belfast Metropolitan College – Witness Testimony v1.0 September 2019