Uploaded by Rafael Gomes

Análise do Padrão de Manchas de Sangue

The identification and individualization of human blood is cojoined with the discipline of bloodstain pattern
analysis (BPA). BPA focuses on the analysis of the size, shape, and distribution of bloodstains resulting
from bloodshed events as a means of determining the types of activities and mechanisms that produced
them. This information coupled with DNA individualization and wound interpretation from the autopsy
examination of the victim by the forensic pathologist provides a basis for the reconstruction of the
bloodshed events. The scientific analysis of bloodstain pattern evidence has proved crucial in numerous
cases where the manner of death is questioned and the issue of homicide, suicide, accident, or natural death
must be resolved in a criminal or civil litigation or proceeding.
BPA is a discipline that uses the fields of biology, physics, and mathematics. BPA may be accomplished
by direct scene evaluation and/or careful study of scene photographs (preferably color photographs with
measuring device in view) in conjunction with detailed examination of clothing, weapons, and other objects
regarded as physical evidence.
Details of hospital records, postmortem examination, and autopsy photographs also provide useful
information and should be included for evaluation and study.
Relative to the reconstruction of a crime scene, BPA may provide information to the investigator in many
• Areas of convergence and origin of the bloodstains
• Type and direction of impact that produced bloodstains or spatter
• Mechanisms by which spatter patterns were produced
• Assistance with the understanding of how bloodstains were deposited onto items
of evidence
• Possible position of victim, assailant, or objects at the scene during bloodshed
• Possible movement and direction of victim, assailant, or objects at the scene after
• Support or contradiction of statements given by accused and/or witnesses
• Additional criteria for estimation of postmortem interval
• Correlation with other laboratory and pathology findings relevant to the investigation
The goal of the reconstruction of the crime scene using BPA is to assist the overall forensic investigation
with the ultimate questions that must be addressed, which include, but are not limited to, the following:
• What event(s) occurred?
• Where did the event(s) occur?
• When and in what sequence did they occur?
• Who was there during each event?
• Who was not there during each event?
• What did not occur?
In those cases where an assailant as well as the victim produces bloodshed or where there are multiple
victims, the individualization of the bloodstains by the forensic laboratory is critical. It is important to stay
within the realm of that which can be proven scientifically and not to overinterpret bloodstain evidence.The
conventional method of classifying bloodstains was based on the correlation between the velocity of the
force influencing the blood source or drop that governed the characteristics and size or diameters of the
resulting bloodstains. Three basic categories of stain groups were used based on the concept that the size
of the bloodstain being inversely proportional to the force applied to the static blood.
Low-Velocity Impact Blood Spatter (respingo)
Low-velocity impact spatters (LVIS) are bloodstains created when the source of blood is subjected to a
force with a velocity up to 5 ft/sec (1,5 m/s). Primary stains measure generally 4 mm in diameter or greater.
Medium-Velocity Impact Blood Spatter
Medium-velocity impact spatters (MVIS) are bloodstains created when the source of blood is subjected to
a force with a velocity in the range of 5 (1,5 m/s) to 25 ft/sec (7,6 m/s). The diameters of the resulting stains
are in the size range of 1 to 3 mm, although smaller and larger stains may be present. Stains in this category
were usually associated with beatings and stabbings.
High-Velocity Impact Blood Spatter
High-velocity impact spatters (HVIS) are bloodstains created when the source of blood is subjected to a
force with a velocity of greater than 100 ft/sec (30,5 m/s). The diameters of the spatters are predominately
less than 1 mm, although smaller and larger stains are often observed within the pattern. Stains in this
category were usually associated with gunshot injuries. Other mechanisms that produced stains within the
size range of the conventional medium and high-velocity categories such as satellite spatter (sangue sobre
sangue) and expiratory bloodstains were not appreciated to the extent that misinterpretations could and did
Many bloodstain analysts have chosen to discontinue this conventional terminology and classification for
a more holistic approach to bloodstain classification. The issues that kindled the rethinking of the
conventional classification of low-medium-high velocity were the overlapping of stain sizes between the
medium- and high-velocity categories and the realization that mechanisms other than beatings, stabbings,
and gunshots frequently produced stains with size ranges within these categories. The bloodstains and
patterns are classified based on their physical features of size, shape, location, concentration, and
distribution into passive stains (manchas passivas), spatter stains (manchas de respingos), or altered stains
(manchas alteradas). They are further classified relative to mechanisms that may produce stains with those
characteristics with reference to pertinent scene, medical and case related facts, and history of the evidence.
The analyst may then be able to establish the specific mechanism(s) by which the pattern was created.
Manchas passivas: Manchas de transferências, Gotejamento, Fluxo de sangue, Grande volume.
Manchas de respingos: Mecanismo de impacto, Mecanismo secundário (respingo satélite),
Mecanismo de projeção.
Manchas alteradas: Coagulada; Diluída; Difusa; Insetos; Sequenciada (sobrepostas); vazios.
The pressure of blood in arteries
is determined by the interaction of the pressure produced when the heart contracts and then the status of the
amount of dilatation of the arterioles (arteríolas, ramificação das artérias). Blood pressure is expressed in
units of millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). This refers to the height of mercury in a tube when an occlusive
cuff is inflated with air, which is required to stop blood from flowing (systolic – sistólica, saída do sangue
para os vasos), and the level at which no noise is heard from turbulent flow when the pressure is slowly
reduced (diastolic- diastólica, entrada de sangue no coração). These two numbers provide a person’s blood
pressure: systolic is the pressure during the contraction of the heart (systole of the heart), and diastolic
is the pressure when the heart is relaxed (diastole of the heart). Of necessity, the systolic pressure
must be higher than the diastolic pressure.
The normal blood pressure for humans is 115/70. The fluctuation in pressure from systolic to diastolic,
each time the heart beats, produces a pulse or pulsatile pressure. Pressures with a systolic value of greater
than 160 are described as systolic hypertension (high blood pressure). A diastolic pressure of greater
than 90 is described as diastolic hypertension or, more generally, as hypertension or high blood
pressure. Pressures below 100 systolic and/or below 50 diastolic are considered hypotensive.
Hypotension is also called shock (choque). In the circulation of blood, blood travels through the arteries
and arterioles and then into microscopic vessels called capillaries (capilares). The arterial walls are thick
and contain smooth muscle, connective tissue, and elastic fibers so as to tolerate the pressure of the blood
coursing through them. In the capillaries, the circulation is no longer driven by the high pressure of the
heart. The heart remains the driving force, but the high pressure and the pulsatile nature of the flow stops.
Figure 2.1 shows the arterial system of the human body. Following the flow through the capillaries, the
blood flows to venules (vênulas, small veins), then to large veins, and then back to the heart The propulsive
force for this part of circulation in small part comes from the pumping of the heart but in large part by a
combination of gravity and the contraction of skeletal muscles through which the venules and veins run.
Indeed, in humans the veins in the legs contain bicuspid valves (válculas bicuspide), which act as a pump
to direct blood back to the heart and
prevent backflow and stasis in the extremities. The pressure of blood in the veins is determined primarily
by the effect of gravity working on the column of fluid in the venous system.
Artéria poplítea (continuação da femoral), axillar, subclávea etc.
The venous system (Sistema venoso) possesses thinner and less muscular walls with less elasticity as
compared with the walls of the arteries because the flow is under reduced pressure. Central venous
pressure is the pressure of the large central veins at the entrance to the heart (inferior and superior
vena cava – veia cava), is measured in centimeters of water (cm H2O), and is normally less than 10. Ten
cm H2O of pressure is equal to 7.4 mm Hg pressure. As can be seen, the venous pressure is a small fraction
of arterial pressure.
O sangue viaja do coração para as artérias, que se ramificam em vasos cada vez menores, até que
se tornam arteríolas. As arteríolas se conectam com vasos sanguíneos ainda menores denominados
capilares. Pelas paredes finas dos capilares, oxigênio e nutrientes passam do sangue para os tecidos
e resíduos passam dos tecidos para o sangue. Dos capilares, o sangue passa pelas vênulas, depois
pelas veias e retorna ao coração.
PG. 13