CLASS BRAINSTORMING FOR THE APPLE POEM Apple picking—fall (autumn) Dried—become wrinkled and brown, rotten White flowers/blossoms Fall in the fall Star inside Juicy, dripping Red, green, yellow (gold) Taffy apples—sticky, sweet Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana) Apple core Sweet/sour tasting Applesauce, apple juice, cider, apple pie, cobbler Seeds (in the middle) Crunch Fruit Peel Stem and leaf Washington Delicious Apple computer— Macintosh Lunch, dessert Bobbing for apples Bees like apple trees— sweet flowers—nectar Round Horses like apples Grow on trees—different Healthy for you kinds of apples (McIntosh, Golden and Red Delicious) Copyright 2005 IRA/NCTE. All rights reserved. ReadWriteThink materials may be reproduced for educational purposes.