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Punctuation Practice Worksheet: Improve Your Writing

Punctuation Challenge
Punctuation helps a reader make sense of every story, article, or letter that he
reads. Without punctuation marks, the words would seem crammed together.
Try to read a paragraph as if it had no punctuation. You won't even have time
to take a breath.
When the writer adds punctuation, the reader knows where to pause, and the
words flow more smoothly - like when you're talking to a friend, only more
Challenge #1
Read the following information about punctuation. Underline or highlight each punctuation
mark as you read about it.
There are three kinds of punctuation that signal the end of a sentence. All three tell the reader to
pause, but each one has a specific meaning too.
The full stop at the end of this sentence is one kind of end punctuation.
Sometimes a full stop just doesn't do the job. You wouldn't put a period at the end of the next
sentence. Would you? Why do you use a different end mark here?
If you said, "Because it's a question," you're right! Exclamation mark!
Did you see the three end punctuation marks – full stop, question mark, and exclamation mark?
Each one was used to end a particular type of sentence.
Commas, dashes, parentheses, and quotation marks are used to organize your writing too. They are
often used within a sentence.
Commas, used in pairs, separate a phrase from the rest of the sentence. Two or more commas
(comma, comma, comma, and maybe another comma) separate words in a series.
A dash can lead into an explanation. It can mean, "in other words." A dash is used infrequently - not
too often!
Parentheses (like these) are used to set off words that are not a necessary part of the sentence.
Quotation marks identify a speaker's exact words. Each time you quote a new speaker, begin a new
This writer said, "Underline or highlight each punctuation mark as you read about it." If you did
that, great! You've completed challenge #1.
Underline the correct answer.
1. Sentences end with a _____.
Capital letter
Full stop
Full Stop, question mark, or exclamation point
2. Which sentence is written correctly?
Did you find your textbook?
Did you find your textbook!
Did you, find you textbook?
Did you find your textbook.
3. _____ are used to identify a speaker's exact words.
Quotation marks
Punctuation marks
Exclamation points
4. Which sentence is written correctly?
Steve said the pizza is here?
"Steve said, the pizza is here."
Steve said the pizza is here.
Steve said, "The pizza is here."
5. _____ are used to separate words in a series.
Quotation marks
6. Which sentence is written correctly?
Put the paper construction paper pencils, and markers on the second shelf.
Put the paper, construction paper, pencils, and markers on the second shelf.
Put the paper, construction paper, pencils, and markers on the second shelf?
Put the paper, construction paper, pencils, and markers, on the second shelf.
7. _____ are used to separate a phrase that is not a necessary part of the sentence.
Exclamation points
Quotation marks
Question marks
8. _____ are used to signal the end of a sentence.
Any of the above
Question marks
Challenge #2
Rewrite the following paragraph(s). Use punctuation marks to make it readable.
did I finish my homework of course I finished it I did it yesterday while I was watching TV and talking
to Joe on the phone Joe helped me with my pre-algebra he said don't worry about it it was easy so I
finished it in ten minutes I finished my English history and science too I can't believe you suspect that I
didn't finish my homework I can't show it to you now because Spot ate it but like I said I finished it all