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Controlul proceselor, erori și configurare loc de muncă

advertisement - Temporary change of process controls
This clause address the issues addressed by the IATF OEM
The organization must identify, document, and maintain a list of process controls that includes both
the primary process control (example: robotic welding) and the approved back-up or alternate
methods (example: manual welding).
It’s NOT mandatory to have alternate process control method for each process (only where it exists).
Step 1
Make the list of alternate process (if they exist) in the manufacturing process
Step 2
Ensure the control method (like control plan, work instruction) for those identified alternate method.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.2.4 - Error-proofing
Orice mecanism sau dispozitiv dintr-un proces care ajută la eliminarea defectelor prin prevenirea,
corectarea sau atragerea atenției asupra erorilor umane pe măsură ce apar. Cunoscut și sub numele
de poka-yoke, care a fost dezvoltat și popularizat de Shigeo Shingo.
Un exemplu simplu este demonstrat atunci când șoferul unei mașini echipate cu o cutie de viteze
manuală trebuie să apese pe pedala de ambreiaj înainte de a porni un automobil. Blocarea servește
pentru a preveni mișcarea neintenționată a mașinii.
Alte exemple de verificare a erorilor în vehicule:
Farurile se închid automat atunci când sunt lăsate pornite sau se declanșează o alertă sonoră
Ușile mașinii nu se blochează atunci când cheile rămân în interior
Lămpile de pe tabloul de bord apar atunci când presiunea în pneuri este scăzută, ușile sunt lăsate
deschise, centurile de siguranță nu sunt activate, semnalul de stânga este pornit etc.
Cu toate acestea, majoritatea erorilor de eroare sunt destinate a fi dispozitive simple și ieftine, care
împiedică apariția unei probleme sau o detectează imediat.
Strengthened the requirements of error-proofing including testing of error proofing devices.
Step 1
Identify the list of error-proofing methods
Step 2
Define the frequency of verification for error proofing devices
Step 3
Ensure the verification of error proofing devices as per the defined frequency. Verification of 'Job Set-Up'
Job setup means nothing else, but considering following things:
1) Which things are needed by an operator to process a material (Such as
machinery, equipment, etc.)
2) What are the machine parameters, method of handling equipment to be
followed for processing,
3) How to locate a job in a fixture / Die / mould
So, basically Job setup means what are the things to be followed for processing
of any product.
This is best of my knowledge. Other experts may also help you further to make it
Job setup sheet
Job setup number as sequence of job setup sheet
Setup Date
Job setup site Name and address, specific location if possible
Details of job slip / work planning – Job setup’s full information input planning to output of the material / services to identify requirements, problems and troubleshooting of
plant for the particular job setup site.
Requirements of the Machinery for the plant as per job site capacity, requirement of the
product lines, Requirements of equipments to supporting production line, consumable
goods and manpower to estimate whole job site requirements and approximately costing effects.
Other Resources – Resource can be in form of services, money or anything that supporting, improve, enhance the production, job site productivity, these others resources
are most important to manage the job site as systematically and smooth.
Health and Safety concern requirements, environmental issues are need to consider as
per government rule and regulations, compliance of health and safety in job site and
also needs to manage human resource with safety and health for increase productivity.
Approx Budget – for the job site how much estimate cost will calculate for the possible
job site establishment, maintain and improvement in productivity, efficiency.