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Math Word Problems: Area, Volume, Fractions Practice

Warm Up
Solve the following problem in your notebook.
be given for following directions.
Credit will
Jen wants to paint her garage floor for safety. She needs to know the amount of paint
to buy. The garage floor measures 24 feet by 16 feet. (HINT: Area = Length * Width)
1) What is the area of paint she needs to cover?
1) If 1 gallon of paint covers 150 square feet, how many cans of paint will she need?
Plan for 1/8/20
Complete more Numberless word problems...Sep 1, Sep 2, Sep 3,
PPW 1, PPW 2, Comp1, Comp2, Comp3
Complete Word problem task cards - with a partner or trio
Warm Up
Solve the following problem in your notebook.
be given for following directions.
Credit will
Don is paving a patio in his backyard. The spot he wants to pave is 12 ft by 12 ft.
1. What is the area of the patio so he can buy paver stones? (HINT: A = L * W)
BONUS: If 1 paver stone has an area of 2ft², how many pavers will he need to buy to
cover his whole patio?
Plan for 1/9/20
● Work with a partner (I assign) or 2, using only the materials
given (paper, scissors, tape, ruler)
● Need to construct the largest box they can - must be a box
with 5 rectangular (or square) sides and no top
● This shape is called
a rectangular prism.
Plan for 1/9/20
● How do we measure volume again? V = L*W*H
● Remind of rules - tape can be used to hold sides together but
can’t make the box bigger
● You have 20 minutes to work on your boxes - then we’ll
gather to compare them…
● Record volumes in a chart with pictures!
Warm Up
Solve the following problem in your notebook.
be given for following directions.
Credit will
Jill needs a fish tank that holds at least 1000 cubic inches of water. Will the one her
friend gave her work? It is 14 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 10 inches high. Why or why
not? Show evidence.
10 in
14 in
6 in
Plan for 1/10/20
Option A - work on BUILD A BIGGER BOX project with partner
Option B - work on word problem task cards (partners ok)
Warm Up
Wed - 1/15/20
Solve the following problem in your notebook.
be given for following directions.
Credit will
Allie collected bottles and cans to raise money for band. On Monday she collected 25
bottles and 10 cans. On Tuesday she collected 12 bottles and 33 cans.
1. How many bottles and cans has she collected so far?
1. BONUS - If she gets $0.05 (5 cents) for each bottle and can, how much money
has she raised so far?
Plan for Wednesday 1/15/20
1. Get an iPad, answer sheet, clipboard, pencil
2. Open the QR Code Reader on the iPad.
3. Start at any problem (but the first on the answer sheet is the
starter problem) and SHOW YOUR WORK on the answer
sheet (use calculator is fine!)
4. Check your answers by scanning the QR Code
a. If you are right, move to the next one!
b. If you are wrong, keep trying!!!!!
5. If you finish early, go on Moby Max Math!
Warm Up
Thursday - 1/16/20
Solve the following problem in your notebook.
be given for following directions.
MINI LESSON - multiplying fractions
Credit will
Warm Up
Friday - 1/17/20
Solve the following problem in your notebook.
be given for following directions.
Credit will
Mark is doing a charity bike ride from Connecticut to Massachusetts. It will be a total of
60 miles. He biked 25 miles on Saturday. He will finish the ride on Sunday.
1. How many more miles does he have to bike on Sunday?
1. BONUS: Mark raised money and got $1.50 for each mile he bikes, how much
money did he raise in total?
Warm Up
Wednesday Thursday - 1/22 23/20
Solve the following problem in your notebook.
be given for following directions.
Credit will
1. Katie has 2 boxes of candy bars to sell for chorus. If there
are 12 bars in each box, how many candy bars does she have
to sell?
BONUS: If she makes $1.50 for selling each bar, how much
money does she earn?
Plan for Wednesday 1/22/20
Volume of rectangular prism - investigate (whole # & fractions)
Find the volume of the 2 rectangular prisms.
L = 5, W = 2, H = 4
L = ⅕, W = ½, H = ¼
Plan for Wednesday 1/22/20
Find the volume of the rectangular prisms.
L = 2, W = 3, H = 4
Volume = length * width * height
1. L= ⅔ * W= ¾ * H= ½
1. L= ⅞ * W= ⅚ * H= 1
1. L= ⅘ * W= 3 * H= ¼
Warm Up
Thursday - 1/30/20
Solve the following problem in your notebook.
be given for following directions.
Credit will
1. Avery is baking chocolate cookies for class (hint...hint…) She needs ½ tsp of baking
soda for a batch, but wants to make 2 batches. How much baking soda will she
need to make the cookies?
BONUS: If she has ¾ tsp of baking soda, does she have enough to make 2 batches?
Improper Fractions:
What are they and how do I deal with them?
Fractions where the top
number is
larger than
the bottom number.
Make an improper fraction into a mixed number.
1. Divide the top number by the bottom number. This gives you the
WHOLE number
2. The remainder (what’s leftover) is the fraction over the original
3. Example: 9÷4=2 r1
Improper Fractions:
Mixed Numbers What are they and how do I deal with them in math?
Whole numbers with leftover pieces that
don’t make another whole...
Could we show this as a
simple fraction (just
numerator and
denominator)? HINT:
count up the total
pieces and the number
of colored ones...
Make a mixed number into an IMPROPER FRACTION, you multiply
the denominator by the whole number (to get the number of
pieces in the wholes) and add on the numerator (that extra piece)
Mixed Numbers - Practice
Partner or independent puzzles to practice!
Warm Up
Monday - 2/3/20
Solve the following problem in your notebook.
be given for following directions.
Credit will
1. Avery is baking chocolate cookies for class (hint...hint…) She
needs 3 ½ cups of flour for a batch, but wants to make 2
batches. How much flour will she need to make her cookies?
BONUS: If she has 8 cups of flour at home, does she have enough to make 2 batches?
Dividing Fractions Steps
1. The first fraction stays the same
2. The division symbol changes to
3. The second fraction is flipped
upside down
Dividing Fractions Practice
Dividing Fractions Word Problems
1. Jon was building a fence for his pet turtle. Each post needed to be ¾ ft high. If
he has 12 ½ feet of post, how many posts can he cut out? [HINT: he’s splitting
the post into ¾ ft equal sized parts…]
12 ½ ÷ ¾
1. Sally is sewing scrunchies for her friends. Each scrunchy uses ⅔ yard of fabric.
If she has 6 yards of fabric, how many scrunchies can she make? [HINT: she is
splitting the fabric into ⅔ yd equal sized pieces...]
Warm Up
Wednesday - 2/5/20
Solve the following problem in your notebook.
be given for following directions.
Credit will