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English Grammar: Articles, Plurals, WH- Questions

In the name of Allah
:‫حريف تعريف‬
Article is a word which is used to determine a noun or an adjective.
.‫ كلمه است كه براي معين ساختن يك اسم و يا يك صفت استفاده مي شود‬:‫حريف تعريف‬
Ex: a book, an apple, the first position, the red pen, the most intelligent student, the red pen…
Articles are divided in to two parts:
1. Definite Article
2. Indefinite Articles
1. Definite Article: (The)
:‫حرف تعريف معين‬
Definite Article is used to determine an adjective, countable and uncountable noun.
.‫ اسم هاي قابل شمارش و غيرقابل شمارش استفاده مي شود‬،‫ براي معين ساختن صفت‬:‫حرف تعريف معين‬
Ex: The 12 class, the chair, the milk…
2. Indefinite Articles: (a, an)
:‫حروف تعريف نا معين‬
Indefinite Articles are used before countable singular nouns.
.‫ قبل از اسم هاي مفرد قابل شمارش استفاده مي شوند‬:‫حروف تعريف نا معين‬
Ex: a book, an orange…
 )a(: is used before words beginning with a consonant or semi vowel.
.‫ قبل از كلمات استفاده مي شود كه به حرف بي صدا ويا نيمه صدادار شروع شده باشد‬:a
Ex: a ball, a pan, a word, a window…
 (a) is used instead of (an) before words beginning with (u), if (u) has the sound of (u/‫)يو‬.
«Other wise (an) is used.»
.‫) كار مي گيريم‬a( ‫) از حرف تعريف‬an) ‫بجاي حرف تعريف‬،‫) در آغاز كلمات صداي (يو) را بدهد‬u( ‫ هرگاه حرف‬:a
Ex: a university, a universal fact, a used car, a European...
an umbrella
 )a( is used before nouns beginning with (one).
.‫) كار مي گيريم‬a(‫) شروع شوند از حرف تعريف‬one( ‫ اسامي كه به‬:a
Ex: a one eyed man, a one celled animal…
 an: is used before words beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u).
.‫ قبل از كلمات استفاده مي شود كه به حرف صدادار شروع شده باشد‬:an
Ex: an apple, an onion…
 an: is used before words beginning with a mute (h).
.‫) خاموش شروع شده باشد‬h( ‫ قبل از كلمات استفاده مي شود كه به حرف‬:an
Ex: an hour, an honest man, a honor man…
Pluralization of nouns:
:‫جمع نمودن اسم ها‬
The general way for pluralization of nouns is adding (s) or (es) at the end of the singular nouns.
.‫) در آخر اسم هاي مفرد مي باشد‬es(‫) ويا‬s( ‫طريقه عمومي براي جمع نمودن اسم ها عبارت از اضافه نمودن‬
Ex: book  books
Glass  glasses
:)es( ‫)و‬s( ‫قوانين اضافه نمودن‬
Rules of adding (s) or (es):
 (es) Is added for nouns ending in (s, ss, x, z, zz, ch, sh).
.‫) اضافه مي گردد‬es( ‫) ختم مي شوند‬s, ss, x, z, zz, ch, sh,( ‫براي اسم هاي كه به‬
Ex: Bus  buses
Lass  lasses
Box  boxes
Buzz  buzzes
Match  matches
Dash  dashes
 If a noun ends in (y) and followed by a consonant, the last (y) is changed to (i) and then (es) is
)es( ‫) تبديل شده و بعدا‬i( ‫) به‬y( ‫ در اين صورت‬،‫) يك حرف بي صدا باشد‬y( ‫) ختم شده و قبل از‬y( ‫هرگاه يك اسم به حرف‬
.‫اضافه مي گردد‬
Ex: Army  armies
Baby  babies
Crazy  crazies
 If a noun ends in (y) and followed by a vowel, just (s) is added with out any change.
‫) بدون كدام تغير اضافه‬s( ‫ در اين صورت تنها‬،‫) يك حرف صدادار باشد‬y( ‫) ختم شده و قبل از‬y( ‫هرگاه يك اسم به حرف‬
Ex: Boy  boys
Day  days
Fay  fays
Guy  guys
 (es) Is added for nouns ending in (o) and followed by a consonant.
.‫) اضافه ميگردد‬es( ‫) يك حرف بي صدا باشد‬O( ‫) ختم شده و قبل از حرف‬O( ‫براي اسم هاي كه به‬
Ex: Hero  heroes
Tomato  tomatoes
Potato  potatoes
Mango  mangoes
Photo  photos
Kilo  kilos
Piano  pianos
Cero  ceros
Tyro  tyros
 (S) Is added for nouns ending in (O) and followed by a vowel.
.‫) اضافه ميگردد‬S( ‫ تنها‬،‫) يك حرف صدادار باشد‬O( ‫) ختم شده و قبل از حرف‬O( ‫براي اسم هاي كه به‬
Ex: Audio  audios
Video  videos
Radio  radios
 If (ch) has the sound of (K) at the end of the words, in this case just (s) is added.
.‫) اضافه ميگردد‬S( ‫) در آخر كلمات صداي (ك) را بدهد در اين صورت تنها‬ch( ‫هرگاه‬
Ex: Stomach  stomachs
Monarch  monarchs
WH. Words or Information Questions:
:‫سوال هاي معلوماتي‬
Wh. Words or Information Questions are used to ask questions and get information.
.‫ براي سوال نمودن و در خواست معلومات استفاده مي شود‬: ‫ يا سوال هاي معلوماتي‬Wh. Word
They are: What, Which, Who, Whom, Why, Where, When, How(How many, How much, How long,
How often…).
What: (‫)چه‬
Is a kind of WH. Word or Information question which is used to ask question.
Ex: What is this?
This is a handkerchief.
What is your name?
My name is Ajmal.
What is your religion?
My religion is Islam.
Which: (‫)كدام‬
Is a kind of WH. Word or Information question, which is used to ask questions.
Ex: Which class are you in at school?
I am in 12th grade at school.
Which one is your brother?
The smallest one.
Which book is yours?
The biggest one is mine.
Who :(‫) چه كسي‬
Is a kind of WH. Word or Information question, which is used to ask question about people (Subject).
.)‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه براي اشخاص استفاده مي شود(اگرفاعل مورد سوال قرار گيرد‬:Who
Ex: Who broke the chair?
Who was sleeping in the class?
Who did not go to school?
Whom: (‫كي را‬/‫چه كسي را‬/‫) چه كسي‬
Is a kind of WH. Word or Information question, which is used to ask about people (Object).
.)‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه براي اشخاص استفاده مي شود(اگرمفعول مورد سوال قرار گيرد‬:Whom
Ex: Whom did you invite in the party?
Whom did you see in the park?
Whom did they visit?
Why: (‫)چرا‬
Is a kind of WH. Word or Information question, which is used to ask about reason.
.‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه براي پرسيدن علت و سبب استفاده ميشود‬: Why
Ex: Why do you study English?
Why do you go to Iran?
Why did you come late?
Where: (‫)كجا‬
Is a kind of WH. Word or Information question, which is used to ask about place.
.‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه براي پرسيدن مكان استفاده مي شود‬: Where
Ex: Where is your home?
Where are your friends?
Where is the teacher?
When: (‫چه زماني‬/‫)چه وقت‬
Is a kind of WH. Word or Information question, which is used to ask about time.
.‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه براي براي پرسيدن زمان استفاده مي شود‬: When
Ex: When do you go to Mashal Educational Society?
When do you wake up in the morning?
When did you come to class?
How: (‫)چطور‬
Is a kind of WH. Word or Information question, which is used to show in what criteria an action
.‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه نشان ميدهد يك عمل در چه معياري اتفاق افتاده است‬:How
Ex: How was your exam?
How did you come here?
How was the trip?
How many: (‫)چه تعداد‬
Is a kind of Information question, which is used to ask about number of people, things or places)
countable nouns).
.)‫اشيا و مكان پرسيده ميشود) اسامي قابل شمارش‬،‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه درباره تعداد اشخاص‬: How many
Ex: How many boys are there in the class?
How many countries did you travel to?
How many shoes do you have?
How much: (‫)چه مقدار‬
Is a kind of Information question, which is used to show the quantity of uncountable nouns.
.‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه كميت ويا مقدار اسامي غير قابل شمارش را نشان ميدهد‬: How much
Ex: How much is it?
How much flour will you bring?
How much rice did you buy?
How long: (‫)چه مدت‬
Is a kind of Information question, which is used to show the duration of an action, state and being.
.‫حالت و موجوديت يك عمل مي باشد‬،‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه نشاندهنده جريان‬: How long
Ex: How long did you study English?
How long has he studied university?
How long will you continue this class?
How long has she lived in Kabul city?
How Often: (‫)چند دفعه‬
Is a kind of Information question, which is used to show the repetition of an action.
‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه تكرار يك عمل را نشان ميدهد(چند دفعه يا چند بار يك عمل انجام شده‬: How Often
Ex: How often do you go to picnic?
How often does he come here?
How often did he cheat you in the exam?
How often do you send him letter?
How Old: (‫)چند ساله‬
How old is a kind of Information question, which is used to show the age.
.‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه نشاندهنده سن و سال مي باشد‬: How Old
Ex: How old are you?
How old is your father?
How old is your teacher?
How Far: (‫)چه مسافتي‬
How far is a kind of Information question, which is used to show the distance.
.‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه نشاندهنده فاصله يا مسافت مي باشد‬: How far
Ex: How Far is your home from school?
How far is the university?
How far is U.S.A from U.S.B?
How tall: (‫چه اندازه يي‬/‫)چه قد‬
How tall is a kind of Information question, which is used to show the size and height of some thing.
.‫ قد و بلندي يك شي ميباشد‬،‫ يك نوع از سوالهاي معلوماتي بوده كه نشاندهنده اندازه‬: How tall
Ex: How tall is your brother?
How tall is this car?
How tall is president Karzai?
How tall is your horse?
Verb: (‫)فعل‬
Verb is a word which is used to show an action or state.
.‫ كلمه ايست كه يك عمل ويا يك حالت را نشان ميدهد‬:‫فعل‬
Ex: I go to school.  (Action)
They are boys.  (State)
To be verbs: (‫)افعال بودن‬
To be verbs are used to show state.
.‫ نشاندهنده حالت مي باشد‬:‫افعال بودن‬
They are: am, is, are, was and were.
In present tenses
In past tenses
To be verbs
We they