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Force Diagram Practice Worksheet

A Worksheet to practice
drawing and Labeling force
diagrams (No Angles or
General Teacher Notes
All diagrams are hand drawn and labeled. Feel free to contact me (cepwestenkirchner@gmail.com)
if you have questions on any of the solutions.
Forces that are equal are marked with hash marks on the arrow. It is the hash mark, not the size the
arrow is drawn, that indicates that they are equal.
A few diagrams may have suitable diagrams that are not included with the answer key. For some
problems friction may or may not be included, on others it may not indicate if the object is
accelerating or not, leaving the option of using balanced or unbalanced forces.
Need more force diagram practice? Check out Force Diagram Practice: Forces at Angles for practice
with forces with inclines or angles.
Want a different lab for exploring Newton’s First Law? Newton’s First Law Lab: Exploring Inertia
Students model what would happen to a pumpkin and an apple (using coins a substitutes) in the
back of a truck making a sudden stop. Data is collected and graphed and the property that most
affects inertia is uncovered.
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Teacher Notes
This worksheet was designed to be extra practice for drawing force diagrams. To
start practicing force diagrams, I use the force diagram practice worksheet that can
be found with materials distributed in modeling workshops (similar to that seen to the
right.). I only briefly talk about objects on inclines and forces at angles with freshmen
physical science, so I have not included those on this practice worksheet.
Students are expect to use F​
notation when drawing their force diagrams.
agent on object​
This reinforces the idea that two objects must interact for a force to exist. This also
helps students to check that all forces identified are acting on the same object.
Included in this worksheet are examples where objects are at rest, moving at a
constant velocity, and accelerating. There are also examples that utilize knowledge
of Newton’s Third Law.
Extra Notes on Some Problems
#1, 5, 10 Friction is included on all of these diagrams. If your class discussion had covered the difference between static
and kinetic friction, then it is appropriate to expect students to identify each. We breakdown the different kinds of friction
after we have learned the basics of force diagrams, so I have just labeled this as friction.
#3 This is an overhead view of the disc traveling across the floor.
#6, 9 Friction could be included. There is not enough information to determine definitively that it is or is not present.
#7, 8 These diagrams can be done as a pair toi include Newton’s Third Law as part of the discussion. If you do this, F​
big book
on small book​
small book on big book​
point out that the arrow for the force of the Earth needs to be bigger than that for the small book since it has a greater mass.
#5, 8 These both have multiple forces pointing down. The net force in the vertical direction is zero, so these should be
drawn to be about the same size, but it is difficult to neatly mark them as equal. Sometimes, we will draw brackets to show
multiple forces being equal (example shown on # 8). This can get messy.
Force Diagram Practice
Ball rolls across the floor (slowing down)
2. Boat floats on a still lake.
3. A hover disc moves across the floor at a constant
4. A person stands on a scale.
5. A sled slows at the bottom of a hill (draw diagram of
sled only.).
6. A ball is kicked.
7. A book rests atop another book. (Draw diagram of
small book)
8. A book rests on a table with another book on top.
(Draw diagram of large book)
9. A car is pulled by a string using a pulley system.
10. A refrigerator being pushed (not moving.)
Life in Prism
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