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I Believe Poem Assignment

I Believe Poem Assignment
Due: Monday, 03/24
Using the line-by-line guide below, develop an I Believe Poem that represents
who you are and what you believe. Begin by describing two beliefs – special beliefs,
important beliefs, personal beliefs. Avoid the obvious and ordinary, such as “I believe in
love and friendship.” There are millions of people who believe in these. Think of beliefs
that are distinctive, specific and offer a window into your own, unique perspective. “I
believe in astrology – when the stars are right and that we each have one and only one
soul mate.” This is much better because it gives a sense of who the speaker is, how she
sees the world. Once you have the opening line, you are ready to take off.
Give it a meaningful title. Be creative and make something that really shows who
you are and what you believe.
I Believe Poem Guidelines
1st Stanza
I believe …(two special beliefs you hold valuable)
I wonder …(something you are actually curious about)
I hear … (a real or imaginary sound)
I see … (a real or imaginary sight)
I want … (an actual desire)
I believe … (the first line of the poem repeated)
2nd Stanza
I pretend … (something you actually pretend to do)
I feel … (a feeling about something real or imaginary)
I touch … (a real or imaginary touch)
I worry … (something that really bothers you)
I cry … (something that makes you very sad)
I believe … (the first line of the poem repeated)
3rd Stanza
I understand … (something you know is true)
I say … (something you believe in)
I dream … (something you actually dream about)
I try … (something you really make an effort about)
I hope … (something you actually hope for)
I believe … (the first line of the poem repeated)