A multifunctional pneumatic artificial muscle. Proof of concept. 1 1 2 1 Taimoor Hassan , Matteo Cianchetti , Barbara Mazzolai , Cecilia Laschi and Paolo Dario 1 The BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy 2 Center for Micro-Biorobotics, Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy 1 Abstract: This paper presents a novel multifunctional pneumatic artificial muscle (PAM) with bi-directional force and motion capabilities. PAM's are generally preferred due to their high power to weight ratio, light weight, ease of installation, hazard free use and inherent compliance To demonstrate the concept, a prototype of the bidirectional artificial muscle has been designed and developed. The prototype was characterized using a universal testing machine with an actuation pressure of 1 bar. Isometric and Isobaric experiments conducted on the prototype show good force capacity and the unique bi-directional capability. Keywords: Double acting pneumatic muscles, Mc-Kibben actuators, Soft actuators. Introduction Pneumatic artificial muscles (PAM), more commonly known as fluidic or Mc-Kibben muscles have been around for quite some time now. They are generally preferred thanks to their high power to weight ratio, light weight, ease of installation, hazard free use and inherent compliance. These properties make them an ideal choice for industrial/ robotic applications where human-machine interaction is involved. Recent and comprehensive surveys on their applications can be found in [1] [2]. PAM usually consist of a hollow cylindrical elastomeric chamber covered by an outer braided sleeve, consisting of fibers made of un-stretchable material and arranged in an anti-symmetric helical configuration. The hollow internal chamber and the braided sleeve are tightly sealed and attached to rigid end fittings, usually a passage is provided through one of these end fittings for pressurizing the elastic chamber with air or another fluid. The mechanical work done is transferred to an external system through these end fittings. When the inner elastic tube is pressurized the muscle either expands or contracts or stiffens depending on the initial angle of the braid fibers with the longitudinal axis of the muscle. The existing/traditional PAMs has a fixed initial braid fiber angle and are usually designed to produce a contractile force upon actuation, hence they are able to produce uni-directional force and motion [3]. This single acting nature of traditional PAMs poses a drawback when utilized for robotic applications, i.e. for bi-directional actuation of a robotic joint; two actuators are required in antagonistic configuration. This increases the overall size and complexity of the actuation mechanism [4]. In order to overcome this challenge previous attempts have been made to develop a bi-directional PAM. In [5] a spring over muscle (SOM) actuator is reported. Fig. 1: Actuator design schematics. Physical prototype and sectioned CAD rendering. The SOM utilizes a passive compression spring in parallel with a PAM for producing bi-directional forces. Zheng & Shen developed a double acting sleeve muscle actuator [6], which is able to produce bi-directional force and motion. The muscle incorporates a unique insert at the center, inside the hollow elastic chamber. This design results in a significant decrease in the air consumption during operation and an increase of force capacity over the entire range of contraction. Furthermore the insert consists of an additional chamber, which can produce extension, when pressurized. Although the fluidic muscle is able to produce bi-directional force and motion but it has some disadvantages. First the insert increases the weight of the actuator, secondly the extension force and motion is comparatively low as compared to contraction force and motion of the fluidic muscle. The patent [7] discloses a pneumatic actuator, which is able to achieve 2 actuation states, that is able to contract and expand upon actuation but it achieves this by circulating the working fluid between two expandable fluid-containing cells. In this paper we present the working concept and experimental characterization of a novel pneumatic artificial muscle which is able to contract, expand and stiffen. The paper is organized as follows: in the next sections the concept and design of the actuator are explained followed by the experimental characterization and discussion of results. A brief section explains the future work and its application in robotics. In the end the conclusion is presented. Concept In PAM's, when the inner elastic chamber is pressurized, it tends to expand, also expanding the braided sleeve with it. It is known from literature that when the braided sleeve expands, its individual fibers reorient themselves in such a manner that it tends to attain an angle of around 54o, with the longitudinal axis. At this particular angle the muscle tends to stiffen only and there is no more lateral deformation. If the braid fiber angle θ is less than 54o, upon pressurization there is an increase in the radial direction and the muscle contracts. If the braid fiber angle θ is greater than 54o, upon actuation there is reduction in radial direction and the muscle tends to expand [8]. The working concept of the multi functional muscle is based on the traditional Mc-Kibben muscles but some fundamental changes to the design, enables the user to change the initial braid fiber angle θ independently, hence achieving bi-directional motion and forces upon actuation as shown in Fig. 2. The ability to change the initial braid fiber angle enables the actuator to achieve variable stiffness at each point along the total stroke of the actuator, whereas the traditional PAMs lack this ability. Design Fig. 1 shows the physical prototype and its sectioned CAD rendering. The different parts of the muscle were manufactured in house by utilizing rapid prototyping technology. Commercially available PET thread sleeving was used for the braid structure. It consists of 72 fibers arranged in an antisymmetrical helical configuration. The inner elastic chamber is made of Latex with an approximate thickness of 0.2mm. The diameter of each end fitting is 22mm and the active length of the actuator ranges from 52mm to 120mm, depending on the position of the movable end fitting. The movable end fitting can slide over the stem, hence enabling the user to change the braid fiber angle θ. For the expansion state the fiber angle is equal to 71o while for the contraction state it is equal to 33o. O-rings are used to provide a sealing medium between the matting surfaces of the movable end fitting and the stem. Experimental characterization The experiments were conducted to characterize the bi-directional force output capacity, displacement and the axial stiffness of the actuator, under a range of internal pressure. The experimental setup consisted of an Instron machine (4464), air compressor and a pressure valve. An arduino® uno board is used to control the proportional valve, while a PC is used to collect data from the Instron machine. Three different kinds of experiments were performed. Fig. 3: Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. Fig. 2: Actuator working concept. A single braid fiber is shown instead of the whole outer braided sleeve for clarity. State A (extension state) , State C (contraction state) ACTUATOR 2016, MESSE BREMEN First the maximum force output was measured by keeping both ends of the actuator fixed and pressurizing it in 0-1bar range, in increments of 2/4 0.1bar at each stage (Isometric testing). Secondly isobaric testing was used to measure the force output from the actuator on elongation/contraction at a range of pressures that were held constant for each experiment. The pressure range was 0-1 bar with 0.1 bar increments. In the last set of experiments the axial stiffness of the actuator was measured. The actuator was pressurized and allowed to expand or contract freely. It was then fixed in the Instron and the free end was displaced 5mm, either compressing or extending the actuator depending on the state it is in. The required amount of force is recorded from the instron and the axial stiffness is measured. The schematics of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 3. Each experiment is repeated three times in order to guarantee the stability and repeatability of the measure. The maximum actuation pressure is kept at 1 bar due to thin nature of the latex internal chamber. Higher pressures were tested and the membrane usually failed at a pressure of 1.5-2 bar. during the loading and unloading cycle. This is a common feature of PAM's and is mainly due to the elastic nature of the inner chamber, friction between the inner chamber and the outer braid, as well as friction between the individual fibers of the braid during the inflation and deflation of the actuator. Fig. 5 shows the relation between the applied pressure and measured axial stiffness of the actuator. It is evident that the axial stiffness increases with increase in pressure for both the contraction and extension states. Almost similar values of stiffness are measured for both modes of operation with a maximum value of around 1.95 N/mm. Results The results of the experiments are shown in Fig. 4, 5 and 6. The sign convention used is as follows. The contraction force and displacement is denoted by positive values while the extension force and displacement is denoted by negative values. Fig. 5: Relation between applied pressure and axial stiffness of the actuator. Fig. 4: Relation between applied pressure and force output of the bi-directional actuator. The bi-directional force capability of the actuator can be seen in Fig. 4. It is able to produce good force output, both in contraction and expansion modes, with maximum forces of around 60N (contraction) and 49N (expansion). It is also noted that a minimum (threshold) pressure of around 0.1bar is required to actuate the muscle. This can be due to the fact that the inner elastic chamber and the outer braid are not attached. This threshold pressure is required so that the inner chamber expands and comes in contact with the outer braid in order to produce a force output. Some hysteresis is also noted ACTUATOR 2016, MESSE BREMEN The results of the isobaric experiments are shown in Fig. 6. It shows the force output of the actuator as a function of displacement at different constant pressure values, for both the contraction and extension states. The horizontal axis in Fig. 6 is a non-dimensional measure of displacement. It is the ratio between the change in length upon actuation divided by the maximum active length (120mm). It is evident that the actuator is able to achieve bidirectional motion with a maximum displacement of around 20% for the contraction state and 26% for expansion state. It also shows that the force output of the actuator decreases with increasing the displacement at a given pressure. It can be seen that the actuator produces zero force when fully contracted or extended. Applications in robotics The multi-functional pneumatic muscle with its novel bi-directional force and motion capabilities can notably simplify the design of PAM actuated robotic mechanism/joints. A single muscle can be used to replace the antagonistic configuration of traditional muscles, in order to operate a robotic joint. Moreover, by combining two or more actuators together in parallel, enhanced features can be achieved as compared to their traditional 3/4 Fig. 6: Force-displacement characteristics of the actuator at different pressure values. Table 01: Summary of the motions produced by a mechanism consisting of a pair of traditional fluidic muscles. Table 02: Summary of the motions produced by a mechanism consisting of a pair of the bi-directional fluidic counterparts. This comparison is summarized in Table 01 and Table 02. Conclusion In this study, the working concept and a physical prototype of the multifunctional pneumatic artificial muscle were presented as an improvement over the traditional pneumatic muscle actuator. Experimental characterization of the actuator shows good force output and the unique bi-directional motion capabilities. It is believed that the bi-directional actuation capabilities can notably simplify the design of PAM actuated robotic mechanism/ joints. For the last part, some applications of the actuator were discussed. Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the support by the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement number #608022. References [1] Andrikopoulos, G., Nikolakopoulos, G., & Manesis, S. (2011, June). A survey on applications of pneumatic artificial muscles. In Control & Automation (MED), 2011 19th Mediterranean Conference on (pp. 1439-1446). 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