Pragmatism: Philosophy, Education, and Criticisms

Pragmatism, is the philosophical system which lay emphasis on the change. The main focus of pragmatism
is that the world is a work in progress, a reality which is in a constant state of flux. They believe that there
are many different realities, with every one searching for truth and finding meaning in life according to
their experience (Essays, UK (November 2018). Pragmatism -Dewey and Experiential Learning retrieved
Pragmatism developed as a school of thought in the 19 century with the work of Charles Peirce, William
James and John Dewey, who are Often referred to as the ‘classical’ pragmatists. Despite having different
views on a variety of different issues, they have common. Themes which are empiricist in the broadest
sense, although they reject much of the psychological picture which is linked to empiricism. Philosophy
of Pragmatism is regarded as the cornerstone of educational context since Pragmatists regard every
activity and interaction as part of the educative process, which by necessity involves a constant
restructuring of those experiences in order to apply them to different circumstances, thereby forming
new habits (Kivenen, O., Ristela, P. (2003) 'From Constructivism to a Pragmatist Conception of Learning.'
Oxford Review of Education Vol. 29, No. 3,pp. 363 - 375)
Pragmatism is the one of the philosophical systems with the great influence in practical learning process.
Despite of this, such philosophical system has some weaknesses from which as the educationalist we can
rise criticisms. The following are the criticism of philosophy of pragmatism;
Truth is the vague concept, pragmatist had misinterpreted the concept of truth, they defined truth in
simplicity ways as they regard true ideas as those which can be verified and those which are useful. With
such definition they narrowed the scope of the truth, since there are other ideas which are always true
but they can not be verified and they are generally accepted by many societies in the word, for example
existence of God, is considered to be true idea as per idealist, but we can not verify it scientifically(Peter
Godfrey Smith(2015) Pragmatism: Philosophical Aspect)