"ALANCE 2ETRAINING %XERCISES WHICH SPEED RECOVERY FROM DIZZINESS AND UNSTEADINESS This booklet was written by Professor Lucy Yardley and produced by the University of /Southampton à LiÌ Ü>à ÜÀÌÌi LÞ *ÀviÃÃÀ ÕVÞ >` Society. «À`ÕVi`It LÞ i 1ÛiÀÃÌÞ vfor with funding provided by the9>À`iÞ Ménière’s is Ìrecommended -ÕÌ >«Ì vÕ`} «ÀÛ`i` LÞ Ì has i jmÀi½Ã -ViÌÞ° Ì Ã ÀiVi`i` use only after ÜÌ a qualifi ed medical doctor confirmed that the exercises are safevÀand ÕÃi Þ >vÌiÀfor> the µÕ>vi` i`V> >à VvÀi` appropriate individual who`VÌÀ will carry them out. Ì >Ì Ì i iÝiÀVÃià >Ài Ã>vi >` >««À«À>Ìi vÀ Ì i `Û`Õ> Ü Ü V>ÀÀÞ Ì i ÕÌ° © Professor Lucy Yardley ^ *ÀviÃÃÀ ÕVÞ 9>À`iÞ The Ménière’s Society is the UK registered charity providing support and information /to ithose jmÀi½Ã à Ìand i 1 Ài}ÃÌiÀi` V >ÀÌÞThe «ÀÛ`} ÃÕ««ÀÌ vÀ>Ìand Ì with -ViÌÞ dizziness balance disorders. Society relies >` on donations Àiià `>Ìà >` ÛÕÌ>ÀÞ Ìvoluntary Ãi ÜÌ contributions. `ââiÃà >` For L>>Vi `ÃÀ`iÀð / i -ViÌÞ more information about balance disorders, or to make a VÌÀLÕÌð Àcontact Ài vÀ>Ì >LÕÌ L>>Vi `ÃÀ`iÀÃ] À Ì >i > `>Ì] «i>Ãi VÌ>VÌ ÕÃ\ donation, please us: jmÀi½Ã i ,iÀÞ] ÕÃiÃà *>À] 7ÌÌ] ,x Ménière’s-ViÌÞ] Society,/The Rookery,-ÕÀÀiÞ Surreyà Hills Business Park, Wotton,-ÕÀÀiÞ Surrey RH5È+/ 6QT än{x £Óä ÓÇx vJiiÀiðÀ}°Õ ÜÜÜ°iiÀiðÀ}°Õ 0845 120 2975 info@menieres.org.uk www.menieres.org.uk , ÓÇÓ{È RCN:\ 297246 161420 cover complete.indd 1 7RITTEN BY 0ROFESSOR ,UCY 9ARDLEY 13/08/2012 08:54:38 -Õ««iiÌ vÀ for «i«i ÜÌ jmÀi½Ã `Ãi>Ãi disease Supplement people with Ménière’s 3PECIAL EXERCISES CHOOSE AND WRITE DOWN ANY YOU THINK YOU NEED TO DO > L>>Vi ÀiÌÀ>} iÝiÀVÃià i« Ãii ÜÌ jmÀi½Ã `Ãi>Ãi¶ Can balance retraining exercises help someone with Ménière’s disease? ¼ >>Vi ÀiÌÀ>}½ à > ÌisiÀ>«Þ Ü V V> ëii`can ÀiVÛiÀÞ vÀ >Þ V >}i L>>Vi ÃÞÃÌi vÕVÌ ‘Balance retraining’ a therapy which speed recovery from any change in balance system function including caused by Ménière’s if you disease, VÕ`} V- >}ià V>ÕÃi`changes LÞ jmÀi½Ã `Ãi>Ãi° ÕÌ v ÞÕ >Ûidisease. jmÀi½ÃBut `Ãi>Ãi] ÞÕhave ii` Ménière’s Ì Õ`iÀÃÌ>` you need toLiÌÜii understand difference attacks vertigo (which the exercises Ì i `vviÀiVi >ÌÌ>VÃthe v ÛiÀÌ} ­Ü V between Ì i iÝiÀVÃià V>Ìofi«® >` }>ÃÌ} `ââiÃà >` cannot help) and long-lasting dizziness and imbalance (which the exercises can help). L>>Vi ­Ü V Ì i iÝiÀVÃià V> i«®° ÌÌ>V vof ÛiÀÌ}° / à This à > ÃÌÀ} ÃiÃ>Ìsensation v ë}of Ü spinning V >««iÃwhich ÃÕ``iÞ] >ÃÌà ÃiÛiÀ> ÕÀÃ] >` Attack vertigo. is a strong happens suddenly, lasts several ÕÃÕ>Þ V>ÕÃià ÞÕ Ì Licauses ÃV] >`you Ì LitoÕ>Li Ì ÃÌ>` À `ÀÛi°tostand jmÀi½Ã >ÌÌ>Và v In hours, and usually be sick, andÕ«] to Ü> be unable up,`Ãi>Ãi] walk or drive. Ménière’s disease, byV>Ì changes in Ìthe ear. The exercises ÛiÀÌ} >Ài V>ÕÃi` LÞ V attacks >}ià of Ì ivertigo iÀ i>À°are / icaused iÝiÀVÃià «ÀiÛiÌ iÃiinner >ÌÌ>Và LÕÌ Ì iÞ cannot prevent attacks but they>Û} cannot If you ­iÛiÀÞ are currently having V>Ì V>ÕÃi Ì i these iÌ iÀ° v ÞÕ >Ài -VÕÀÀiÌÞ Ì iÃi cause `à vthem >ÌÌ>VÃeither. ÛiÀÞ vÀiµÕiÌÞ ÃÝ these kinds of attacks very frequently (every six weeks, or more often) then the exercises ÜiiÃ] À Ài vÌi® Ì i Ì i iÝiÀVÃià V>Ì i« ÞÕ ÕÃÌ Ü] >à ÀiVÛiÀÞ Ì>ià >Ì i>ÃÌ ÃÝ Üiià iÛi cannot help just now, as recovery takes at least six weeks even with the exercises. ÜÌ Ì you i iÝiÀVÃið Long-lasting dizziness and imbalance. }>ÃÌ} `ââiÃà >` L>>Vi° The the inner which cause an attack of vertigo result a change in iÜ the signals > Vchanges >}i Ì in i Ã}>à }Ûiear ÕÌ LÞ Ì i v>ÕÌÞ L>>Vi À}>° "ÛiÀ Ìi] ÞÕÀ LÀ>in>`ÕÃÌÃ Ì Ì iÃi given the iÝ«>à faulty balance time, your brain adjusts to these new signals Ã}>à out ­Ì i by LiÌ Ü Ì Ã organ. >««iî]Over >` à ÞÕ LiVi iÃà `ââÞ° >>Vi ÀiÌÀ>} (the booklet explains how this happens), and so you become less dizzy. Balance retraining iÝiÀVÃià V> ëii` Ì Ã «ÀViÃà v ÀiVÛiÀÞ° exercises can speed this process of recovery. 'ENERAL ACTIVITIES CHOOSE AND WRITE DOWN ANY YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO ÌÌ>Và v ÛiÀÌ} ` Ì À>Þ VVÕÀ ÛiÀÞ vÌi ÕÃÕ>Þ Ì iÀi >Ài >Þ Ì Ã À iÛi Þi>Àà LiÌÜii Attacks vertigo normally occur very often -VVÕÀ usually there are many months Ì iÀido >Àinot ÃiÌià «iÀ`Ã Ü i Ì i >ÌÌ>Và vÀiµÕiÌÞ° ÕÌ ÞÕ >Þ v` Ì >Ì or even >ÌÌ>VÃ] >ÌofÕ} years between attacks, although there are sometimes periods when the attacks occur LiÌÜii Ì i >ÌÌ>Và v ÛiÀÌ} ÞÕ >Ûi }>ÃÌ} ÃÞ«ÌÃ] ÃÕV >à `ââiÃÃ] >ÕÃi>] ÕÃÌi>`iÃÃ] frequently. But you may thatvii}° in between the attacks vertigo youÜhave long-lasting such ÌÀi`iÃÃ] À > ¼ find >}ÛiÀ½ / iÃi ÃÞ«Ìà vÌiofLiVi ÜÀÃi i ÞÕ >Ài « ÞÃV>Þsymptoms, >VÌÛi] as dizziness, nausea, unsteadiness, tiredness, or a ‘hangover’ feeling. These symptoms often ÌÀi`] ÃÌÀiÃÃi`] À Ü i ÞÕ ÌÀ>Ûi° / i iÝiÀVÃià V> i« ÞÕ Ì Vi>À Õ« Ì iÃi ÃÞ«Ìà `ÕÀ} Ì i become worse >ÌÌ>Và when v you are physically active, tired, stressed, or when you travel. The exercises «iÀ` LiÌÜii ÛiÀÌ}° can help you to clear up these symptoms during the period in between attacks of vertigo. "v VÕÀÃi] >vÌiÀ ÞÕ >Ûi Vi>Ài` Õ« Ì i }>ÃÌ} ÃÞ«ÌÃ] ÞÕ >Þ >Ûi >Ì iÀ >ÌÌ>V v ÛiÀÌ}° Of youÌhave cleared up the symptoms, you may have Ì Ãcourse, V>Ãi] ÞÕafter Ü >Ûi ÃÌ>ÀÌ > ÛiÀ >}>] ÕÃ}long-lasting Ì i iÝiÀVÃiÃ Ì Ã«ii` ÀiVÛiÀÞ° ÕÌ «i«i ÜÌanother attack of vertigo. this Ücase, you will have to start using the exercises to Li speed jmÀi½Ã In `Ãi>Ãi >Ûi ÌÀi` Ì iÃi iÝiÀVÃià Ã>Þall Ì >Ìover Ì iÞ again, }Ûi Ì i Vv`iVi Ì >Ì Ì iÞ Ü >Li Ìrecovery. But people with Ménière’s disease who have tried these exercises say that they give them }iÌ ÛiÀ Ì iÀ iÝÌ >ÌÌ>V v ÛiÀÌ} Ài µÕVÞ] ÕÃ} Ì i iÝiÀVÃiÃ Ì i« Ì Vi>À Õ« ÃÞ«Ìð confidence that they will be able to get over their next attack of vertigo more quickly, using the exercises to help to clear up symptoms. 'ENERAL COMMENTS NOTE ANYTHING WHICH SEEMS TO HELP OR ANY SETBACKS - , / à LiÌ VÕ`ià iÝiÀVÃiÃ Ì >Ì >Ài ÃÕÌ>Li vÀ «i«i ÃÕvviÀ} vÀ L>>Vi «ÀLià >` `ââiÃð / iÞ >Ài ÌÞ«V> v Ì i ÃÀÌ v iÝiÀVÃiÃ Ì >Ì >Ài «ÀÛ`i` « ÞÃÌ iÀ>«Þ Ài >LÌ>Ì «À}À>ið DISCLAIMER: This booklet includes exercises that are suitable for people suffering from balance problems and dizziness. They are typical of the sort of exercises that are provided in physiotherapy rehabilitation programmes. These exercises can be used for a range of balance / iÃi iÝiÀVÃià V> Li ÕÃi` vÀ > À>}i v L>>Vi «ÀLià >`ÉÀ `ââiÃÃ] ÜiÛiÀ Ì iÞ ` Ì >``ÀiÃà ëiVvV>Þ Ì i problems and/or dizziness, however they are not effective for all kinds of dizziness and it is important to check with your doctor whether V>ÕÃi v Ì i ÃÞ«Ìà >` >à ÃÕV ] LivÀi iL>À} iÝiÀVÃiÃ] Ì i V>ÕÃi v Ì i ÃÞ«Ìà à Õ` Li >ÃViÀÌ>i` i`V>Þ° they are suitable for you or whether some other treatment might help your dizziness. Exercises such as these take many weeks to start ÝiÀVÃià ÃÕVthe>Ãbalance Ì iÃi Ì>i >Þ Ì ÃÌ>ÀÌ i L>>Vi ÃÞÃÌi >` Ìbalance iÞ >Ài and/or Ì iÞworse. >Þ >i >À` ÜÀ° Ì>Þ recalibrating system andÜiià they are hardÀiV>LÀ>Ì} work. InitiallyÌ they may make general giddiness seem If unsure }iiÀ> >`ÉÀ Ãii ÜÀÃi° v ÕÃÕÀi within Ü iÌ iÀ Ì healthcare ` Ì i ÞÕ ii` Ì has `ÃVÕÃÃ Ì ÜÌ Ãii ÜÌ symptoms. ÞÕÀ i>Ì whetherL>>Vi to do them you}``iÃà need to discuss it with someone your team that an understanding of your In V>Ài Ìi> Ì >Ì this >à > Õ`iÀÃÌ>`} v ÞÕÀ ÃÞ«Ìð supplying booklet the Ménière’s Society accepts no responsibility for the response to, or outcome from, undertaking such exercises. ÃÕ««Þ} Ì Ã LiÌ Ì i jmÀi½Ã -ViÌÞ >VVi«Ìà ÀiëÃLÌÞ vÀ Ì i ÀiëÃi Ì À ÕÌVi vÀ Õ`iÀÌ>} ÃÕV iÝiÀVÃið 161420 cover complete.indd 2 13/08/2012 08:54:39 -Õ««iiÌ vÀ for «i«i ÜÌ jmÀi½Ã `Ãi>Ãi disease Supplement people with Ménière’s 3PECIAL EXERCISES CHOOSE AND WRITE DOWN ANY YOU THINK YOU NEED TO DO > L>>Vi ÀiÌÀ>} iÝiÀVÃià i« Ãii ÜÌ jmÀi½Ã `Ãi>Ãi¶ Can balance retraining exercises help someone with Ménière’s disease? ¼ >>Vi ÀiÌÀ>}½ à > ÌisiÀ>«Þ Ü V V> ëii`can ÀiVÛiÀÞ vÀ >Þ V >}i L>>Vi ÃÞÃÌi vÕVÌ ‘Balance retraining’ a therapy which speed recovery from any change in balance system function including caused by Ménière’s if you disease, VÕ`} V- >}ià V>ÕÃi`changes LÞ jmÀi½Ã `Ãi>Ãi° ÕÌ v ÞÕ >Ûidisease. jmÀi½ÃBut `Ãi>Ãi] ÞÕhave ii` Ménière’s Ì Õ`iÀÃÌ>` you need toLiÌÜii understand difference attacks vertigo (which the exercises Ì i `vviÀiVi >ÌÌ>VÃthe v ÛiÀÌ} ­Ü V between Ì i iÝiÀVÃià V>Ìofi«® >` }>ÃÌ} `ââiÃà >` cannot help) and long-lasting dizziness and imbalance (which the exercises can help). L>>Vi ­Ü V Ì i iÝiÀVÃià V> i«®° ÌÌ>V vof ÛiÀÌ}° / à This à > ÃÌÀ} ÃiÃ>Ìsensation v ë}of Ü spinning V >««iÃwhich ÃÕ``iÞ] >ÃÌà ÃiÛiÀ> ÕÀÃ] >` Attack vertigo. is a strong happens suddenly, lasts several ÕÃÕ>Þ V>ÕÃià ÞÕ Ì Licauses ÃV] >`you Ì LitoÕ>Li Ì ÃÌ>` À `ÀÛi°tostand jmÀi½Ã >ÌÌ>Và v In hours, and usually be sick, andÕ«] to Ü> be unable up,`Ãi>Ãi] walk or drive. Ménière’s disease, byV>Ì changes in Ìthe ear. The exercises ÛiÀÌ} >Ài V>ÕÃi` LÞ V attacks >}ià of Ì ivertigo iÀ i>À°are / icaused iÝiÀVÃià «ÀiÛiÌ iÃiinner >ÌÌ>Và LÕÌ Ì iÞ cannot prevent attacks but they>Û} cannot If you ­iÛiÀÞ are currently having V>Ì V>ÕÃi Ì i these iÌ iÀ° v ÞÕ >Ài -VÕÀÀiÌÞ Ì iÃi cause `à vthem >ÌÌ>VÃeither. ÛiÀÞ vÀiµÕiÌÞ ÃÝ these kinds of attacks very frequently (every six weeks, or more often) then the exercises ÜiiÃ] À Ài vÌi® Ì i Ì i iÝiÀVÃià V>Ì i« ÞÕ ÕÃÌ Ü] >à ÀiVÛiÀÞ Ì>ià >Ì i>ÃÌ ÃÝ Üiià iÛi cannot help just now, as recovery takes at least six weeks even with the exercises. ÜÌ Ì you i iÝiÀVÃið Long-lasting dizziness and imbalance. }>ÃÌ} `ââiÃà >` L>>Vi° The the inner which cause an attack of vertigo result a change in iÜ the signals > Vchanges >}i Ì in i Ã}>à }Ûiear ÕÌ LÞ Ì i v>ÕÌÞ L>>Vi À}>° "ÛiÀ Ìi] ÞÕÀ LÀ>in>`ÕÃÌÃ Ì Ì iÃi given the iÝ«>à faulty balance time, your brain adjusts to these new signals Ã}>à out ­Ì i by LiÌ Ü Ì Ã organ. >««iî]Over >` à ÞÕ LiVi iÃà `ââÞ° >>Vi ÀiÌÀ>} (the booklet explains how this happens), and so you become less dizzy. Balance retraining iÝiÀVÃià V> ëii` Ì Ã «ÀViÃà v ÀiVÛiÀÞ° exercises can speed this process of recovery. 'ENERAL ACTIVITIES CHOOSE AND WRITE DOWN ANY YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO ÌÌ>Và v ÛiÀÌ} ` Ì À>Þ VVÕÀ ÛiÀÞ vÌi ÕÃÕ>Þ Ì iÀi >Ài >Þ Ì Ã À iÛi Þi>Àà LiÌÜii Attacks vertigo normally occur very often -VVÕÀ usually there are many months Ì iÀido >Àinot ÃiÌià «iÀ`Ã Ü i Ì i >ÌÌ>Và vÀiµÕiÌÞ° ÕÌ ÞÕ >Þ v` Ì >Ì or even >ÌÌ>VÃ] >ÌofÕ} years between attacks, although there are sometimes periods when the attacks occur LiÌÜii Ì i >ÌÌ>Và v ÛiÀÌ} ÞÕ >Ûi }>ÃÌ} ÃÞ«ÌÃ] ÃÕV >à `ââiÃÃ] >ÕÃi>] ÕÃÌi>`iÃÃ] frequently. But you may thatvii}° in between the attacks vertigo youÜhave long-lasting such ÌÀi`iÃÃ] À > ¼ find >}ÛiÀ½ / iÃi ÃÞ«Ìà vÌiofLiVi ÜÀÃi i ÞÕ >Ài « ÞÃV>Þsymptoms, >VÌÛi] as dizziness, nausea, unsteadiness, tiredness, or a ‘hangover’ feeling. These symptoms often ÌÀi`] ÃÌÀiÃÃi`] À Ü i ÞÕ ÌÀ>Ûi° / i iÝiÀVÃià V> i« ÞÕ Ì Vi>À Õ« Ì iÃi ÃÞ«Ìà `ÕÀ} Ì i become worse >ÌÌ>Và when v you are physically active, tired, stressed, or when you travel. The exercises «iÀ` LiÌÜii ÛiÀÌ}° can help you to clear up these symptoms during the period in between attacks of vertigo. "v VÕÀÃi] >vÌiÀ ÞÕ >Ûi Vi>Ài` Õ« Ì i }>ÃÌ} ÃÞ«ÌÃ] ÞÕ >Þ >Ûi >Ì iÀ >ÌÌ>V v ÛiÀÌ}° Of youÌhave cleared up the symptoms, you may have Ì Ãcourse, V>Ãi] ÞÕafter Ü >Ûi ÃÌ>ÀÌ > ÛiÀ >}>] ÕÃ}long-lasting Ì i iÝiÀVÃiÃ Ì Ã«ii` ÀiVÛiÀÞ° ÕÌ «i«i ÜÌanother attack of vertigo. this Ücase, you will have to start using the exercises to Li speed jmÀi½Ã In `Ãi>Ãi >Ûi ÌÀi` Ì iÃi iÝiÀVÃià Ã>Þall Ì >Ìover Ì iÞ again, }Ûi Ì i Vv`iVi Ì >Ì Ì iÞ Ü >Li Ìrecovery. But people with Ménière’s disease who have tried these exercises say that they give them }iÌ ÛiÀ Ì iÀ iÝÌ >ÌÌ>V v ÛiÀÌ} Ài µÕVÞ] ÕÃ} Ì i iÝiÀVÃiÃ Ì i« Ì Vi>À Õ« ÃÞ«Ìð confidence that they will be able to get over their next attack of vertigo more quickly, using the exercises to help to clear up symptoms. 'ENERAL COMMENTS NOTE ANYTHING WHICH SEEMS TO HELP OR ANY SETBACKS - , / à LiÌ VÕ`ià iÝiÀVÃiÃ Ì >Ì >Ài ÃÕÌ>Li vÀ «i«i ÃÕvviÀ} vÀ L>>Vi «ÀLià >` `ââiÃð / iÞ >Ài ÌÞ«V> v Ì i ÃÀÌ v iÝiÀVÃiÃ Ì >Ì >Ài «ÀÛ`i` « ÞÃÌ iÀ>«Þ Ài >LÌ>Ì «À}À>ið DISCLAIMER: This booklet includes exercises that are suitable for people suffering from balance problems and dizziness. They are typical of the sort of exercises that are provided in physiotherapy rehabilitation programmes. These exercises can be used for a range of balance / iÃi iÝiÀVÃià V> Li ÕÃi` vÀ > À>}i v L>>Vi «ÀLià >`ÉÀ `ââiÃÃ] ÜiÛiÀ Ì iÞ ` Ì >``ÀiÃà ëiVvV>Þ Ì i problems and/or dizziness, however they are not effective for all kinds of dizziness and it is important to check with your doctor whether V>ÕÃi v Ì i ÃÞ«Ìà >` >à ÃÕV ] LivÀi iL>À} iÝiÀVÃiÃ] Ì i V>ÕÃi v Ì i ÃÞ«Ìà à Õ` Li >ÃViÀÌ>i` i`V>Þ° they are suitable for you or whether some other treatment might help your dizziness. Exercises such as these take many weeks to start ÝiÀVÃià ÃÕVthe>Ãbalance Ì iÃi Ì>i >Þ Ì ÃÌ>ÀÌ i L>>Vi ÃÞÃÌi >` Ìbalance iÞ >Ài and/or Ì iÞworse. >Þ >i >À` ÜÀ° Ì>Þ recalibrating system andÜiià they are hardÀiV>LÀ>Ì} work. InitiallyÌ they may make general giddiness seem If unsure }iiÀ> >`ÉÀ Ãii ÜÀÃi° v ÕÃÕÀi within Ü iÌ iÀ Ì healthcare ` Ì i ÞÕ ii` Ì has `ÃVÕÃÃ Ì ÜÌ Ãii ÜÌ symptoms. ÞÕÀ i>Ì whetherL>>Vi to do them you}``iÃà need to discuss it with someone your team that an understanding of your In V>Ài Ìi> Ì >Ì this >à > Õ`iÀÃÌ>`} v ÞÕÀ ÃÞ«Ìð supplying booklet the Ménière’s Society accepts no responsibility for the response to, or outcome from, undertaking such exercises. ÃÕ««Þ} Ì Ã LiÌ Ì i jmÀi½Ã -ViÌÞ >VVi«Ìà ÀiëÃLÌÞ vÀ Ì i ÀiëÃi Ì À ÕÌVi vÀ Õ`iÀÌ>} ÃÕV iÝiÀVÃið 161420 cover complete.indd 2 13/08/2012 08:54:39 "ALANCE 2ETRAINING %XERCISES WHICH SPEED RECOVERY FROM DIZZINESS AND UNSTEADINESS This booklet was written by Professor Lucy Yardley and produced by the University of /Southampton à LiÌ Ü>à ÜÀÌÌi LÞ *ÀviÃÃÀ ÕVÞ >` Society. «À`ÕVi`It LÞ i 1ÛiÀÃÌÞ vfor with funding provided by the9>À`iÞ Ménière’s is Ìrecommended -ÕÌ >«Ì vÕ`} «ÀÛ`i` LÞ Ì has i jmÀi½Ã -ViÌÞ° Ì Ã ÀiVi`i` use only after ÜÌ a qualifi ed medical doctor confirmed that the exercises are safevÀand ÕÃi Þ >vÌiÀfor> the µÕ>vi` i`V> >à VvÀi` appropriate individual who`VÌÀ will carry them out. Ì >Ì Ì i iÝiÀVÃià >Ài Ã>vi >` >««À«À>Ìi vÀ Ì i `Û`Õ> Ü Ü V>ÀÀÞ Ì i ÕÌ° © Professor Lucy Yardley ^ *ÀviÃÃÀ ÕVÞ 9>À`iÞ The Ménière’s Society is the UK registered charity providing support and information /to ithose jmÀi½Ã à Ìand i 1 Ài}ÃÌiÀi` V >ÀÌÞThe «ÀÛ`} ÃÕ««ÀÌ vÀ>Ìand Ì with -ViÌÞ dizziness balance disorders. Society relies >` on donations Àiià `>Ìà >` ÛÕÌ>ÀÞ Ìvoluntary Ãi ÜÌ contributions. `ââiÃà >` For L>>Vi `ÃÀ`iÀð / i -ViÌÞ more information about balance disorders, or to make a VÌÀLÕÌð Àcontact Ài vÀ>Ì >LÕÌ L>>Vi `ÃÀ`iÀÃ] À Ì >i > `>Ì] «i>Ãi VÌ>VÌ ÕÃ\ donation, please us: jmÀi½Ã i ,iÀÞ] ÕÃiÃà *>À] 7ÌÌ] ,x Ménière’s-ViÌÞ] Society,/The Rookery,-ÕÀÀiÞ Surreyà Hills Business Park, Wotton,-ÕÀÀiÞ Surrey RH5È+/ 6QT än{x £Óä ÓÇx vJiiÀiðÀ}°Õ ÜÜÜ°iiÀiðÀ}°Õ 0845 120 2975 info@menieres.org.uk www.menieres.org.uk , ÓÇÓ{È RCN:\ 297246 161420 cover complete.indd 1 7RITTEN BY 0ROFESSOR ,UCY 9ARDLEY 13/08/2012 08:54:38