Factors for poor performance of students in Mathematics subject in Tanzania

Teaching Practice Experience on Poor Performance in Mathematics Subject: A Case of Form
III at Kayenzi Secondary School
Awit K. Elias
Teaching Practice Field Report Submitted to the Department of Education Foundations
and Teaching Management at the Mzumbe University in partial fulfillment of Education
September, 2019
Field Station (School/Colleges)……………………………………
Student Name………………………………………………………..
Degree Program……………………………………………………….
Host Institution Supervisor’s Name………………………………….
Signature: ………………………………..Date: ……………………..
FIELD ATTACHMENT REPORT .................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iv
LIST OF ABBREVIATION ........................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
1.0introduction .................................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
1.1 Background ................................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
1.2 Nature of the school .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2.1 Geographical location ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2.2 Social, cultural and economic activities..................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
1.2.3 Population characteristics of the area .................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objective of the Study .............................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Data collection methods ............................................................................................................ 3
1.5Research Questions .................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 4
DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES AND FINDINGS .................................................................... 5
2.0Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Literature review ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Descriptions of activities........................................................................................................... 7
2.3 findings related to TP ................................................................................................................ 7
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................ 9
INTERPRETATION OF ACTIVITIES AND FINDINGS ............................................................ 9
3.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Analysis of Findings ................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Discussion of Findings and Activities undertaken.................................................................. 11
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 12
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................ 12
4.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.2 Recommendation .................................................................................................................... 12
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 13
All thanks to God. I am grateful my students and Mathematics teachers at Kayenzi Secondary
School for their cooperation in assisting me to get reliable information related to the problem of
the study. I am thankful for their assistance
My profound gratitude goes to my supervisor Kiwara J, in the Department of Educational
Studies at Mzumbe University for her guidance and criticism during supervision for the
completion of the report
Also my grateful goes to my friends MS Zainab Msemo and Leonard Nzumbi for assisting me to
have a Personal Computer in the process of typing this work I am really thankful for their
My appreciation also goes to my colleagues for their challenges and support during the process
of making analysis of the findings related to TP, as they played the great role in criticizing and
providing better judgments from which I used them in accomplishment of my report
It is not possible to appreciate every one whom participated in achievement of this report by
name, but my sincerely gratitude goes every one whom in one way or another has contributed
something towards the achievement of my field report.
God bless all of them.
MU… ....................................................... Mzumbe University
CSEE……………………………………Certificate of Secondary Education Examination
TP……………………………………….Teaching Practice
NECTA…………………………………..National Examination Council of Tanzania
FTNA Form Two National Assessment
Table 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.0 Introduction
This chapter provides information about background of the study, objectives of the study
together with the methods employed by investigator in collecting information related to the
problem of the study
1.1 Background of the study
Mathematics is the one of the oldest field of study in the history of mankind. It has been believed
that mathematics sharpens the human brain develops their logical thinking and enhance their
reasoning skills. In school curriculum mathematics is regarded as the most important subject,
since it has direct association with other subjects particularly with science subjects (Federal
Republicof Nigeria, 2013). However the subject cut across primary and secondary levels.
Mathematics remain as the one of the most difficult subject as perceived by the students
(Suleiman, Yusuf; Hammed, Araba;, 2019). This is due to poor performance of students in
National Examination issued by National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA) each year
at form four levels. Poor performance of students in mathematics at secondary level becomes one
of the greatest problem that face community schools in Tanzania. Such kind of problem also
exists at Kayenzi Secondary that has influenced the study to investigate on the factors that lead
students to perform poorly in mathematics at Kayenzi Secondary School.
1.2 Nature of organization
Kayenzi Secondary School is the public Secondary School with Centre registration number
S1512. The school was established in November 2003 but started its operations in 2004. Kayenzi
Secondary provides an ordinary level education for the sake of preparing students to pursue their
certificate of secondary education. The school offers elementary education in three categories;
science, business and art category. Kayenzi Secondary has the total of 1030 registered students
and 38 teachers enrolled for teaching various subjects. Specifically the school has the total of 3
mathematics teachers.
1.2.1 Geographical Location
Kayenzi Secondary is located in Morogoro urban district at Mwembesongo ward. The school is
nearby industrial area. The distance covered from the main road (Dodoma road) to the school is
three kilometers. Kayenzi Secondary is at latitude6.7770° 𝑆 37.6811°𝐸.
1.2.2 Social, Cultural and Economic Activities
The basic social activity undertaken at Kayenzi Secondary School is provision of education, as
the school offers educational service to the younger population in the process of preparing them
to cope with their social environment in an attempt of interacting with others in their daily life
activities. In addition to that the school had the custom of engaging in sports and games as the
part of cultural activity undertaken in school. Despite of these activities, citizen along the school
takes opportunity of conducting minor trading activities such As selling their snacks to students,
teaching and non teaching staff.
1.2.3 Population Characteristics of the Area
Kayenzi is less dense populated area, as the number of the people live in a specific area is less
compered to the other streets in Mwembesongo ward which has the total of 315,866 people
according to 2012 census, with the following distribution
Table: 1, Number of people in Mwembesongo ward
Source: Field study 2019
1.3 Objectives of the study
General Objective
The general objective of this study was to determine the factors that contribute to poor
performance of students in mathematics subject at Kayenzi Secondary School.
Specific Objective
To investigate on the performance of students in mathematics at Kayenzi Secondary
To explore on the possible solutions of addressing the problem of poor performance of
students in mathematics subject at Kayenzi Secondary School
1.4 Data collection method
The following were the methods used to collect data from the field station
Observation method
This method was used to observe different activities undertaken with in school environments,
teaching staff meetings and school meetings. Observed data were recorded as per what was
observed by investigator
Interview method
This method was used to collect opinions of respondents, where sets of questions were provided
to them pertaining to the problem of the study. The method was used to collect data from both
students and teachers through direct conversation with respondents
1.5 Research questions
The following are the questions that guide investigator in collecting data from the field
i. What is the performance of students in Mathematics subject at Kayenzi Secondary School?
ii. What are the factors that contribute to poor performance of students in Mathematics subject
at Kayenzi Secondary School?
iii. What are the possible solutions of addressing the problem of poor performance of students
in Mathematics subject at Kayenzi Secondary School?
2.0 Introduction
This chapter contains part of literature review, of study and the empirical framework of other
scholars which relates with the problem of the study. Furthermore this chapter provides the
description of activities and tasks assigned to the investigator during Teaching Practice
2.1 Literature review
This section provides the room for analysis of the work performed by other scholars in
examining the factors that contribute to poor performance of students in mathematics at
Community Secondary Schools in Tanzania
2.1.1 Conceptual framework
According to Stiko (2013), defined conceptual framework as the the system of concepts , beliefs,
assumptions, expectation that support and inform about the study. Based on the expectations of
the study, students performance in mathematics is influenced by; student’s school background in
mathematics, availability of teaching and learning materials together with teaching
methodologies applied by teachers in teaching mathematics.
School background of students in mathematics at primary level act as the basic foundation in
assisting students to understand several mathematics concept that they are interacting with at
ssecondary level. The study assumes that a student with good mathematics background from
primary school is expected to have good performance in secondary level. On the other side a
student with poor background in mathematics at primary level is expected to perform poorly in
Availability of teaching and learning mathematics materials such as mathematical tables, books
and other related instruments assist students to enrich themselves in learning some difficult
mathematical concepts taught in classroom.
Also teaching methods used by the teachers in classrooms affect the performance of students in
mathematics at secondary level. The use of lecture method in teaching mathematics at secondary
level is regarded as the one of the method that discourage students’ understanding in
mathematics, as the method doesnot gives a room for students to participate directly in learning
mathematical language, leading them to have poor perfomance in mathematics.
2.1.2 Empirical framework
According to Vumbi (2013), postulated that “ the cognitive styles influences the personality of
individual and affect the psychological that indicate how learners perceive, interact with and
respond to the learning environment”. This indicates that methodologies employed by the
teachers in teaching mathematics play a vital role in assisting students understanding of
mathematics subject. In addition to that the use of variety methods in teaching mathematics
depends with the competence of mathematics teachers. Unqualified teachers employed wrong
teaching methods of teaching which result in general hatred of the subject by the students in
mathematics (Araba, 2019). The study reveals that existance of competent mathematics teachers
who employ variety of methodologies in teaching mathematics has great impact on improving
the performance of students in mathematics. According to (Maganga, 2013) the teaching method
that involve students discussing or conversing rather than using writtern books and syllabus
depost knowledge to the students. Using the method that is compatible to more than one sense
organ creates better grounds for students to derive clear understanding of mathematical concepts.
Furthermore, availability of enough and reliable teaching and learning materials plays a
significant role in uplifting the perfomance of students in mathematics. Since, instructional
materials positively influences students’ performance in mathematics. Amos (2011) studied the
effect of using improvised instructional materials on academic achievement of students, the
researcher concluded that the utilization of improvised instructional materials promotes and
enhance effective teaching-learning process. In addition to that, Eric Mwenda, et al ( 2013)
postulates that, teaching and learning resources are of great faactor to be considered for
meaningful teaching and learning. Inadequate teaching and learning resources such as textbooks
and revision material especially in upcoming schools deny the students the opportunity to revise
2.2 Description of activities
Teaching practice (TP) started in 13thAugust 2019 at Kayenzi Secondary School in Morogoro
Municipal. I was assigned to teach Basic Mathematics in form three class on the topic CIRCLES.
I was given the task to invigilate Pre-National exams for form four class that started in 19th
August 2019. Furthermore, I participated in marking form three Basic mathematics papers
attempted by students. From 27th September 2019 , I was assigned as the Teacher On Duty
(TOD) for the whole week. I was assessed by Mr. Lupogo at 31st October 2019.
2.3 Findings related to tp
The purpose of this study was to find outfactors that contribute to poor performance of students
in Mathematics subject at Kayenzi Secondary School. Thefollowing are the factors that lead
students to perform poorly in Mathematics subject as given by the respondents;
Students perceptions towards Mathematics
When students were asked how they perceive mathematics subject at secondary level most them
replied by saying it is the most difficult subject among all those subjects that they are pursuing at
secondary level as it is too munipulative cumbled with a lot of calculations from which they can
not handle to grasp all concepts, this creates anxiety and fear of mathematics to them, as the
results lead them into poor achievement in mathematics subject.
Students Attendance in class
Absence of students in mathematics sessions is the matter of concern. Since students’ attendance
in class plays a significance role in enhancing understanding of some mathematics concepts
demonstrated by the teacher from which they wouldn’t have them from anywhere. When
students were asked why abstenteesm causes poor performance in mathematics 15 students
agreed, and futher they said “If students will not attend in class during mathematics session, then
their peerfomance could eventually be low”.
Discouragement in studying Mathematics
In some cases, students are discouraged to study msthematics in secondary level. When they
were asked hpow the students are discouraged, 5 of them said “these discouragements are
brought by their parents by considering the performance of their former children in mathematics
at secondary level from which they develops misconceptions on the difficultness of mathematics,
as the result they tend to discourage the precciding student to stress themselves in studying
Mathematics regarding to the perfomance” hence lead them into poor performance.
Lack of supportive environments
When students were asked on the influence of environment toward their performance in
mathematics, 10 of them said that “absence of supportive enviroment to assist the progress of
their studies at home create a tension to them in their attempt of reviewing what they have
studded at home”, further 3 teachers argued that most of their students’ origimates from poor
families thus their domestic environment doesn’t favor them to have extra studies at home as
most of them are overwhelmed with activities this cause them to perform poorly in mathematics
Lack of studying habits
Most of the students said that “ they lack behavior of planning their time for studying
mathematics”. As most of them doesn't have a timetable for solving even a once per day, they
lack groups for discussing some difficult concepts related to mathematics and even they meet for
discussion in group they tend to discuss other subjects leaving mathematics. Thi makes them to
have poor foundation in mathematics subject, as the result it lead them in poor performance in
mathematics subject
Lack of teaching motives
Teachers proponded that in some cases they lack motive for making followup on students
performance in mathematics, they feel tired to make followups to students because their
performance doesn’t influence teachers so they decide to give up. This makes it difficult for
students to have the ability of solving difficult tasks related to mathematics as teachers doesn’t
have motive for pfoviding assignments or questions after executing a topic. As this happens
make them to have poor performance in mathematics subject.
Social networks
Globalization has some negative impact towards students academic performance, as in most
cases students tend to spend a lot of time in social networks like Facebook, Instagram,
WhatsApp, Telegram etc, charting, posting, commenting watching unacademic themes, as the
result makes them to have little time for studying other subjects leaving mathematics. As this
happens make them to have poor performance in mathematics subject.
Students background in mathematics
Academic history of the students from primary school has the great impact on their achievements
in Secondary level, as the primary academic achievement act as the foundation in deriving
understanding of some difficult concepts in Secondary level. In most cases students in public
schools are enrolled with poor performance in mathematics subject at primary level as the result
it becomes difficult for students to understand some mathematical concepts in Secondary level
leading them to perform poorly in mathematics subject.
3.0 Introduction
This chapter provide clear analysis of the findings and activities undertaken during a TP pertain
to poor performance of students in mathematics subject at Kayenzi Secondary School
3.1 Analysis and discussion of findings
This part gives a clear anaalysis of the findings collected from the field. It provides the
judgements provided by the respondennts linking them with the basic assumptions of the study
together with the related literatures undertaken by other scholars on the based on the problem of
the study. The following are the analysis of the findings collected from the field;
Students perceptions towards Mathematics
Attitude of students towards mathematics in Secondary Schools influences their performance in
mathematics subject. This cause them to perform poorly in mathematics subject. Students who
are not confident in doing matematics may not experience success in mathematics (Sanchal &
Sharma, 2017). As it was postulated by respondents they perceive mathematics as the one of the
most difficult subject in Secondary level, this
lead them to have poor performance in
mathematics subject.
Students Attendance in class
Students attendance in a class is of great impact in their performance in any subject. As their
presence assist them in grasping some difficult concepts in several topics. If students attend
mathematics class, it can give them experience of solving some difficult concepts. From
respondent’s view “Absenteeism put student in a tough situation on their attempt to understand
some basic content of the preceding lesson which is founded on the past lesson”. Attendance of
students in class had positive and significant impact in academic peformance (Romeo, 1993) .
Discouragement in studying Mathematics
As per respondent’s view “students are discouraged by their parents and their former graduates
in studying mathematics with the regards of poor performance of former graduates in the
subject”. Generalizations made by parents and other people towards the difficult ness of
mathematics at secondary level discourage the progress of succeeding students in mathematics
subject. As the result cause them to have poor performance in mathematics subject at secondary
Lack of supportive environments
Poor home environment crumbled with noise, a lot of activities create a tension to the students in
their attempt of reviewing what they have studded at home. Academic achievement of a pupil is
always associated with the many components of learning environments (Kitonyi, 2013). With
poor home environment students success in mathematics subject will eventually be low, because
students wouldn't be able to find a proper time for solving which in turn cause them to have poor
performance in mathematics
Lack of studying habits
“in most cases students lack behavior of planning their time for studying mathematics. As most
of them doesn't have a timetable for solving even a once per day, they lack groups for discussing
some difficult concepts related to mathematics and even they meet for discussion in group they
tend to discuss other subjects leaving mathematics” as it was explained by the one student when
they were asked if do they have the habit of studying mathematics?. This lead them to poor
perfomance in mathematics subject.
Lack of teaching motives
Successful teacher is governed with a lot of factors, out of being passionate a successful teacher
is accompanied with motives which can be brought either by the government or organization.
One teacher proponded that “they doesn't have a motive for making followup on students
performance, perhaps this could be one of the reason for mass failure in mathematics”.
Inadequance teaching force especially at the time when a teacher is required to handle the large
class size which later affect the quality of teaching and learning as the teachers are not able to
deal with individual differences (Eric Mwenda, 2013). As this happens make students to have
poor performance in mathematics subject.
Social networks
Social Networks has the great contribution towards deterioting students achievements in
academics, as in most cases students tend to spend a lot of time in social networks like Facebook,
Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram etc, charting, posting, commenting watching unacademic
themes, as it was explained by the one of respondents. This is true since most of the students in
the secondary schools have the smart phones and they spend a lot of time in seaching
unacademic literatures as the result makes them to have little time for studying other subjects
leaving mathematics. As this happens make them to have poor performance in mathematics
Students background in mathematics
Performance of students in mathematics is influenced by their background from primary. In most
cases students in public schools are enrolled with poor performance in mathematics subject at
primary level as the result it becomes difficult for students to understand some mathematical
concepts in Secondary level leading them to perform poorly in mathematics subject. But also
economic background of parents at home has the great impact toward students achievement in
academics, as students with poor parents may not be able to afford the costs of some learning
facilities and textbooks, since such parents could not be able to provide them for their children’s
needs, such student will develop non-chalants attitude towards mathematics (Korau, 2006)
3.2 Discussion of activities undertaken
This section provides the platform for discussing the findings collected in relation to the
activities undertaken from the field accompained with observations made by the investigator
during TP
Findings were collected from 4 form three classes, sample of nine students were selected from
each form three class making the total of 36 students. Besides the report regarded the contribtion
of mathematics teachers from which three teachers participated in interview. The following are
the findings related to TP
From students responses
Based on the respondent’s perceptions “students performance in mathematics is contributed by
many factors”, the lack of linkage among these factors cause them to have poor performance in
mathematics subject at secondary level. From their views group discussion plays a vital role in
adjusting the performance of students in mathematics, as through discussion studets can have
ability to recap what was learned since by interacting with others can enable them to have a long
term memory for what they have learned. This can assist them to do better in their exams. With
the absence of group discussion most of the students achievement in mathematics can eventally
be low, since mathematics needs some discussions for it to be well understood. Based on what I
saw most of the students do not have the habit of engaging in group discussion as the result this
makes them to lack some competency in solving diffirenct questions related to mathematics.
Therefore the finding suggest that with the existance of group discussion students’ performance
in mathematics can be raised
Also most of the students at Kayenzi Scondary have poor school background in mathematics
from primary level, this made them to have failure in understanding some basic mathematical
concepts at secondary level. In most cases students fail to make connection of some concepts
related to mathematics as the result lead them into failure in mathematics. The findings indicate
that better acadenmic background of students from primary level create better grounds for
students achievements in mathematics
From teachers’ responses
Findings suggested that in most cases teachers at public Secondary schools are discouraged in
their profesionalism, as the case teachers are subjected to teach in the class of poor
infrastructures, lack of teaching materials, absence of other encouraging factors, this cause them
to have low motives for teaching this create some inconviniences in students’ performance
especially in mathematics subject. Discouragement to the teachers made them to have failure in
providing extra materials, assignments and followups to students for their performance in
mathematics subject.
But also an increase in number of enrollment of students at secondary level from primary create
congestion in classes, this discourage teachers during lesson delivery, causing them to teach
without regarding understnding of the students, this also can lead to poor performance of
students in mathematics subject.
Besides the findings show that lack of teaching force among the teachers create poor
environments for students to achieve better grades in mathematics, as in most cases teachers fails
to complete syllabus in their teaching process from which it gives hard time for students to face
the National Examination at form four level lead them to perform poorly in mathematics
This chapter provides generalised view on the performance of students in mathematics subject at
secondary level, it provide a conclusion pertaining to the factors that contribute to the students
poor performance of students in mathematics subject at Kayenzi Secondary School. Further the
chapter gives recommendations on what should be done in order to rise the performance of
students in mathematics
Academic achievement of students at any level of schooling is accompained with many factors.
In most cases students learning is governed by the theories. As the student achievement is guided
by the changes of behavior as stipulated in behaviorism theory of learning, information
processing based on thought process behind the behavior as stipulated in cognitivism theory
together with construction of knowledge of the word based on individual experiences as
postulated in the theory of constructivism. As the case for Kayenzi Secondary School, the study
conconcluded that performance of students in mathematics can be raised if teachers take time to
improve the progress of their students there by providing better grounds for students to
participate directly in mathematics related activities there by providing enough assignments,
extra questions, take time to review mistakes of some past papers done by students and
encouraging them to organize themselves for discussion. In maintaininng teachers’ courage in
teaching mathematics, the school management has to allocate materials required for teaching and
learning process and encourage them to review before they make an attempt to teach the class so
as to improve their competence in mathematics subject
In order to rise the performance of students in mathematics, the study recommends the following
The government and stakeholders should invent new policies and stragegies to maintain
the enrollment of qualified and competent mathematics teachers in order to deliver the
required content to students
Students should put their efforts in extra studing of mathematics so as to familiarize
themselve with some basic mathematical concepts at Secondary level
School management should motivate their mathematics teachers in their teaching process
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