INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY AGROFORESTRY any sustainable land-use system that maintains or increases total yields by combining food crops (annuals) with tree crops and/or livestock on the same unit of land, either alternately or at the same time, using management practices that suit the social and cultural characteristics of the local people and the economic and ecological conditions. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY . .\Downloads\Conservation Agriculture with Trees in the Philippines- A Documentary.mp4 INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY AGROFORESTRY focuses on: 1. Fertilizer trees for land regeneration. 2. Soil health and food security. 3. Fruit trees for nutrition. 4. Fodder trees that improve small holder livestock production. 5.Timber and fuel trees for shelter and energy. 6. Medicinal trees to combat disease. 7. Trees that produce gums, resins or latex products. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY Nair (1993) - 1960’s and 1970’s development as a course in graduate and undergraduate course in many institutions worldwide. King (1987) - stated that unti the Middle Ages, degraded forest as a general custom, slash and burn, cultivate food crops for varying areas on the cleared area, plant or sow trees before, or after sowing agricultural crops. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY Wilken (1977) - in tropical America many societies have stimulated forest conditions to obtain the beneficial effects of the forest ecosystem. Example: A farmer plant coconut with a lower layer of bananas, citrus, a shrub layer of coffee or cacao, annuals of different stature such as maize and a spreading ground such as squash. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY In Asia, the Hanunoo of the Philipines practiced a complex and somewhat sophisticated type of shifting cultivation. Trees were an indispendsable part of Hanunoo farming system and were either planted or preserved from the original forest to provide food, medicines, construction wood, and cosmetics. Also common in many other parts of the world. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY In southern Nigeria, yams, maize, pumpkins, and beans were typically grown together under a cover of scattered trees (Forde, 1937). The Yoruba of western Nigeria, who have long practiced an intensive system of mixing herbaceous, shrub, and tree crops, claim that the system is a means of conserving human energy by making full use of the limited space from the dense forest. The Yoruba also claim that this system is an inexpensive means of maintaining the soil's fertility, as well as combating erosion and nutrient leaching (Ojo, 1966). INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY Many factors and developments in the 1970s contributed to the general acceptance of agroforestry as a system of land management that is applicable to both farm and forest. • the re-assessment of development policies by the World Bank; • a re-examination of forestry policies by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations; • a re-awakening of scientific interest in both intercropping and farming systems; • the deteriorating food situation in many areas of the developing world; INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY • the increasing spread of tropical deforestation and ecological degradation; • the energy crisis of the 1970s and consequent price escalation and shortage of fertilizers; and • the establishment by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada of a project for the identification of tropical forestry research priorities. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY Robert McNamara, the President of the World Bank in the 1970’s confronted that the basic needs of the poorest, especially the rural poor, were neither being considered nor adequately addressed. McNamara (1973) state that: Of the two billion persons living in our developing member countries, nearly two-thirds, or some 1.3 billion, are members of farm families, and of these are some 900 million whose annual incomes average less than $100...for hundreds of millions of these subsistence farmers life is neither satisfying nor decent. Hunger and malnutrition menace their families. Illiteracy forecloses their future. Disease and INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY death visit their villages too often, stay too long, and return too soon. The miracle of the Green Revolution may have arrived, but, for the most part, the poor farmer has not been able to participate in it. He cannot afford to pay for the irrigation, the pesticide, the fertilizer, or perhaps for the land itself, on which his title may be vulnerable and his tenancy uncertain. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY In 1974, the new Assistant Director-General responsible for forestry, the FAO made a serious assessment of the forestry projects which it was helping to implement in developing countries, as well as the policies which it had advised the Third World to follow. It redirected its focus and assistance in the direction of the rural poor. Its new policies, while not abandoning the traditional areas of forestry development, emphasized the importance of forestry for rural development. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY It is widely agreed that deforestation causes a decline in the productive capacity of soils, accelerated erosion, siltation of dams and reservoirs, destruction of wildlife habitats, and loss of plant genetic diversity (World Bank, 1991). INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY Faced with these challenges and maladies of deforestation, several studies and efforts were made to reduce the extent of deforestation and suggest alternative land-management strategies. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY Several sound land management strategies have evolved, due to the efforts researchers from different disciplines. For example: 1. Ecologists produced convincing evidence of positive influence of forests and trees on the stability of ecosystems, leading to the call for measures to protect the remaining forests, introduce more woody perennials into managed land-use systems, and change farming attitudes. 2. Studies carried out by anthropologists and social scientists on attitudes to improved land-use systems showed the importance of mixed systems in traditional cultures and highlighted the need to build upon these practices when developing new approaches. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY following: In July 1975, IDRC commissioned John Bene to under take the 1. Identify significant gaps in the world of forestry research and training. 2. Assess the interdependence of forestry and agriculture 3. Formulate reseach programs which 4. Recommend institutional arrangements to carry out research effectively 5. Prepare a plan of action to obtain international donor support INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY John Bene team conclusion: Prioritization of combined production systems integrating forestry, agriculture, and/or animal husbandry to optimize tropical land-use. • IDRC project recommended the establishment of an international organizations which would support, plan and coordinate on a worldwide basis • The International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRA) was established in 1977 INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY HISTORY ICRAF was renamed as International Centre for Research and Agroforestry. Played in collecting information, conducting research, disseminating reseach results, pioneering new approaches and systems ICRAF was now renamed the World Agroforestry Centre ..\Desktop\videos in Agroforestry\Made in Israel- Agriculture.mp4 INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY Agroforestry in the Philippines Upland Status and Trends, Devepoment Issues Status and Trends Uplands are areas with slopes greater than 18%. They approximately 17.6 million hectares and cover 59% or more than half of the country’s total land area. INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY Agroforestry in the Philippines • 12 million hectares of uplands are considered “forestland” although some portions no longer obtain forests. • 5.6 million hectares of the forestlands have been classified by the Government as Alienable and Disposable (A&D) lands. These lands (A&D) are used for agriculture, urban centers and distributed to private individuals. • Most of the uplands have been deforested by the actvities of man. • Around 22 million or 28% of the country’s population are living in the uplands INTRODUCTION TO AGROFORESTRY Agroforestry in the Philippines • Of the 14.17 million families, 5.75 millllion belongs to the lowest 40% income group while 8.62 million in the highest 60% income bracket • Uplands continue to be destroyed by: 1. Illegal logging 2. Encroachment of landless lowland farmers who migrated to the uplands due to population pressure. 3. Land-grabbing activities 4. Slash and burn practices Importance of the Uplands 1. Serve as vital support for downstream lowlands and aquatic areas -Upland forest watersheds provide water to rivers and other aquatic systems for irrigation, power and households. -Water carries organic matter which provide the lowlands with nutrients through surface run-off and leaching. -Deforested uplands will disable lowland production Importance of the Uplands 2. Serve as abode of indigenous populations and displaced lowland people -Sustainablity of production and food security has encouraged indigenous people to stay in the uplands. -Landless migrants displaced from the lowlands turn to the uplands for livelihood Importance of the Uplands 3. Contain a unique tropical forest ecosystems considered the oldest, most productive and protective and most biologically diverse on earth -Tropical forests have provided many plants and animals considered as principal crop and lives stock for human today. -Large gene pools still undentified which can be potential sources of genetic materials for varied purposes. 4. Contain vast untapped mineral resources -Remoteness and inaccessibility have prevented the uplands from being fully explored and exploited for mineral resources Importance of the Uplands 5. Decide the future socio-economic progress of the country depending on their appropriate conservation and development -Good management of the uplands by both people and the government can sustain agricultural and industrial development. -Upland conservation and protection efforts should be done by both people/occupants and the government agencies or private companies jointly. Development Issues 1. People/Land Ratio - migration of lowlanders to the uplands due to population pressure will result to the saturation of the carrying capacity of the land. - Saturation of the uplands will result to expansion into the forest and watershed areas 2. Land Inheritance Patterns - In the Philippines, it is customary to partition the land and distribute equally among the children. Development Issues - Partitioning the farm/land into small lots will reduce the efficiency of the farm - Expansion into the forest is also a factor to be considered particularly when the inheritor feels that the land he inherited is insufficient for family’s needs. 3. Land Tenure - Farmers do not usually own the farms they till. -Farmers have expanded into the forest lands-”forest is public land” -Land tenants/occupants are reluctant to institute permanent reforms/projects Development Issues 4. Government Programs and Policies - Government policies and priorities can affect the implementation of earlier policies, projects and programs. - Here are some of the programs of the government intended to help develop the uplands/forestlands: a. ISFP-Integrated Social Forestry Program b. NFP-National Forestry Program c. FLM-Forest Land Manangement Development Issues d. CFP-Community Forestry Program e. CADC-Certificate of Ancestral Domain Claims f. CBMFP-Community Based Forest Manangement Program g. NIPAS-National Integrated Protected Areas h. NGP-National Greening Program Development Issues 5. Education -Need to restructure or refocus existing government educational program or to develop new ones to make responsive to the uplands. -Emphasis on the importance of the uplands to children’s mind -Formal and non-formal education should be given appropriate attention Development Issues 6. Militarization/Peace and Order -Major concern in areas particularly where there are armed elements -Reduced activities of the farmers fear -Deterioration of peace and order like tribal wars and/or insurgency reduces such activity Development Issues 7. People Empowerment -involving local government units or people in planning, decision making and project implementation -Innovativeness is encouraged especially if they are in control of their land and future. Development Issues 8. Linkages and interactions with the lowlands - Balance realtionships and interactions should always be safeguarded to prevent changes that bring out negative consequences -People who live in the lowlands should understand that the uplands have a fragile ecosystem. E.g Catastrophies Development Issues 9. Role of NGOs/POs - play important role in the development of the upland particularly on their livelihood -Can penetrate communities due to security reasons. Development Issues 10. Government Decentralization - giving more control of the LGUs over their jurisdictions for a more realistic, responsive and responsible governance -Freedom to decide their future with less interference from the national government -Local legislation and law inforcement should be give priority when concerning indigenous culture Investigative Documentaries- Indigenous Communities AIMS OF AGROFORESTRY 1. To produce and maximize positive interaction between trees and agricultural crops 2. Developing a more sustainable form of land-use that can improve farm productivity and welfare of rural community ESSENTIAL FEATURES AGROFORESTRY 1. Agroforestry normally involves two or more species of plants (or plants or animals) at least one of which is a woody perennial. 2. An agroforrestry system has always two or more outputs. 3. The cycle of Agroforestry system is always longer than 1 year. 4. Even the simplest agroforestry system is more complex ecology and economically than a monocropping system. 5. There is significant interaction between woody and non-woody components of the system, ecological and/or economic. ATTRIBUTES OF AGROFORESTRY 1. The land management is sustainable. 2. Increases yield and services per unit area. 3. The cropping scheme combines the production of forest and agricultural crops and/or animals 4. Contributes to the socio-economic and ecological upliftment of the community 5. The practices is consistent with sound ecological principles and compatible with cultural patterns of the communities REASONS FOR THE EMERGENCE OF AGROFORESTRY AGROFORESTRY AS ONE FIELD OF THE STUDY SUCH AS: 1. Increasing demand for food by the increasing population 2. Rapid rate of forest denudation and slow pace of government reforestation and afforestation efforts 3. Increasing demand for forest based raw materials and services for domestic, industrial and commercial uses. 4. Pressing needs to uplift the socio-economic levels of living of people in the ruarl areas 5. Necessity of providing/promoting employment or gainful work opportunity TWO PRESMISES OF AGROFORESTRY BASED ON LAND-USE SYSTEM 1. Ecological premise- based on the advantages of trees on soil and micro environment a. Soil consevation/soil amelioration-trees prevent erosion, high organic matter, serves as wind break, litterfall b. Water conservation-trees increase porosity, increase water retaining capacity c. Microclimate amelioration-shading effect, lower temperature, less air turbulence, less intense solar radiation, fovorable for organisms d. Other benefits: enhance aesthetics, serve as food and shelter for wildlife, biodiverse structure prevents pest and disease epidemics. TWO PRESMISES OF AGROFORESTRY BASED ON LAND-USE SYSTEM 2. Socio-economic premises- farmers are benefited from the system in the following ways: a. Source of food b. Fuelwood c. Fodder d. Raw material for housing e. Farm implements f. Handicraft/cottage industries g. Source of employment/income LAWS RELEVANT TO AGROFORESTRY..\Downloads\Investigative Documentaries- Indigenous Communities.mp4 1. Republic Act no. 8371 dated October 29, 1997 (The Indigenous People Rights Act of 1997) This law seeks to put into motion the constitutional provision for the State to recognize and promote the rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICC) on their ancestral domains and ancestral lands. a. Ancestral Domains- all areas belonging to ICCs/IPs comprising lakes, inland waters, coastal areas and natural resources therein, held under the calim of ownership, occupied or possessed since time immemorial LAWS RELEVANT TO AGROFORESTRY b. Ancestral Lands-lands occupied, possessed and utilized by individuals, families and clans who are members of the ICCs/IPs since time immemorial c. Free and Prior Informed Consent-consensus of all members of the ICCs/IPs to be determined in accordance with their customary laws and practices, free from any external manipulation, interference and coersion LAWS RELEVANT TO AGROFORESTRY d. ICCs/IPs- group of people or homogenous socities identified by selfascription by others who have continously lived as organized community on communally bounded nd defined territory. e. Time immemorial- period of time when as far back as memory can go, certain ICCs/IPs are known to have occupied, possessed and utilized a defined territory devolved to them ..\Downloads\The lifestyle of Mountain Tribe in the Philippines.mp4 Rights Recognized by the Law on ICCs/Ips a. Rights to ancestral domains These are set of rights of ICCs/IPs. The law enumerated the components of these rights as follows: 1. Right to ownership 2. Right to develop lands and natural resources 3. Right in case of displacement 4. Right to regulate the entry of migrants 5. Right to safe and clean air and water 6. Right to claim parts of reservation 7. Right to resolve conflicts Rights Recognized by the Law on ICCs/Ips b. Rights to ancestral lands The components are: 1. Right to transfer land 2. Right to redemption Rights Recognized by the Law on ICCs/Ips c. Rights to self-governance and empowerment the IPs: These are set of rights accept the governance system being applied by 1. Right to self-governance and self-determination 2. Right to use their own commonly accepted justice systems 3. Right to participate in decision-making 4. Right to determine and decide priorities for development The law provides that ICCs/IPs shall have priority rights in harvesting, extraction, development, or exploitation of any natural resources within the ancestral domains Three Principal Responsibilities of ICCs/IPs 1. Maintain ecological balance 2. To restore denuded areas 3. To observe laws Republic Act 8435 – the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 AFMA- urgent measures to modernize the agricultural and fisheries sectors of the country in order to • enhance their profitability, • prepare the sectors for the challenges of globalization through adequate, focused • rational delivery of necessary support services. AFMA focuses on the following principles: a. Food security- assuring the availability, adequacy, accessibility and affordability of food supplies at all times. b. Poverty alleviation and social equity- ensuring that the poorer sectors of the society have equitable access to resources, income opportunities, basic and support services and infrastructure especially in areas where productivity is low c. Rational use of resources- adopting a rational approach in the allocation of public investments for efficiency and effectiveness in the use of scarce resources. AFMA focuses on the following principles: d. Global competitiveness- enhancing the competitiveness of agriculture and fisheries sectors on both domestic and foreign markets e. Sustainable development- promoting development that is compatible with the preservation of the ecosystem in the areas where agriculture and fisheries area carried out. f. People empowerment- enabling all citizens to participate in policy formulation and decision making by appropriate mechanism. g. Protection from unfair competition- promoting a policy environment that provides farmers priority access to credit and cooperative-based marketing services. Agroforestry Systems and Practices Words “system” and “practices” are often used in synonymously in agroforestry literature. 1. Agroforestry system- characterized by certain types of practices that, taken as a whole, form a dominant land-use system in a particular locality and determine its overall biological composition and management. 2. Agroforestry practice- denotes a specific land management unit, such as a field, and a specific arrangement, temporary and/or spatially, of components. In any agroforestry system there can be more than one agroforestry practices. Agroforestry Systems and Practices 3. Agroforestry technology- refers to an innovation or improvement, usually through scientific intervention, to either modify an existing system or practice, or develop a new one. Agroforestry practices under the AGRISILVICULTURAL systems includes: 1. Improve fallow in shifting cultivation 2. Alley cropping (hedgerow intercropping) 3. Multi-species tree garden 4. Taungya (taung-hill; ya-cultivation)-Burmese word involves the planting of food crops and forest trees on the same piece of land 5. Scattered trees on farmland (parklands) 6. Plantation and other crops 7. Mixture of plantation crops 8. Biomass transfer Agroforestry practices under the AGRISILVICULTURAL systems includes: 9. Shade tree for commercial plantation crops 10. Trees for fuel wood production 11. Shelterbelt, windbreak, soil conservation hedges etc. 12. Rotational woodlots 13. Boundary markings Agroforestry practices under the SILVIPASTORAL systems include: 1. Shade tree for commercial plantation crops 2. Trees and shrubs on rangelands or pasture 3. Live fences of fodder trees and shrubs 4. Plantation crops with pastures and animals 5. Integrated production of animals and wood products Other systems include: 1. Aqua-forestry 2. Apiculture 3. Sericulture Classification of Agroforestry System 1. Structure – composition of the components, including spatial arrangement of the woody components, vertical stratification and temporal arrangement of the different components 2. Function - refers to the major function or role of the system, mainly of the woody components. 3. Socio-economic nature – refers to the level of inputs of management or intensity on scale of management and commercial goals 4. ecological spread/basis – refers to the environmental condition and ecological suitability of the system. Classification of Agroforestry Systems Based on the Arrangement of Component Species in time (Temporal Classification) 1. Simultaneous Agroforestry System – tree and crop components occupy the same land unit at the same time. a. alley cropping b. parklands c. fodder/protein banks d. live fences e. boundary markings f. Home gardens Classification of Agroforestry Systems Based on the Arrangement of Component Species in time (Temporal Classification) 2. Sequential Agroforestry System – trees and crops occupy the same land unit at different times and interaction between them is indirect. a. improved fallows – enrich with fast growing trees, shrubs and vines b. rotational woodlots – small areas of trees that can be used as fuel or wood for buildings Spatial Arrangement of Components in Agroforestry Systems 1. Trees along borders 2. Alternate rows 3. Alternate strips or alley cropping 4. Random mixture Agroforestry System perform a multitude of services to farmers and environment 1. Provision of food security 2. Conservation of soils 3. enhance of soil fertility 4. Improvement of micro-climate 5. Provisions of living fences for crops and fruit trees 6. Demarcation of boundaries 7. Carbon sequestration Agroforestry System perform a multitude of services to farmers and environment 8. Water stabilization 9. Protection of biodiversity 10. Weed control Description of Different Types of Agroforestry Practices under the Various Agroforestry System I. Description of Agrisilvicultural Practices a. Biomass transfer - application of leafy biomass from hedges to crop fields to improve soil fertility. b. Improved fallows – enrichment of a natural fallow with trees, shrubs or herbaceous legumes planted at high density to improve soil fertility. c. The Taungya system – Burmese word literary means Hill (Taung) and cultivation (ya) for shifting cultivation. Wood production is the ultimate objective of this system. Description of Different Types of Agroforestry Practices under the Various Agroforestry System I. Description of Agrisilvicultural Practices d. Alley cropping – known as hedgerow intercropping. Crops grown in between hedgerows of planted shrubs and trees pruned periodically during crop growth to provide green manure and prevent shading of growing crops. Description of Different Types of Agroforestry Practices under the Various Agroforestry System Alley cropping 1. deep rooted 2. fast growing 3. able to re-sprout easily after pruning, coppicing or pollarding 4. should be multipurpose 5. should be leguminous Description of Different Types of Agroforestry Practices under the Various Agroforestry System Benefits of Alley cropping 1. green manure or mulch for companion crops 2. suppress weeds as mulch, shade and during pruning's 3. favorable condition for soil macro and microorganisms 4. barriers to control soil erosion 5. feed for livestock, staking materials and firewood 6. biologically fixed nitrogen to companions crops Other beneficial effects: Crop performance due to the added nutrients and organic matter to the soil/plant system Reduced use of chemical fertilizers Improvement in the physical nature of soil environment Reduction in erosion losses due to the tree rows acting as physical barrier to soil and water movement Additional products such as forage, firewood orstakes Improvement of weed control Description of Different Types of Agroforestry Practices under the Various Agroforestry System I. Description of Agrisilvicultural Practices e. Multispecies Tree Garden-consists of a mixture of tree plantations of conventional forest species and other commercial perennial tree crops especially tree species. No organized planting arrangements. Herbaceous plants are usually absent but some shade-tolerant are sometimes present. This practice is adaptable to areas with fertile soils, with good availability of labor and high human population pressure. Description of Different Types of Agroforestry Practices under the Various Agroforestry System I. Description of Agrisilvicultural Practices f. Scattered trees on cropland or farmland (Parkland Agroforestry)- trees are scattered haphazardly or according to some systematic patterns on bunds, terraces or plot/field boundaries, crop lands pastures and range lands. some trees grows naturally from seed dispersed by birds and other wildlife. Such trees are retained by farmers during land preparation for agriculture, and are often randomly dispersed on the land. Description of Different Types of Agroforestry Practices under the Various Agroforestry System Benefits of scattered trees on farmland: 1. not a competitive trees against food crops 2. shades for livestock during intense heat 3. trees diversify farmers products, increases crop production without fertilizer use 4. controls wind erosion 5. sale of non-timber products (ex. Charcoal, firewood, gum wine, oil and fruits) Description of Different Types of Agroforestry Practices under the Various Agroforestry System Limitations of scattered trees on farmland: 1. not at the optimum density that confer maximum benefits to the environment and crop production 2. relies to naturally regenerating tree making it difficult to improve the system 3. trees in the parklands are slow growing so benefits take long to accrue 4. trees are often browsed by livestock that are allowed to graze crop residues during dry seasons