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5-27 Mineralogic Charcteristics: STUDY BASIC ROCKS AND SOME PELITIC 5-27 a.

Regional Metamorphic facies & Increasing grade (pressure and tempreature) down the list: i.



Basic rocks: a.

Analcime, Stilbite, Heulandite, Laumondite, Wairakite. ii.



Basic rocks: a.

Prehnite and Pumpellyite especially and quartz. iii.

Glaucophane schist or Blueschist


Basic rocks: a.

Glaucophane, lawsonite, crossite, jadeite, omphacite, aragonite. iv.



Basic rocks: a.

Hornblende, plagioclase, epidote, almandine


Pelitic rocks v.

Greenschist a.

Micas, almandine, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite


Basic rocks a.

Albite, epidote, chlorite, actinolite, calcite


Pelitic rocks a.

Chlorite, muscovite, biotite, cholritoid, pyrophylite . vi.



Basic rocks a.

Diopside, hypersthene, plagioclase


Pelitic rocks a.

Sillimanite, kyanite, vii.



Clinopyroxene, omphacite, pyrope b.

Contact metamorphic facies and increasing grade down the list. i.

Hornblende hornfels


Basic rocks a.

Hornblende, plagioclase, epidote


Pelitic rocks a.

Micas, andalusite, cordierite, sillimanite ii.



Basic rocks a.

Diopside, hypersthene, plagioclase


Pelitic rocks a.

Silliminite, K-feldspar, cordierite


Marbles a.

Wollastonite, calcite, foresterite, perclase


Sanidinite a.

Tridymite, mullite, monticellite, larnite, sanidine.


What’s used as an industrial substitute for asbestos? a.



8-51 A well full pentrates a confined aquifer and has a drawdown of 27 feet. The theroretical drawdown calcualted from a distance-drawdown curve is 18ft. What is well efficiency?


18/27 = ~67% Theoretical drawdown/ actual drawdown b.

Min efficiency of well = 65% but 70% is acceptable.


4-11 A braided stream usually indicates that the stream: a.

Has greater load than capacity due to increased erosion.


11-13 Which of the following soils classifiedby the United Soil Classification System (USCS) would be the best aquitard? a.



6-25 Which deposit is most closely asociated with rare earths? a.

A fissure vein of gold – quartz. b.

Also carbonatites, alkaline igneous rocks.


The in-place granular disintegration product of granite is called? a.

Grus i.

Note* Granular exfoliation is sluffing of layers by freezing. ii.

Talus is broken bits at the end of a cliff.


Interpretation of stereo-paired aeirial photographs is NOT helpful when evaluating a site for: a.

Contaminant plume migration in a confine aquifer i.

Why? Because that’s obviously sub-surface and aerial is good for surface only.


12-22 Which of the following instrument types is NOT appropriate for measuring differential movement across a landslide slip surface? a.

Inclinometer i.

Why? Not sure.


In an unconfined aquifer what would the specific yield be if the porosity was 0.3 and the effective porosity was 0.18? a.

0.18 b.

Specific Yield (Sy) = ~ effective porosity (Ne)


11-6 Give 0.65 ft^3 of a soil sample weighing 36.2 lbs, with a moisture content of 15%, what is the

dry density of the soil? a.

48.4 lbs/ft^3 b.

Why? Dry density = bulk density/ (1+moisture content) c.

Bulk density = M/V = sample wt. 36.2 / volume 0.65 = ~55 d.

55/ (1+0.15)= 48.4


8-8 What geophysical technique would you use to investigate a skarn? a.

Skarn is rich is calcium-magnesium-iron-manganese-aluminum-sillicate. SO it is magnetic b.

Magnetics technique.


Caves found within limestone result from? a.

Slowly circulating water below the water table. b.

When it circulates it wears/ cuts through to form caves. Stagnant would be a sinkhole.


Plagioclase, quartz, biotite, and hornblende would most likely be found in a? a.

Dacite because all the above minerals are highly felsic which Dacite is. b.

Syenite and Trachyte are the same but Phaneritic vs Aphanitic and have all but

Plagioclase is replaced with Orthoclase. c.

Andesite has no quartz or biotite. It has lots of pyroxene and hornblende.


12-15 What are oscillatory waves in inland bodies of water called? a.

Seiches. b.

The main thing is they are oscillatory and inland.


12-26 A 4:1 (H:V) slope has what grade? What slope angle? a.

Grade = V/H = %


Slope angle = tan-1(V/H) c.

Higher H = gentle slope. d.

Lower H = Steep slope. e.

¼ = 25% grade and tan-1(1/4) = 14 degrees so answer is 25%, 14 degrees.


Convergent plate margins are characterized by: a.

Melanges of feldspathic sandstone, siltstone and shale. b.

Melanges are a product of subduction


Sphallerite, Willemite, and smithsonite are all: a.

Zinc ores. b.

Sphallerite, Willemite, and Smithsonite all have Zinc in their chem formula.


Given a bed with an orientation of N65*W, 25*S, what is the corresponding attitude? a.

ANS. 25*, S25*W


A soil material with a porosity of 50% would: a.

Be classified as a CL b.

Loam is known to have very close porosity of 50%. CL means Loamy Clay or Clayey



As defined by the Richter on a Wood-Anderson seismograph, what is the difference in amplitude between a magnitude 6 and 8 earthquake? a.

Difference in amplitude magnitude of two earthquakes: Use formula 10^(M1-M2). M1 will always be the larger magnitutde. b.

8-6=2 so 10^2=100. c.

ANS. 100.


What would NOT be the expected origin of a mercury deposit? a.

ANS. Weathering. b.

Mercury origin can be epithermal, clastic sedimentation, and volcongenic.


What type of water has never been circulated in the hydrologic cycle? a.

ANS. Juvenile; because Juvenile is water that formed deep within (not on surface) and hasn’t circulated. b.

Water that have already circules are (Connate=water trapped in sed rocks that got buried, fossil= water trapped in fossils that were once on surface, confined=confined aquifer which is still permeable.)


Which of the following is NOT true of sedimentary facies? a.

Fossil remenats will be consistent through the facies. b.

Why is this not true? Because some fossils/sed rocks preserve better than others, some not at all. This leaves gaps and therefore, inconsistency.


A bed has an attitude of N35*W, 45NE. What is the apparent dip to the north? a.

First: Apparent dip is NEVER greater than true dip. b.

Formula for AD: tan(AD) = (tan(TD)x(sin(strike-bearing or strike)) c.

Tan(45)xsin(35)=.57 i.

Tan-1(.57)=29.8=~30* ii.

ANS. 30*


During the Permian seas had advanced onto much of the western part of the North American continent. The Kaibab Formation which formed during this time consists of a sandy limestone.

When drawing a lithologic log of this formation how would it be depicted? a.

ANS. By modifying the typical Limestone symbol by the addition of the sand symbol within the blocks of the limestone symbol. b.

You absolutely would not just do a descriptive modifier


You wouldn’t put sand layers because that’s interbedding which is different than SANDY limestone. Interbeds would be sand-limestone. d.

Scattered zones doesn’t make sense.


Settlement calculations are based on data obtained from which of these laboratory tests? a.

Consolidation b.

Consolidation is the process of reduction in volume due to expulsion of water under an increased load; therefore, when doing settlement (thing settling like loads on stuff), you need to do consolidation tests obtained from settlement calculations. Makes sense.


The storage coefficient and transmissivity are two important parameters calculated by using the: a.

ANS. Theis Equation. i.

Gyhben-Herzberg aka saltwater intrusion uses 40ht, height of potentiometric surface and depth.


Name three main physical properties of rocks which are logged by wirelines: a.

Electrical, nuclear, and acoustic. i.

All have wirelines (the scribbly lines in well logs, for example)


The inverse order of evaporite deposition is: a.

Sylvite, Halite, Anhydrite, Calcite. b.

Normally it is Calcite, then Anhydrite, then Halite, then whatever. Less soluble is first.

Halite should be at the end since it’s just salt, very soluble.


What is the most common of all factors leading to slope instability? a.

Removal of lateral support i.

Removing the ladder under your feet.


Ground-penetrating radar is useful for determining? a.

Locations of buried objects. i.

Good in soils.


Contamination of ground water from nonhazardous landfill operation can: a.

Be controlled by linin the base of the landfill with a material with permeability of

<10^-6cm/sec i.

Less permeability = good. b.

Be reduced by locating a landfill substantially above the water table. i.

Obviously is the landfill is so far from water source, there is less contam. c.

Result from downward migration of leachate. i.

Leachate is when water leached out through a solid and stuff came out. d.

ANS. D, all of the above.


What symbol would you look for to obtain good elevation for placing an accurate location and elevation of a site? a.

BM means (Bench marks) and are survey marks by Ordnance Survey to record height data, so obviously good for elevation.


Two isotopes often used for age dating groundwater are? a.

Tritium and Carbon


Members of the phyllosilicate group are: a.

Sheet sillicates. i.

Think Micas, clays. b.

ANS. Kaolinite, muscovite, chlorite i.

Kalonite is a clay ii.

Muscovite is mica iii.

Chlorite is chlorite group but in the phylosillicates.


Which of the following rocks makes poor aggregate for use with Portland cement?


ANS. Chert because it is silica (though Quartz is too but it is most stable) and tends to absorb water and swell. b.

Pumice is porous. c.

Basalt is porous.


Which of the following is NOT a useful ratio in determining the age of rocks or sediments a.

Silica and Carbon i.

Probably because there is so much of this in crust and sediments.


Storage coefficient or storativity in an unconfined aquifer is equal to: a.

Specific yield


You need to represent the information you obtained during a field investigation of a site that is one square mile that included mapping of your site as well as subsurface exploration results.

What do you need to do to the base map at a scale of 1:15,000 to make it work? a.

Use a larger scale map because it covers a smaller area.


Soft sediments are best sampled with a ________ to obtain undisturbed samples. a.

Shelby tube i.

Not sure why Shelby tube, but Modified California Sampler, Soterberg,

Hvorslev, Pitcher Barel, and Denison all work for indisutrubed sediments as well?


Which of the following is NOT typical of glacial deposits? a.

A pile of rocks at the base of a steep slope. i.

This indicates some kind of erosion or physical weathering which glacial till is erratic and out in the middle of nowhere.


Layered intrusives may results from? a.

Crystal setting. i.

Groundwater, magma emplacement, and intrusion into sedimentary deposits does not cause layered intrusives.


Each magnitude releases how much more energy than the previous magnitude? a.

32. Seismic energy increases about 32 times every subsequent earthquake.


Which geophysical technique would NOT be used to investigate a massive sulfide ore body? a.

Seismic refraction


What does a slug test measure? a.

Localized values of permeability


Which trap is NOT exclusively a stratigraphic trap for petroleum? a.

Dipping homocline


When is a gravel pack used? a.

When there are fine-grained sediments


Which of the following contributes to reduced shear strength in a potentially unstable slope? a.



Groundwater that flows through different pores at different rate and flow paths that vary in length is caused by? a.







Large smooth elongated windblown deposits that extend parallel to the prevailing wind are known as? a.

Whalebacks aka sand levees i.

Barchan = crescent shaped, tail to leeward C  ii.

Parabolic dune = crescent, tail to windward  C


Seif dunes = narrow ride dune, your classic dune


According to Bowen’s reaction series with decreasing temperature a.

Olivine is one of the first minerals to crystalize


A long narrow sinous ride of somewhat stratified sand and gravel of glacial origin is known as a.

Esker. Due to fluvial glaicla deposit i.

Hanging valley is a hanging valley ii.

Arête is a sharp, peaked mountain iii.

Moraine is a glacial deposit


What does the drainage pattern shown imply about the terrain? a.

Jointed rocks.


Which mineral family produces the most clay minerals during weathering rocesses? a.



Using the rule of V’s, determine which direction these beds are dipping. a.

East. i.

Look at the valleys, Ahmad.


A tunnel-like structure created by a burrowing animal and filled with soil material from another horizon is called a? a.

Krotovina. i.

Kame = low mound, knob, or irregular ride of stratified sand and gravel deposited by subglacial stream ii.

Drumlin = Low, smooth, elongated oval hill, mound, or ridge of compact till that has a core of bedrock/dirft. Blunt nose. Like a half buried guitar pick it shows flow direction.


Which of the following would cause the greatest health hazards? a.

Chromium. i.

It seems comparing Cadmium, lead, and Nitrate that Chromium IV is a main carcinogen as per EPA guidelines.


The most reliable source of elevation on a topographic map is? a.

Benchmark. i.

Remember BM symbol means Benchmark, and it a VERFIEID and CHECKED elevation.


What would be the expected sequence of rock units from oldest to youngest for a transgressive sequence? a.

Know that a transgression shows facies going to deep-water environments. i.

Flooding of dry land b.

Know that a regression shows facies going to shallow-water environments. i.

Draining of dry land.


Where will the water be travelling fastest in a meandering stream?


At point B on the outside of the curve.


In which soil horizon would you find hardpan?




When you have a situation where a high exit gradient is predicted at the downstream of a dam what could be done to the dam design to reduce the exit gradient?


D. All of the above b.

Lenghten the flow path.


Install a drain.


Drawdown the reservoir.


TO determine the fault slip most accurately you could use which of the following?


The offset noted in a cross section drawn in the fault plate.


Given the following definition: The dislodgement and downslope transport of soil and rock material under the direct application of gravitational body stresses. The debris moved is not carried within, on, or under another medium. The properties of the material being transported depend on the interaction of the soil and rock particles and on the moisture content. What term is being defined?


Mass wasting. Because of simply gravity.


Colluvium = loose, unconsolidated sediments that have been deposited at the base of of hillslopes by rainwash, sheetwash, or downslope creep. Similar to alluvium but no so entirely as it resides at the base.


Translational slide = Down-slope movement of material that occurs along a distinctive surface of weakness like a fault, joint.


Creep = slow downslope of particles covered with loose, weathered material.




Of the following, which happened first?




Intrusions like O are actually very young.


Which occurred last?


D. It is above everything else, therefore is was deposited last; the youngest.






What metamorphic facies would be represented by this rock? a.

Granulite facies. i.

Composed of Sillimanite, Quartz, Almandine, Cordierite, biotite it would seem.


If Olivine or Pyroxene was substitute for the biotite, which of the three hypothetical rocks would chemically decompose more rapidy? So Olivine, Pyroxene, or biotite (original rock)? a.

B. Rock with olivine subsitutted. i.

Olivine weathers quickly on surface. Perhaps because of the Iron or Magnesium consitutent.


If you create a cross section at a scale of 1” = 2000’ from a 1:24,000 scale map, what is the exaggeration? a.

A. 1x i.

This is the normal scale for large-scale maps. ii.

Small area is:


1:1200 (1”=100’), 1:600 (1”=50’) These are not USGS. iii.



1:50,000 (1”=4333’) iv.

Small scale maps:


1:250,000 (1”=20,833’) about 4mi


1:500,000 (1”=41,666’)


1:1,000,000 (1”=83,333’)


Trilogibtes are found in which of the following? a.

B. Cambrian marine deposits. i.

Trilobites are found from the Cambrian to Permian. They are exclusively marine.


Kettle lakes are caused by? a.

Melted ice blocks that were left after the glacier retreated.


Give two possible explanations of feature X. a.

C. Dipping fault or unconformity.


What is the youngest geologic unit? a.

B. Unit D is on the most top area.


What is the oldest unit? a.

A. Unit I is the oldest i.

Not sure why.


Did Y occur… a.

B. After E. because E remains the same, unaffected?


When a bed is shallowly dipping in the opposite direction of a shallowly dpipping slope the apparent thickness of the ed is? a.

Greater than the bed thickness.


Which features is NOT shown in the drawing? a.

Tombolo; a mound/ayre, is a deposition landform where an island is attached to mainland by a narrow piece of land such as a spit or bar. b.



A stratigraphic sequence that is composed, from the bottom of the column up, of limestone gypsum and halite would indicate what type of environment? a.

Dry Tropical. i.

Dry so therefore halite salt and gypsum and tropical means marine so limestone.


No Limestone in desert.


In a fluvial environment deposition of the bed load is dependent on? a.

C. the velocity of the water and the size of the grains. i.

Obviously, lotta velocity will impede deposition (need calm waters) and heavy/light sediment is a factr (bed load).


Under what environmental conditions would you expect to find the thickest vadose zone? a.

Desert. Duh! Remember the vadose zone is the unsaturated zone so the desert will have lots and lots of sand deposited (thick vadose zone) until we get to the water table.


Which of the following associations is incorrect? a.

Bauxite, aluminum, residual deposit in tropical environments b.

Evaporite, gypsum-anhydrite, found in fault block depressions in an arid environment c.

Epithermal deposits, gold, may also be found in placer deposits?


Sedimentary deposits, coal, lacustrine deposits? i.


Barchan dunes are characterized by? a.

A crescent shape with tails to leeward, rarely vegetated. i.

Typical sand dune no veges. b.



What structures are shown? a.

C. 1 anticline, 1 syncline, 2 dikes and a fault. b.

Frankly, hard to tell. Just know that an surface anticline will probably have a crosssectional syncline as pictured below. c.


When could dike P-P’ have occurred? a.

Anytime after folding because, as you can see it is in no way deformed—straight as an arrow. It was not even impacted by the fault.


Which of the following characteristics describes the nature of the S wave generated by an earthquake? a.

Travels slower than the P wave and shears the rock at right angles to the travel direction. i.

They CANNOT travel through liquids. ii.

Perpendicular so definitely right angles.


In a meandering stream one would expect to find ________ shape of the cross section of the bottom of the channel. a.

An asymmetrical U-shape with a gentler slope on the inside of the curve. b.

As you can see the inside of the curve has gentler slope. They are never perfect, symmetrical U-shapes because of THAT curve!


