Gardening Services Business Plan

Group Members:
Mohsin Hamied – 19601
Mehwish Taj – 19602
Saleha Hussain – 21429
M. Arij – 21430
Rishem Pervaiz –20065
Opportunity Analysis
Awareness on a boom with govt. ads and meteorological theories around
climatic change.
Global warming has hit Pakistan and specially Karachi and this is the best time
to respond to the issue.
Plants once planted are there for good and have a long life if kept care of.
Ability to convert into a Service
Many such companies are already working.
Plantation services are manageable and physically do-able.
Feasibility Analysis
Service Feasibility
Gardening is an environment friendly service. Every home has plants and
trees in their house either in lawns or in pots.
Industry Attractiveness
Gardening services are not being delivered by an established institution
rather by local uneducated gardeners.
Target Market Attractiveness
Gardening market with the outlook has a long life as the greenery
proliferation has to go a long way.
Organizational Feasibility
There is only one person as resource required for the business which will do
the laborious work and procure the supplies needed as per customer request.
Financial Feasibility
• Financial Analysis of Similar Business
Similar businesses being run around gardening services include
conventional “Maalis” which haven’t yet captured the mass market in
terms of styling and revamp services, where one-service ranges from PKR
6000 to over PKR 50K.
• Overall Financial Attractiveness
Gross Margin: 60% which is expandable by
extending services to masses.
Operating Margin: 40% which is expandable
by extending services to masses.
Company Description
• Background
This company was formed at the start of the course
Entrepreneurship and small business in order to learn
how to run the business and get a deep dive insight of
negotiating, buying and selling techniques.
• Vision
“Maximize Greenery”
• Mission
“To provide top-quality residential and commercial
lawn and plantation care service
• Services
MARSM Gardening service will provide
residential lawn care service as well as
corporate plantation which includes lawn
cutting, edging and trimming. Optional
services will be available upon customers’
1.Home /office decor
Interior design with indoor plants
Soil, plantation, fertilizers, pots, etc.
Consultancy, gardener, other support systems
2.Gate gardening
Design of gate with outdoor plants
Different seasonal flowers, fruit plants, soiling, fertilizers, pots etc.
3.Garden, backyard and rooftop
Different flowers, fruits, vegetables, herbs etc.
Seasonal premier and regular flower, fountain, orchids, cactus etc
Terracotta, ceramic, wooden, homemade pots
Rooftop gardening includes waterproof grass/ natural grass carpeting with
seasonal premier and regular flowers, fruits, bonsai, palm, orchids, fountain etc.
Industry Analysis
• Size
In 2016, 41% of garden centers surveyed reported sales volumes
above $1 million; this year, that number jumped to 49%. The West
had the most respondents in the $5 million-$19.9 million range, at
20%, compared to the survey average of 10%.
• Growth rate:+50%
Predominantly due to increased plantation of
succulent plants (cactus family), shrubs, annuals
and perennial plants.
• Industry Structure:
Pakistan is a huge industry with revenues expected
to grow unfathomably in the next 10 years,
considering the weather changeand meteorological
theories at hand alongside the urbanization