Wellness survey Answer the questions in the section below. Each response will be a number from 0 to 5, and will correspond to either how strongly you agree with the statement 0= Strongly disagree 1= Disagree 2= Mildly disagree 3= Mildly agree 4=Agree 5=Strongly Agree General I maintain a healthy diet (Low sugar, fresh food and whole grains my water intake is adequate (2 litres a day) I feel I am physically active ( recommended 150 minutes of activity a week) I am within 20% of my ideal healthy weight I fall asleep easily When I wake I feel well rested I have enough engery to meet all my daily responsibilities I often take part in stretching exercises I regularly schedule chiropractic, massage, Physio etc appointments to maintain my health Total Pain /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /45 TICK ANY OF THE FOLLOWING YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS. Low Back Pain Elbow Pain Tension Across Top of Shoulders Shoulder Pain Numbing/Tingling in Arms or Hands Numbing/Tingling in Legs or Feet Tension/Headaches Ankle/Foot Pain Knee pain Pain Between Shoulder Blades Neck Pain Hip Pain Arthritis Dizziness Tired/Fatigued Wrist/Hand Pain Which of the above is worse? ______________________________________________________ How long have you had it? ______________________________________________________ When it is at its worst, how does it feel? ______________________________________________________ Does this cause you to be: Does this affect your work: Does this affect your life: Moody Decision Making Lose Patience with Spouse or Children Irritable Poor Attitude Restricted Household Duties Interrupt Sleep Decreased Productivity Hinders Ability to Exercise or Restricted on Daily Activities. Exhausted at End of Day Participate in Sports Unable to Work Long Hours Interferes with Ability to Participate in Hobbies or other Desired Activities. You have now completed your wellness survey. Now take a moment to reflect on your answers! If you scored 45 on the general section congulations!! If not how do you think you could improve your gerneral well being Here are 5 tips to get you started 1. Eat colourful fruits and vegetables - Getting your 5 A Day is easier than it sounds. Why not chop a banana over your breakfast cereal, or swap your usual mid-morning snack for a piece of fresh fruit? 2. Get on the move, make it a habit - Physical activity is important for people of all weight ranges and health conditions. It helps us burn off the extra calories. Why not take a walk in your lunch break or take the stairs instead of the escalators. 3. Drinking an adequate amount of water - drinking eight to 10 glasses every day, can help keep you hydrated. Many foods are also good sources of water; fruits like oranges, grapefruit, grapes, watermelon, and apples can help keep you healthy and hydrated. 4. Think Positive - Research shows a healthy positive attitude helps build a healthier immune system and boosts overall health. Your body believes what you think, so focus on the positive. 5. Stretch regularly - There are many benefits to regular stretching. Not only can stretching help increase your flexibility, which is an important factor of fitness, but it can also improve your posture, reduce stress, body aches, and more. Did you check any of the boxes in the pain section? Would you like to get rid of the problem? YE S NO If your answer is YES, there are a few alternatives available to you. Please check the item most appropriate to you. I would like to come to the chiropractor’s for a complete evaluation. This will allow me to find out if I can be helped by Chiropractic without further obligation. I would like the Chiropractor to call me to discuss my health problems before making an appointment. Name_______________________ Signature_____________________ Contact Number___________________ Date________________________ Clarks Chiropractic Darwin Wellness Therapy Centre 22 Chestnut Avenue Northwood Email - contact@clarkschiropractic.co.uk Middlesex Tele - 07555135782 HA6 1HR