Uploaded by Victoria Taylor

Population Quiz: Ecology & Population Dynamics

Population Quiz
1. What curve reaches the carrying capacity (K)?
2. What curve passes the carrying capacity (K)?
3. What resistance causes the S curve to reach the carrying capacity (K)?
What shaped curve will have a larger population size?
5. Which of the following is a density-independent event that could limit the size of a population?
A. a mild winter, which reduces death rates
B. the reduction of a competitor species
C. an outbreak of a parasite that spreads through close contact
D. None of the above
6. An ecosystem’s carrying capacity for a population is determined by all of the following factors EXCEPT
A. space.
B. water.
C. climatic events, such as tornadoes.
D. None of the above
7. Which one of the following is NOT a density-dependent factor?
a. Competition
D. Storms
b. Predation
E. None: These are all density-dependent.
c. Parasitism
8. Population size _____
a. description of how individuals are distributed with respect to one another:
random, uniform, clumped
9. Population density _____
10. Population distribution
11. Sex ratio _____
c. (K) limit of how many individuals in a population the food supply can
d. have a greater effect on populations as the size increases (resources
competition, predation, parasitism, disease)
12. Age structure _____
13. Density-dependent
factors _____
14. Density-independent
factors _____
15. Carrying Capacity _____
the number of individuals in a population at a given time
ratio of males to females
affect a pop. size regardless of its density. (floods, hurricanes, earthquakes,
landslides, drought, fire, habitat destruction, pesticide spraying
the proportion of individuals in each age group in a population: prereproductive,
reproductive, postreproductive
h. number of individuals per unit area (or volume, in case of aquatic) at a
given time
Use the graph below to answer the following questions.
16. Describe what would happen to the carrying capacity if deforestation occurred and the population had a decrease
in available shelter and food supply?
A. Increase in carrying capacity
C. Stay the same
B. Decrease in carrying capacity
17. Where on the curve represents a steady state?
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
18. What point on the graph represents exponential growth?
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
19. Which type of population pyramid is displayed in the graph?
a) Constrictive
b) Stationary
c) Expansive
d) Stable
20. What kind of growth does this countries population pyramid show
a) slow (stationary growth)
b) rapid (expansive growth)
c) negative (constrictive growth)
d) stable
21. Based on the chart what level of development would you expect the country to have?
a) developing
b) industrialized
c) late stage early industrialized
d) developed
22. Individuals of a population who exit an area.
a) Immigration
b) Emigration
c) Mitigation
d) Lingation
23. When a country's population is starting to grow older and live longer what becomes their main concern?
a) care service for the elderly
b) education
c) prenatal care
d)gender equality
24. An age structure diagram looks like an upside-down triangle. This area has a large percentage of
a) pre-reproductive (0 – 14 years)
b) post-reproductive (55 + years)
c) immigrants
d) reproductive (15 – 49 years)
25. Demography is the study of:
a) world economic conditions
b) mountains and other physical features on the landscape
c) urban areas
d) statistics related to the changing structure of human population