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Head Start Health Services Advisory Committee By-Laws

Education Service Center, Region 20
Head Start Program
Health Services Advisory Committee
Tri-County Head Start
Bandera ISD
Hondo ISD
Devine ISD
Medina Valley ISD
Lytle ISD
Natalia ISD
Bexar County Head Start
Alamo Heights ISD
Somerset ISD
Southside ISD
Southwest ISD
June 2019/CM
Health Services Advisory Committee
All Head Start programs are required to establish and maintain a Health Services Advisory Committee
(HSAC). The HSAC is an advisory group usually composed of local health providers—such as
pediatricians, nurses, nurse practitioners, dentists, nutritionists, and mental health providers—who
represent a wide variety of local social services agencies. Head Start staff and parents also serve on the
HSAC. The HSAC plays an important role in fostering community connections and ensuring that Head Start
programs provide comprehensive, integrated, and effective health services to children and their families.
The Education Service Center, Region 20 (ESC-20) Head Start Program has established the
Health Services Advisory Committee to address the following service areas: health, oral health, nutrition,
mental health/wellness, and safety. The function of the Committee is to advise in the planning, operation,
and evaluation of the services provided for Head Start children.
View the online video: Embracing Our Future
Four children in Head Start and Early Head Start programs are featured in this 18-minute streaming video
about Head Start health services. The video provides a basic picture of the range of health services offered
by Head Start.
June 2019/CM
Head Start Performance Standards Overview Training
1302.40(a) A program must provide high-quality health, oral health, and nutrition services that are
developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate and that will support each child’s growth and
school readiness.
1302.40(b) A program must establish and maintain a Health Services Advisory Committee that includes
Head Start parents, professionals, and other volunteers from the community.
Head Start programs must do the following:
 Collaborate and communicate with parents regarding the health and well-being of their child
 Assist families is accessing health insurance for self and child
 Assist families in identifying ongoing medical and dental care sources
 Follow-up on the health and dental status of the child using current physical and dental exam data
 Conduct hearing and vision screens within the first 45 days of enrollment
 Conduct a nutrition assessment of the child and provide parents with information regarding their
child’s specific concerns
 Refer families to resources in the local community
 Brush teeth daily using a toothpaste containing fluoride
 Provide nutrition services, including children with special dietary needs and children with disabilities
 Teachers and assistants sit with the children during meal time and provide instruction and
 Programs may pay for medical or dental follow-up services once it has been fully documented that
no other resources are available to the family
 Promote a child’s emotional well-being by supporting parents, classroom staff and working with
community resources
 Maintain classroom facilities and outdoor playground areas in a safe manner, to include
appropriate supervision of children and adult : child ratio
 To complete all required background checks on staff for the safety of children
 Ensure that staff are properly trained with First Aid/CPR, Blood Borne Pathogens practices, and
child abuse reporting process
June 2019/CM
Health Services Advisory Committee By-Laws
Article 1:
Program Name
Education Service Center, Region 20
Head Start Program Health Services Advisory Committee
Article 2:
The purpose of the Health Services Advisory Committee is to guide the Head Start program as it provides
the necessary services to implement Head Start Performance Standards and guidelines. Services should
meet the needs of children and families currently enrolled in the Head Start Program.
Article 3:
The Advisory Committee objectives are:
 To provide input to the program planning of each service area;
 To assist in solving service area concerns;
 To evaluate the services;
 To provide new ideas for services and education;
 To support and encourage implementation of the Head Start Program in each partnership
Articles 4:
 Health Advisory Committee meetings will be held at least once per school year and more often as
 Committee meetings will occur at a central location that does not require the majority of members
to drive a long distance. The meeting facilities will include availability of lunch should the meeting
be scheduled during noontime.
 Committee members will receive a letter that includes the date, time, and location of the meeting at
least two weeks prior to the meeting. There will also be enclosed a letter of confirmation that
should be returned to the program.
Article 5
The Committee membership is comprised of:
 Community representatives that provide services to children
 Parents of children currently enrolled in the Head Start Program
 Health field professionals
 School administrators, teachers, and assistants
 ESC-20 Head Start staff
June 2019/CM