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Texas Ecoregions Worksheet: Climate, Plants, Animals

period _______
DW 4-2.2 Texas Ecoregions
Directions: For our lesson, we are going to focus on six of the ecoregions of Texas. Please color the
following ecoregions.
South Texas Brush Country – dark brown
Edwards Plateau/Llano Uplift - yellow
Piney Woods – dark green
High Plains - orange
Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes – light blue
Trans Pecos – red
Oak Woods and Prairies – light green
Blackland prairie – purple
Coastal Sand Plain – pink
Rolling Plains – dark blue
Texas Ecoregions
Directions: Answer the following questions using the transparency of the ecoregions and the
laminated data maps.
1. Do all of the ecoregions receive the same amount of precipitation?
2. Why is East Texas shaded green and West Texas shaded brown?
3. Which two ecoregions generally receive the most amount of precipitation?
4. Which two regions receive the least amount of precipitation?
5. How many different soil types does Texas have?
6. Do you think rain amounts can effect soil type?
7. In general, describe the January temperatures in Texas.
8. In general, describe the July temperatures in Texas.
Directions: Complete the fact sheet for each ecoregion. First, color in the correct
region the same color as the map on page 1. When filling in the information,
make sure you use correct units (inches, feet, ⁰C etc…)
Texas Ecoregions
South Texas Brush Country
Piney Woods
color ecoregion 6 brown.
color ecoregion 1 dark green
Cities (list at least 3)
Cities (list at least 3)
Average January temperature
Average January temperature
Average July temperature
Average July temperature
Average annual rainfall
Average annual rainfall
Major soil types
Major soil types
Geography and/or landforms
Geography and/or landforms
Common plants
Common plants
Common animals
Common animals
Texas Ecoregions
Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes
Edwards Plateau/Llano Uplift
color ecoregion 4 dark blue
Color ecoregions 7 and 8 yellow
Cities (list at least 3)
Cities (list at least 3)
Average January temperature
Average January temperature
Average July temperature
Average July temperature
Average annual rainfall
Average annual rainfall
Major soil types
Major soil types
Geography and/or landforms
Geography and/or landforms
Common plants
Common plants
Common animals
Common animals
Texas Ecoregions
High Plains
Trans Pecos
color ecoregion 10 orange
color ecoregion 11 red
Cities (list at least 3)
Cities (list at least 3)
Average January temperature
Average January temperature
Average July temperature
Average July temperature
Average annual rainfall
Average annual rainfall
Major soil types
Major soil types
Geography and/or landforms
Geography and/or landforms
Common plants
Common plants
Common animals
Common animals
Texas Ecoregions
1 Which of the following can you find
in Texas?
A mountains and canyons
2 The state of Texas can be divided into
geographical areas defined by climate,
plant and animal species that stay
relatively within the same area. These
large geographical areas are called:
B deserts and beaches
F counties
C pine forests and swamps
G substates
D all of them
H ecosystems
J ecoregions
Directions: Use the map of Texas ecoregions to answer the two questions under the map.
19 In George West, we live in the
South Texas Brush Country
ecoregion. Which letter shows the
region we live in?
A 1
20 The Trans Pecos region is found in far
west Texas and is a dry, desert-like area
with mountains and canyons. Which
letter is the Trans Pecos region?
F 1
B 2
G 2
C 3
H 3
D 4
J 4
Texas Ecoregions
5 In general, annual rainfall amounts
in Texas increase from:
A north to south
B south to north
C east to west
D west to east
6 Which ecoregion of Texas is most
likely to be most affected by wind
7 Palo Duro Canyon, often called the Grand
Canyon of Texas, is located in the
Panhandle. The steep walls and deep caves
of the canyon were most likely carved by -
F East Texas Piney Woods
G Blackland Prairies
A years or prevailing winds from the
Rocky mountains.
H Trans Pecos deserts
B deforestation by early settlers.
J Rolling Plains
C water erosion from a fork of the
Red River.
D continuous rainfall over long
periods of time.
Texas Ecoregions