NRSC Work Report 2019: S.P. Shailender Kumar

Sci/Eng ‘SD’, Ec.No: NR02360
Work Report for the duration from 01-01-2019 to 31-12-2019
 Software Development
Acquired skills in Python programming language and bash scripting.
o Developed Pass Schedule Information Extraction Utility for generation of daily
status reports of all existing missions to give feedback to mission teams.
o Automated the scheduling of Pass Schedule files in DAQLS for both R2B-R1 and
C03 missions.
Getting hands on experience with ModelSim (Verilog), Quartus tools for simulation and
 HySis & RISAT-2B implementation at User Sites:
Hysis Mission:
A new DAQLS-3 system was made ready at NTRO Doom Dooma and following activities
are carried out :
o HySIS DAQLS software kit installed and hardware elements are upgraded as per
HYSIS mission on DAQLS-1 and DAQLS-3 systems.
o FEH, TCG and TCT are interfaced to DAQLS-3 and tested the same.
o Established links Interface between demodulator, network with DAQLS-3 system
was established.
o Trained NTRO Technical personal on HySIS DAQLS hardware elements and Level0 operations.
Installed new DAQLS software GUI on DAQLS-1 and DAQLS-2 systems at DIPAC
Delhi and NTRO Delhi.
Carried out local loop checks with data simulator.
Acquired real time passes, qualified the systems and handed over the DAQLS
systems to DIPAC.
Given hands on training to DIPAC DAQLS team for handling on NEW DAQLS GUI
and level 0 operations on RISAT-2B.
Coordinating with all designers and users for smooth operations on daily basis.
 Relay station readiness at Port Blair:
Following activities are carried out at ISTRAC station in Port Blair and made ready as
relay station for data reception:
o New high end workstation with DCAPS(Data capturing system) software is installed
and upgradation of existing system was done.
o Installed a new FEH card on old system and upgradation of firmware in existing FEH
card was done so as to support HYSIS/CARTOSAT-2S/RISAT-2B missions.
o Interfaced TCG, TCT and installed FEH cards on NEW DCAPS(Data capturing
system) .
o De-modulator links interface between new DCAPS and network connectivity was
o Acquired RISAT-2B real time passes on both Data capturing systems and transferred
the RAW data to DIPAC through DDSP network.
 RISAT-2B, Cartosat-3 & R2B-R1 related works carried out at IMGEOS
 Actively carried out DAQLS initial phase operations for RISAT-2B, Cartosat-3 and R2B-R1
satellites which includes:
o Local loop check through data simulator.
Pass Scheduling on daily basis.
Data acquisition, status logging, error reporting, DAQLS output transfers to ADRINDP are done on daily basis.
o Ensuring DAQLS chain completes and level-0 output is generated, if chain is not
completed coordinating between different sub-chain teams and resolving the issues.
o Daily status reports generated for all missions and given feedback to mission &
design teams.
 Carried out DAQLS Level-0 pre-launch simulation and supported 1st day activities of RISAT2B, Cartosat-3 and R2B-R1.
 Participated in the internal and external Test & Evaluation of RISAT-2B, Cartosat-3 and R2BR1 satellites Level-0 processing for DAQLS.
 Was Committee member for internal T&E of cartosat-3 UOPS/DPWFM/EMC elements.
 Cartosat-3/3A/3B/3C
 Installation of DI and ADP Servers:
o Involved in installation and ATP of five high-end Servers (DI+ADP) at IMGEOS
Control room.
o Performance and throughput tests were carried out.
 Involved in installation & testing of PCIe expansion chassis with six SPARC cards along
with DI for cartosat-3 data ingest.
 Installation of DPGS and MSM Servers:
o Involved in installation of two 8-socket high-end Servers (DPGS+MSM) at IMGEOS
o Performance and throughput tests for Servers were carried out along with GPGPU.
 Cartosat-2S
Actively involved in Cartosat-2F Systematic Coverage (Phase-2) activities and carried
out following works.
o Ensured transfer of Cartosat-2S raw data pass schedule files and state vectors of
NRSC (Shadnagar) and ANTARTICA to ADRIN through VPN network.
o Cartosat-2F Systematic coverage Data downloaded at SAN and Antarctica is being
processed (ADP) transferred regularly at ADRIN.
o Cartosat-2F data acquisition and ADP processing status for Systematic coverage on
day-to-day basis is prepared.
 GSAT-20 ground beacon uplink station
Following activities are carried out for establishing GSAT-20 ground beacon uplink station
at NRSC Balanagar:
o Identified a suitable site and existing room to establish the beacon station.
o Suggested upgradations and requirements as per GSAT-20 station requirements.
o Coordinating between MCF Hassan and NRSC.
Carrying out day to day maintenance of VPN and ensuring connectivity between
IMGEOS and Special User sites.
Done the site survey at IMGEOS and finalized the site for establishment of DDSPPhase II.
 Infrastructure Augmentation
Generated RFP by finalizing the configurations for DDSP server and carried out the
indent and procured the same.
Intended, procured and carried out testing, evaluation of Accord based IRNSS timing
servers which will be installed at different user sites.
Date: 06-01-2010
Place: NRSC, Hyderabad
(S.P.Shailender Kumar)