TON DUC THANG UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES --------------- FINAL PAPER A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family and Friends 4 Textbook (American English – Viet Nam Education Publishing House): Representation of Genderism Course: Discourse Analysis Course code: FL701100 Students: Le Quoc Mong Bao Instructor: Dr. Nguyen Dinh Thu December 2019 196018001 TON DUC THANG UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES --------------- DISCOURSE ANALYSIS A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Family and Friends 4 Textbook (American English – Viet Nam Education Publishing House): Representation of Genderism Course: Discourse Analysis Course code: FL701100 Students: Le Quoc Mong Bao Instructor: Dr. Nguyen Dinh Thu December 2019 2 196018001 ASSESSMENT Examiner Score Score (Name and Signature) (In figures) (In words) - Examiner’s comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENT PAGE Table of content 4 Abstract 5 Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 6-7 1.1. Introduction 6 1.2. Objectives 7 1.3. Research Question 7 Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 8-9 2.1. Introduction 8 2.2. Related previous study 8 2.2.1. In foreign context 8 2.2.2. In Vietnamese context 8 2.2.3. Research gaps 9 Chapter 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 10 - 17 3.1. Introduction 10 3.2. Methodology 10 3.3. Results 10 - 13 3.4. Discussion 13 3.5. Conclusion 13 - 14 3.5.1. Conclusion 13 3.5.2. Implication 13 - 14 3.5.3. Limitation 14 3.5.4. Further Study 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY 15 APPENDICES 16 4 ABSTRACT The study is to analyse the presentation of genderism in the Family and Friends 4 Textbook (American English – Viet Nam Education Publishing House). This study focuses on analyzing the non-linguistic features - visual images in terms of gender representation in an effort to extract the ideology behind their constructions. The research approach is based on critical discourse analysis in combination with methods of quantitative and qualitative content analysis. The results reveal that the textbook presents that there is no gender discrimination between males and females or boys and girls presented visually. The proportion of females to males in illustrations is the same. It is considered that gender equality is no longer a controversial issue in Viet Nam society and Vietnamese people have gradually paid much attention to women’s roles in the society, which is shown in the textbook. Key words: critical discourse, genderism presentation, textbook, ideology 5 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Introduction Vietnam is a multi-nationality country with 54 ethnic groups. The Viet (Kinh) people account for 87% of the country’s population and mainly inhabit the Red River delta, the central coastal delta, the Mekong delta and major cities. The other 53 ethnic minority groups, totaling over 10 million people, are scattered over mountain areas (covering two-thirds of the country’s territory) spreading from the North to the South. Viet Nam’s education in certain respects is not different from that of other countries around the world in such a way that there still exists problems within its own system no matter how well-constructed it used to be; as a result, there is an urge to reform the education system to meet the expectations of the society. It is undeniable that the innovation should be comprehensive as each part of the educational system is of equal importance and they are mutually related. Therefore, the change in the curriculum should go with the alteration in teaching methodologies as well as textbooks (Markee, 1997). Textbooks may involve in the ideological development of one person. Therefore textbooks with the knowledge they contain could affect individuals’ perception. It is apparent that linguistic features are not the sole components of one textbook. It appears the contribution of non-linguistic elements such as images or pictures. The visual images utilized in textbooks not only are meant to delight the lesson, to assist the reading passages or any kinds of activities but also affect the students’ awareness of specific issues (Fang, 1996). Pictures and photographs present meanings of their own (Kress; Leeuwen, 1996); therefore the misapplication of them could lead to the negative effects such as showing the discrimination of race, sex, religion and so on. Genderism is one of the most important aspects in the content of textbooks that is the concern educators. Since, a biased attitude of writers may sometimes have destructive effects on students that will remain in the student’s mind. It should be noted that gender identity cognition begins from childhood and it will remain constant when children reach puberty. Therefore, attention to create a balanced atmosphere in textbooks should be considered severely. The traditional stereotypes and exclusion of social actors in textbooks may impair learners’ attitude and also lead to have negative 6 attitudes towards opposite sex. Educators usually are concerned about sexism in textbooks because it can have terrible effects on students' personality. As mentioned, genderism or gender perspective is a phenomenon that can be transferred alongside other matters as a drawback. Gender-biased language and unequal treatment will change students’ attitude about society and social actors. For example, in many textbooks mostly females are usually considered as an inferior to males in societies. In this regard, critical discourse analysis will be useful to reveal these inequalities in textbooks and also unravel policies and ideologies underlying them. Critical discourse analysis not only attempts to find drawbacks in texts but also to inform language users to backstage events. 1.2. Objectives At the center for foreign languges – An Giang Continuing Education Center, the Family and Friends 4 Textbook is used for the elementary level. It means that students from primary and low secondary schools can access this textbook. They may pay attention to the gender and the actors that are presented in the textbook. Therefore, there will be attitudes from learners to the characters in the lessons. In order to clarify the aspects of male and female characters appearing in the lessons, investigating gender representations via pictures utilized in the thextbook is carried out to check whether these representations promote or challenge gender equality in education. 1.3. Research Question How are different genders demonstrated via pictorial representations in the textbook? 7 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Introduction Critical discourse analysis (CDA) focuses on power abuse that usually occurs in discursive conditions by institutions or elite groups. In recent years, CDA has attracted many researchers to work on various sectors such as textbooks, newspapers, media etc. Researchers have analyzed the various text features such as male’s or female’s names, pronouns, images, stereotypical roles, social actors activities and other aspects. Such studies mostly are quantitative or qualitative in which male and female social actors are counted. In this section, the related literature of the previous studies on ELT textbooks for gender analysis will be elaborated. 2.2. Related previous study 2.2.1. In foreign context Coles (1977) analyzed five of prevalent sets of adult basic educational materials. The results indicated that male social actors were portrayed three times more than females. He also found that males are indicated as breadwinners but on the contrary females are viewed as housewives or workers. Dominguez (2003) made an attempt to analyze New Interchange Intro to explore how males and females are represented. To this end, he analyzed the book in terms of word level, male and female characters, occupational roles, amount of talk and male and female illustrations. Regarding data collected, he concluded that the book is not biased toward any of the sexes. 2.2.2. In Vietnamese context The studies of gender discrimination in textbooks in Vietnam have been concerned with researchers. In Vietnam, few linguists have paid their attention to the issue of gender discrimination in language in general and in textbooks in particular. The pioneer linguist devoting his effort to study sexism in language is Trần Xuân Điệp. In his work (Sexism in language) published in 2002, he discussed the manifestation of sexism in language. Trần Xuân Điệp, 2002 argued that gender discrimination may be found in the use of he/his/him to refer both sexes in some cases. Furthermore, numerous of vocabulary showing women’s jobs are derived from the men’s jobs such as actress and waitress. The book marks a turning point in considering genders factors in materials; however it just examines the linguistic part of materials. 8 2.2.3. Research gaps The compositions of one textbook include linguistic part (texts) and nonlinguistic element (illustrations). The results showed that there existed the stereotypical images of women/girls and men/boys affected by the traditional social ideologies. In the study, the Family and Friends 4 Textbook (American English – Viet Nam Education Publishing House) is selected. This textbook is written for primary learners by different authors Tamzin Thompson and Naomi Simmons (2016). For analyzing the representation of genderism, the present study specifically goes to the conversations, the reading section of the book. Family and Friends series is one of the most popular and also prevalent international textbooks in the world. The popularity and prevalence of these textbooks motivated researcher to investigate them critically. 9 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. Introduction In the first stage the gendered clauses of the reading sections of textbooks were isolated for analysis. Afterward participants and processes were examined in clauses. Participants in each gendered clause were underlined and analyzed in two distinguishing types i.e. males and females. Thus, it clarified that what the gender of social actor was and also it revealed which gender was responsible for the conducted process types in gendered clauses. After all, in the present study because of the narrow borderline and the semantic load of material and behavioral processes researcher did not make any distinction between them, so the researcher decided to transfer behavioral processes into material category. 3.2. Methodology The study adopts the critical discourse analysis approach. CDA is defined as a special approach to study the text, emerging from critical linguistics. It is fundamentally interested in analyzing relationships of dominance, discrimination, power and control as manifested in language. CDA offers not only a description and interpretation of discourses in social context but also offers an explanation of why and how discourses work. The discourse analysis is suited for this research as it is the method for analyzing texts (verbal and non-verbal) which convey a power relationship. The critical discourse analysts also treat the text not merely as a piece of information but a social action; as a result, the text is seen to be the product of the dominant ideology and to fortify this dominant ideology within itself. In this study, the gender visual representations are scrutinized thoroughly with a native understanding into Vietnamese culture to discovery any hints of gender discrimination. The choice of this method provides an insight into pictures presenting different genders in the data. The quantitative content analysis provides a statistical and comparative evaluation of the number of male and female characters featuring in illustrations. It is qualitative in the sense that it requires an exhaustive description of the gender roles or characteristic attributed of the female and male images in the textbooks. 3.3. Results The distributions of male and female characters in the text book: 10 Picture 1: Distribution of males and females in illustration Picture 2: Distribution of males and females in illustration 11 Picture 3: Distribution of males and females in illustration Picture 4: Distribution of males and females in illustration 12 The above findings show that the number of male and female characters is equal in illustration. There are families containing the same number of members; the boys and the girls are in nearly the same ages. The figures above initially show that there are no signs of gender discrimination between females and females. Both genders represent the roles in the families and even in conversations. 3.4. Discussion The present study aimed to explore gender representation in the first unit of the Family and Friend 4 Textbook. From the data collected, it was explored that in Family and Friends 4, male social actors were represented as frequently as females. This manifestation does not affect people’s acceptable gendered behaviour. Furthermore, it contributes to portraying the social reality as in photographs equally applied for both genders. 3.5. Conclusion 3.5.1. Conclusion This essay provides information about exploring trace of sexism bias or equal manifestation of men and women. A detailed image of distribution of biased and nonbiased stance for genders was illustrated by applying van Leeuwen’s (1996) representation of social actor framework and Halliday and Matthiessen’s (2004) transitivity theory. According to van Leeuwen framework it came out that the inclusion of male and female social actors is near to 1:1 and based on this claim, males participated in activitiesas much as females. It was revealed that there was equality between male and female social actors. From the analysis, it can be said that females and males represented as active social actors and they had their roles in society. 3.5.2. Implication Gender consists of social thoughts and roles in which dominant culture of society carries them on men and women. One of the main purposes of critical discourse analysis is identify and discover gender issues such as difference between male and female in society which is stated through language, in this way, power structure and hidden ideology of power group could come out. With regard to study of CDA and its analyses and results, curriculum developers should consider these studies and provide unbiased content to improve equality between male and female in society. The results of this study can be useful for policy makers, material developers, teachers 13 and students to interpret its findings to find a way to revise or reform the content of the books which will be published in future. 3.5.3. Limitation The study was conducted and carried out in a short time, and sources of information were not searched and digested enough. Therefore, it cannot cover as many aspects of the differences as gender discrimination between the two groups. 3.5.4. Further Study It will be able to gain more value if the research is invested in more. There have still been a lot interesting things in this textbook. Researchers and scientists can join in searching to find more about the differences as well as the similarities in making fair between males and females. If possible, researchers as well as authorities go on editing books covering no gender discriminatiion. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY Coles, G. (1977). Dick and Jane grow up: Ideology in adult basic education readers. Urban Education, 12(1), 37-53. Dominguez, L.M. (2003). Gender textbook evaluation. TESL Canada Journal, 8(1), 32-46. Fang, Z. (1996). Illustrations, Text, and the Child Reader: What are Pictures in Children’s Storybooks for?. Reading Horizons, 37(2), 131-141. Halliday, M. A. K & Matthiessen, C. M. I. M. (2004). An introduction to functional grammar: 3rd Edition. London: Arnold. Kress, G., & van Leeuwen, T. (1996). Reading images. London: Routledge. Markee, N. (1997). Managing curricular innovation. New York: Cambridge University Press. Tran, X. D. (2005). Sexism in language. Ha Noi: Hanoi National University of Education Van Leeuwen, T. (1996). The representation of social actors in disourse. In CaldasCoulthard, C. R, & Coulthard, M. (Eds.), Text and Practices, London: Routledge. Van Leeuwen, T. (2008). Discourse and practice: New tools for critical discourse analysis. New York: Oxford University Press. 15 APPENDICES 16