ALİ HAKAN ŞENER Animal model 1. Read through scientific papers A and B and identify the following information and write your answers below: Paper A Hypothesis Material of the study Methods used in the study Identify a dependable variable Identify an independent variable What factors were controlled What was the control group the evaluation of change in the traditional milking system using automatic milking system Animal material consisted of 2,818 cows (heifers, primiparous and multiparous cows) of the Polish Holstein– Friesian breed used on nine farms equipped with the automatic milking system (AMS Astronaut A4 made by Lely). The animals were kept in free stalls; before the introduction of the AMS, they had been fed using the total mixed ra‐ tion (TMR) system, and after the installation of the robot the system was changed to partly mixed ration (PMR). Method used in the study was multifactorial analysis of variance. The following linear models were used, differentiated by the types of traits: Model 1—services per 1st conception, 1st service period, length of 1st pregnancy Model 2—services per 2nd conception, 2nd service period, length of 2nd pregnancy Model 3—calving interval, calving to conception, milk yield, fat content, protein content Polish Holstein–Friesian breed Age of cows Season Weather mılk Year of study No of cows Fat and proteın conct. The cows were controlled in the scope of selected reproduction features and milk production utility, that is, services per conception (number of services per 1st and 2nd conception), service periods (1st service period—days the second group was formed from animals which analogous production periods started during the operation of the AMS. age at first calving (AFC; 931 days), insemination season and calving season (IS; CS; spring, summer, autumn, winter). milk yield, protein and fat content Was the experiment planned correctly? Was it unbiased? If yes, explain what steps researchers did to make sure that the experiment is successful. If no, explain why you think so. Yes The method used by the researchers was statically proceed, that shows that the production and reproduction traits in the two different milking system. The experiments shows that the replacement of cms system with ams system has a significant effect on the dairy cows that is milk yield quality and quantity, fat and protein concentration. Paper B Hypothesis Material of the study Methods used in the study Identify a dependable variable Identify an independent variable What factors were controlled What was the control group The Frequency of the Myostatin Genotypes Would Vary Among Breeds And Would Associate With Body Weights. The studied material consisted of 200 individuals of two tested sheep breeds (Kamieniec and Pomeranian), 100 individuals each. Animals varied in terms of type of birth. Each tested population was composed of equal number of males and females. Sheep of Pomeranian breed were kept in Pomeranian voivodeship (Poland). Data collection; the body weight of a lamb in the second day of life (BW2, kg), the body weight at 56th day of life (BW56, kg), daily gains (ADG) between the 2nd and 56th day [g]. Animals varied in terms of sex and type of birth Identification of polymorphisms in MSTN gene; Statistical analysis; Traits within each breed were statistically characterized by calculating arithmetic mean and coefficient of variation. To investigate effect of myostatin genotypes on growth traits the multi-factor analysis of variance using the least squares method was applied (GLM procedure in SAS software package. Allele and genotypes frequencies Body weight Polymorphism in intron the mutation as well as its impact genotype phenotypes Polymorphism c.*1232G > different polymorphisms in myostatin Breed c.*1232 genotypes Growth traits Birth weight c.*1232 genotypes and meat performance traits Growth trait myostatin polymorphisms, alleles Yes that the effect of different polymorphisms in myostatin gene may be breed dependent, showing that the Was the experiment planned prevalence of the mutation as well as its impact and even correctly? Was it unbiased? If yes, its level vary depending on the tested breed. explain what steps researchers did to make sure that the experiment is successful. If no, explain why you think so. 1) Read a scientific paper C and search for the information corresponding to steps 1-8 and write your answers down below: 1. Intestinal mucosa is the interface between the microbial content of the gut and the host’s milieu. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The goal of this study was to modulate chicken intestinal microflora by in ovo stimulation with galactooligosaccharides (GOS) prebiotic and to demonstrate the molecular responses of the host. Drive beneficial effects of GOS stimulation in ovo in chicken. It focuses on both sides of microbiota-host interaction,selected microbial populations and intestinal mucosa physiology. effects of GOS delivered in ovo analyzed was analysed: (1) Abundance of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus in the intestinal chyme as well as (2) the immune and physiological parameters of the intestinal mucosa measured by gene expression. The trial was conducted on Ross 308 broiler chickens. Fertilized eggs (400 eggs) were incu-bated in standard conditions. On day 12 of incubation, the eggs were candled and viable embryos received an in ovo injection that contained either a biologically active compound (prebiotic) or physiological saline (mock injection). Experimental eggs (200 eggs) were injected in ovo with GOS. Control eggs (200 eggs) were mockinjected in ovo with 0.2 ml of physiological saline. RNA and DNA isolationTotal bacterial DNA was isolated from the intestinal content. Approximately 100 mg of material was lysed and purified using a Genomic Mini AX Stool. The relative abundances of Bifidobacterium spp. The significance of the effects and their interaction was analysed with two-way ANOVA. The effects were: in ovo injected group (GOS vs. C) and intestinal segment (duodenum, jejunum,ileum, and caecum). An HSD Tukey post hoc test was used to determine differences in gene expression. Significance thresholds P < 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 were used. Intestinal segment (P < 0.001) and prebiotic treatment in ovo (P < 0.01) had a significant effect on the relative abundance of microbial communities (Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus) in the chyme. the beneficial effects of the in ovo stimulation with GOS prebiotic in chickens. The effects were analysed on microbial and mucosal sites of the chicken GIT. Microbial stimulation with GOS delivered in ovo was manifested by increased abundance of Bifidobacterium spp. in caecum,