Unheard Perspectives- Resources If your sources are up-to-date, then they have the newest information about the topic. Information in up--to--date sources is more likely to be accurate than in older sources. If your source is consistent with other sources, then its information matches information in other sources about the same topic. If a source’s information is consistent with other sources, it is more likely to be accurate. If a source is free of bias, then the author doesn’t have a strong opinion that he or she is trying to convince the reader to believe. A source that shows bias may only have information that supports a certain opinion. If a source is free of bias, it is more likely to contain all the facts related to a particular topic. When you are doing research for a project, you can’t just choose any book, magazine, or website and use the information you find in your report. You have to do a little bit of detective work, examining your sources to make sure they are reliable. A reliable source is one you can trust to provide accurate information about a particular topic. There are some ways you can be sure that your sources are as reliable as possible. Unheard Perspectives- Resources Name: ________________________ Innovator:____________________ Homework (Due November 7, 2019) Find 5-8 reliable sources (books, websites, articles) for your project. At least two should be primary sources. Write them in the boxes below. Ask yourself these four questions when deciding what your reliable sources are: 1. Is this source of information up-to-date or recent? 2. Is this information consistent or similar to other sources of information? 3. Is this information free of bias? 4. Is this a primary or s econdary resource? 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. Unheard Perspectives- Resources