Lateral plosion A plosive (/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/) preceding the lateral sonant / l / either within a word or at a word junction becomes laterally exploded, i.e. it has its explosion during / l /, the air stream passing at the sides of the tongue. This phenomenon is known as lateral plosion (partial regressive assimilation). Special care should be taken to pronounce the English sound combinations / pl, bl, tl, dl, kl, gl/ with "lateral plosion". This can be achieved by practicing the pronunciation of these combinations without removing the tip of the tongue from the alveoli after /p, b, t, d, k, g / respectively. Examples: [pl] please apple [bl] bleak [tl] little mostly clothes horrible [dl] candle [kl] clean table badly [gl] glad wriggle Examples from «The stranger»: lateral plosion But can you help me, please? please (/p/ losses its plosion under the influence of /l/) He was very glad. glad (/g/ losses its plosion under the influence of /l/) All the young people leave the people (/p/ losses its plosion under the village. influence of /l/) Now this shop is causing trouble trouble (/b/ losses its plosion under the influence of /l/) ‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ said gentlemen (/t/ losses its plosion under Dave Slatin. the influence of /l/) References: 1. 2. 3. “A course in Phonetics” by Peter Ladefoged and Keith Johnson Yod Coalescence Yod coalescence is a special kind of reciprocal assimilation. In yod coalescence, both consonants influence each other and fuse together to form a new one, an affricate. The Yod coalescence occurs when we pronounce the sound /t/ or /d/ which come before a word that starts with the sound /j/, then these two sounds can come together and change to the affricates /ʧ/ or /dʒ/: /t/ + /j/ = /tʃ/ Did you like the present I got you for your birthday? Won't you come to the party? But use your head! Last year / ɡɒtʃə / / wəʊntʃə / / bətʃu:z / / lɑ:stʃɪə / /d/ + /j/ = / dʒ/ Could you help me? Would yours work? She had university students / kʊdʒə / / wʊdʒɔ:z / / ʃɪ hædʒu:ni:vɜ:sɪti / Examples from the song «Because I Had You» by Shawn Mendes: yod coalescence Should've told you not to go told you / təʊldʒə / Because I had, because I had you But I can tell that you're happy I wish I had you had you / hædʒə / that you're /ðætʃə / had you / hædʒə / References: 1. 2.