Uploaded by Lynsey Slaughter

Basic Computer Operations Unit Plan

Unit 2: Basic Computer Operations
STAGE 1: Desired Results
Suggested Pacing: 2 weeks
● What are some basic computer
● What is the difference between an
operating system and a software
● How do you properly create and store
documents created?
The student will understand that
In order to understand, students should
● There are many parts of a computer
to make it work effectively.
● The Operating system and software
programs all perform different tasks.
● You must save electronic documents
to the correct storage location.
● Be able to identify the basic parts of a
● Navigate operating systems and
software programs.
● Save their electronic documents to the
proper storage location.
The first 21 competencies are the Workplace Readiness Skills and should be integrated throughout all units.
STAGE 2: Assessment Evidence
Title of Performance Assessment
“Create Your Own Computer App”
Description of Assessment Task
In this performance assessment, students are asked to brainstorm & create their own computer application
using their knowledge of what software programs are.
34: Identify computer system components
38: Navigate operating systems and software programs
39: Input data and commands using peripherals
42: Manipulate data/software/operating system
43: Use file management techniques
Assessment Outcomes/Performance Expectations
Apply basic knowledge of computer system components and software programs.
Communication skills: Student Presentations
Incorporate feedback through class competition (who created the best computer application).
Incorporate AVID Strategies: Organization, Writing, and Inquiry within the project and presentations.
General Teacher Instructions
Teachers should allow two to three classes for the culminating project. Students will use a software application of their choice and
will create a table/diagram that mimics the one below. Students will copy/paste an example picture and explain each of the required
components/programs listed. Students will save their assignment and upload to the classroom Schoology page. Prior to the final
experience, teachers should spend time discussing computer system components, Input commands, operating systems, and the
project assignment/rubric.
Materials and Resources for the Performance Assessment
● Software Application; such as Microsoft office, or Google Suite
● Project Rubric
● Schoology
Assessment Task (Student Directions)
Basic Computer Operations lesson
Imagine that Apple has hired you, and you have been asked to create a computer operations
introductory lesson to sell on their App Store. You will need to use the internet to provide picture
example(s) and a brief description of each of the required computer component and programs
listed in the chart below.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
picture examples
2 software programs
2 operating system
3 input devices
3 output devices
Identify which example(s) would be considered a peripheral:
Performance Assessment SELF-ASSESSMENT and REFLECTION
(The following questions should be on the reverse of all Performance Assessment Rubrics)
1. What process did you go through to produce this product?
2. Which performance expectations did you meet? What evidence do you have that you mastered them?
3. How would you rate your work using the rubric on the previous page? What do you need to take into account next time?
4. What did you learn through the performance task that can inform your future work?
5. What does this piece reveal about you as a learner?
6. One thing I would like to improve upon is…
Other Assessment Suggestions
Edutyping Tech Readiness Materials
Label the parts of a computer
Using google images students will copy/paste images of various input and output devices
Label the device
Parts of a computer fact card scavenger hunt
Click and learn (what's inside a computer) http://www.kids-online.net/learn/c_n_l.html
The Journey inside a computer online activity: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/education/intel-education.html
Code.org video library: How a computer works & what makes a computer a computer
Pre-Assessment Suggestions
● Students label the parts of their computer with post-it notes
● Student basic computer parts- What do you know: Pre-test
Formative Assessment Options
● Quizlet Live
● Kahoot
● Exit Tickets
Summative Assessment Ideas
● End of the unit Post-test
● Vocabulary Test
Suggested Learning Activities and Supporting Resources
● Edutyping: Tech Readiness Materials
● Code.org: Video Library
CTSO: FBLA Infusion – Meeting Ideas and Activities
What is FBLA? National website w/ resources
Introduction to FBLA
FBLA Scavenger Hunt