Topic: Reading and Presentation – Introduction After you have completed the reading and watched the Presentation: Introduction, post a thread that discusses anything that you found interesting from both the presentation and the reading. To receive full credit, your thread must contain content that demonstrates that you completed the reading and watched the presentation. After watching the Presentation: Introductory Lecture, Pencast – Section 1.1 - 1.4 and the website articles. I found it interesting that I am not the only person that goes through anxiety when it comes to math. I go through anxiety when it comes to math because it takes a lot of time. Some days I am able to take the amount of time it takes to learn math and some days I am unable to take the amount of time it take. According to the Pencast presentation, there are three concerns that have an effect on most students who are having difficulty with math which is attitude, anxiety and diligence. Also, according to the Introductory Lecture presentation, one must develop a positive attitude, and when you are feeling anxiety and diligence, learn to break up your work in bit size chunks so you won’t become overwhelmed. Math tests make me feel anxiety because I am not always sure my answer is correct but with homework I can get assistance. I learned as I was reading brain-study-reveals-how-successful-students-overcomemath-anxiety a positive attitude very key and will help with anxiety. Practice regularly taking small steps, especially when having difficulty. I lean that I must take good notes. The things that interest me the most in the textbook is how the author of the textbook relate math to actual events that occurred in movies or took place in someone’s life. Math is always about making connections. In my opinion, relating math to things can make it easier to be learned. Math is one of the most useful subjects because it can be used in our everyday lives. Http:// "KurzweilAI | Accelerating Intelligence." KurzweilAI Brain Study Reveals How Successful Students Overcome Math Anxiety Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2017. Thanks you for the great advice I will definitely will practice having positive mindset, before quizzes and tests, I will try to go to bed early the night before, pray diligently Lord, thank you that you are with me right now, Your love surpasses all fear, I give you the anxiety I feel, I surrender all my worries to you, Clear my mind, Calm my heart, Still my Spirit, Relax my being, That I may always glorify you In everything I write, speak and do. Amen! Then I will be sure to eat a big breakfast, get my notes in order, and gave myself a peep talk! I will also Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice math in your daily life, the more comfortable you will feel using it. I will give yourself a pat on the back every time you answer a problem correctly and do not get discouraged if you hit a road block. I like that you post one my biggest issues is being diligent with time management and good study habits. Being diligent is an essential skill in all aspects of life. It involves being able to focus and concentrate persistently to achieve the completion of the task at hand. By maintaining focus and self-discipline and by practicing self-care, you can be diligent in your work and accomplish your goals, whether personal, professional or academic. I tend to overextend and overloaded myself with obligations. Sometimes life intervenes and makes it difficult to focus or finish a project on time. My goal to prioritize work diligently to finish this math course strong, have a positive mindset understanding that my consistent thoughts become your reality. Even though I am anxious about math, I love and accept myself; I choose to learn to make math fun.