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Macbeth Themes Worksheet: Identifying & Analyzing Literary Themes

Name: __________________ Period: ____ Date: ___________ Favorite Motif: _________
Reviewing Themes in Macbeth
A theme is the main idea in a work of literature. It is a perception about life or human nature that the writer
shares with the reader. In most cases, a theme is not stated directly but must be inferred. Themes tell us
something about life outside of a story, so people, events, etc. from a story should not be in a theme.
Furthermore, a theme is written as a complete sentence, so grammatically, a theme has a subject and a verb
and is a complete thought.
What may be helpful is if you start with a subject/idea/topic/motif and fill in the blank. For example:
Directions: Read the following statements that students have said are themes for Macbeth. Some are
correct; some are incorrect. Circle YES if the statement abides by our definition of a theme. Circle NO
if the statement is not a theme. If you circle NO, revise three statements as themes at the bottom.
1. Committing regicide is a sin against church and state, and it can’t be forgiven.
2. I think ambition is the most important theme in the play because the play
describes how ambition can sometimes drive someone too far.
3. Impulsive behavior may lead to disaster.
4. Appearances can be deceiving: fair appearances hide foul realities.
5. If the Macbeths hadn’t committed murder, they would have been so much happier.
6. Gender roles
7. It mostly taught about murder and that it can be really complicated.
8. I think loyalty is the most important because if the Macbeths had remained loyal
to King Duncan and Scotland, they would have lived richer lives.
9. Loyalty can be betrayed and it can cause good people to do bad things.
10. Macbeth should not have given into superstition so easily and exercised free will.
11. Ambition that isn’t regulated by ethics and morals will lead to one’s downfall.
12. There’s a natural order in the world; to violate this order is unnatural and disastrous.
13. The play tells us about witches and how they can make people do crazy things.
14. Generally, treason is immoral and a violation of one’s allegiances to his or her country. YES/NO
15. To prove his masculinity, Macbeth is cruel so he doesn’t appear feminine and weak.
16. Ambition can be a morally corrupting agent.
17. Destiny versus free will
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________