See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: HOW TO JUDGE THE SUCCESS OF THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE CREWS MAINTAINING ELECTRIC MINING SHOVELS ? ( MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR QUALITY INDICATORS OF ELECTRIC MINING SHOVELS ) Conference Paper · January 2011 CITATIONS READS 0 159 4 authors, including: Metin Ozdogan Ideal Machinery & Consultancy ltd. Co., Ankara 55 PUBLICATIONS 29 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Digging Mechanism and Digging Forces of Walking Draglines. View project Digging Forces of Wheel Loaders & Hydraulic Excavators View project All content following this page was uploaded by Metin Ozdogan on 12 May 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. HOW TO JUDGE THE SUCCESS OF THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE CREWS MAINTAINING ELECTRIC MINING SHOVELS ? ( MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR QUALITY INDICATORS OF ELECTRIC MINING SHOVELS ) Metin ÖZDOĞAN İdeal Makine Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti., Ankara Hakkı ÖZDOĞAN İdeal Makine Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti., Ankara ABSTRACT : In this paper, maintenance and repair achievement indicators are cited and described for electric mining shovels with 15 m3 dippers, such as availability, utilization, reliability, maintainability, failure rate. These indicators are depicted for five electric mining shovels, for a period of three years, operating at GLİ Tunçbilek surface mines. The maintenance and repair parameters of the equipment are calculated and interpreted for a period of three years . 1 INTRODUCTION Electric mining shovels are capital equipment and requires a very high capital investment cost therefore, they are always serviced and maintained on regular basis ie periodically. Electric mining shovels react divergent to the applied repair and maintenance programs depending on the design, structural properties, quality of the replacement parts, sturdiness ratio of the machine (ratio of operating weight over dipper capacity). Electric mining shovels’ productivity and profitability are functions of operating durations (periods) and the longevity of equipment life. Maintenance and repair programs comprise of 20 % to 40 % of the mining operational cost (Erçelebi and Ergin, 1997) 2 MAINTENANCE TYPES Maintenance on the Basis of Failures (Reactive Maintenance) : Reactive maintenance is repairing & maintaining the machine when it fails. Reactive maintenance methods were used in mining for a long period of time. In this type of maintenance, equipment breakdowns occur all of a sudden which causes destructive production losses and repair and maintenance expenses (Barkhuizen ve Pretorius, 2008). Periodical Preventive Maintenance: As a result of devastating component failures and production lossess mining industry concentrated on periodical preventive maintenance programs and started replacing and repairing the parts prior to break downs happen. Predictive Maintenance: The contemporary maintenance method is predictive maintenance which involves check up of the health, and estimate life expectancy of components by using diagnostic devices like vibration meters, infrared termographs, oil analysers and ultrasonometers etc. (Barkhuizen, 2002). Based on the inspection and diagnostics, repair and maintenance programmes; parts and component changes are planned. 3 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR QUALITY INDICATORS Table 1. Maintenance and repair parameters of P&H 2300XP (15m3) shovels in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Shovel # (A) % (n/h) x 10-2 count/h (U) % R, hours (M), (n), hours count YK34(avg.) 61±5 84±3 25±4 7±2 112±24 (4,05±0,50) x 10-2 YK35 64±4 87±6 39±2 7±2 87±28 (3,04±1,09) YK36 66±7 88±9 42±2 5±2 69±9 (3,67±2,63) YK37 65±3 86±7 36±5 6±2 90±25 (3,42±0,77) YK38 62±4 85±1 28±2 10±3 112±2 (3,55±0,26) Averages 64±2 86±1 34±7 7±2 94±18 (3,55±0,33) 3.1 Availability and Utilisation The Utilisation (U) differs from Availibility (A) that the utilisation concept has both planned and unplanned downtimes. Unplanned downtimes cover breakdowns and waiting idle. On the other hand, planned downtimes comprise shift changing times, bench preparations, meal and tea breaks, lubrication, supplies and maintenance. Utilisation calculation equation is given in the appendix section (Dhillon 2008). Table 2. Availability details of electric mining shovel # YK37(15m3) Year Program Unplanned (h) downtime (Tprg) (Tupd) (h) Planned Avail. downtime (A) (Tpd) % (h) Utilisation (U) % Real working time (Tg) (h) Dig Rate, Q (m3/h) (bank m.) Annual Production, Q (m3/year) (bank m.) x 103 Failure (Tupda) Idling (Tupdb) 2007 5715 387 1809 156 62 95 3364 826 2780 2008 6143 678 1272 622 68 85 3572 816 2913 2009 4995 497 1314 684 64 79 2504 820 2054 Avg. 5618 ±474 521 ±120 1465 ±244 487 ±236 65±3 86±7 3147 ±462 821±4 2582 ±378 Figure1. Average availability figures of the shovels for three years. Figure 2. Average utilization figures of the shovels for three years. 3.3 Equipment (EMS) Reliability (R) (Mean Time Between Failures) (MTBF) Reliability is the measure of equipment’s sturdiness and resistance, durability to daily heavy duty work being carried out. Reliability is also defined as the mean time between failures and abbrevated as (MTBF). Figure 3. Average reliability figures of the shovels for three years. Table 3. Reliability, maintainability and failure rate figures of shovel #YK37 Years Program (h) (Tprg) Failure Waiting time idle (Tupda) (h) (Tupdb) (Tupda) Real # of working failures time (h) (n) (Tg) Mean time between failures (MTBF),(R) (h) (M) (MTTR) (Tupda) / (n) (mean time to repair) (h) Failure rate, n/h, n/Tg 2007 5715 387 1809 3364 85 39.57 4,55 3,42 x 10-2 2008 6143 678 1272 3572 122 29.28 5,58 4,36 x 10-2 2009 4995 497 1314 2504 62 40.39 8,02 2,48 x 10-2 Avg. 5618 ±474 521 ±120 1465 ±244 3147 ±462 90±25 36±5 6±2 3,42±0,77 x 10-2 3.4 Equipment Maintainability (M) (Mean Time To Repair, MTTR) Equipment’s maintenance and repair ease is called maintainability. It is also defined the mean time to repair and its’ abbrevation is MTTR or M and its’unit is hours (Barkhuizen, 2002). The smaller the M value, the better the maintainability of the equipment. The smaller M figure indicates that failures are shot in a shorter time; this in turn implies the success of maintenance and repair team and management at the mine (Pak, 2010). Figure 4. Depicts, mean time to repair figures of the five electric mining shovels. YK36 has the best maintainability figure. Figure 4. Average maintainability figures of the shovels for three years. 3.5. Failure Rate (n/h) Failure rate is described as the average number of breakdowns per unit time which is generally per hour. This parameter shows the frequency of breakdowns of the machine. Predictive maintenance decisions and intervals are based on the failure rate figures. Sudden increase in failure rates and increase in frequency of breakdowns generally imply that the equipment has to be replaced by a new one (Cebesoy 1998). Failure rate is a measure of quality of the repair and maintenance conducted by the maintenance administration and the unit is the number of breakdowns per hour (Pak, 2010). The Figure 5. depicts failure rates of the shovels studied, and YK35 shovel has the best failure rate ie lowest number of breakdowns per hour. Figure 5. Average failure rate figures of the shovels for three years. 3.5.1 Maintenance Frequency Maintenance frequency indicates the periodical preventive maintenance intervals. There is some production loss and repair and maintenance expenditures may increase to a degree due to the fact that the equipment is allocated to maintenance by taking it off the production. In order to minimise the losses, an optimum preventive maintenance interval for the equipment to be decided which is not an easy task, in practice (Cebesoy, 1998). Maintenance intervals recommended by the OEM may be a clue in this respect. For example, electric mining shovel manufacturers suggest daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly intervals for maintenance intervals. 5 CONCLUSIONS Average availability (A) value of the five shovels was 64±2 percent. Highest figure was 66±7 percent belonging to YK36 shovel whereas the lowest availability was that of YK34 shovel with 61±5 percent. Utilisation (U) figure of the five shovels was 86±1 percent. Highest utilisation value was 88±9 percent belonging to YK36 shovel whereas the lowest availability was that of YK34 shovel with 84±3 percent. Reliability (R) figure ofthe five shovels was 34±7 hours. Longest time between failures was 42±2 hours belonging to YK36 shovel, whereas the shortest time between failures was that of YK34 shovel with 25±4 hours. The increase of (R) value implies that surprise failures diminishes, and sound operational periods extended (Pak, 2010). Reliability is a function of equipment sturdiness and quality of the repair and maintenance practices and programs applied. Average maintainability (M) figure of the five shovels, in three-years, was 7±2 hours. Longest repair time was 10±3 hours for YK38 shovel whereas the shortest repair time encountered was that of YK36 shovel with 5±2 hours. Average number of failures (n) count of the five electric mining shovels, in three-years, was 94±18 each. The number of breakdowns was highest on YK34 with a count of 112±24 and YK38 with 112±2 each; whereas the least number of failures encountered was that of YK36 shovel with 69±9 counts. Average failure rate (n/h) count of five YK(15m3) shovels’ in three-years was 94±18 each. The rate of breakdowns was highest on YK34 with a count of 4,05±0.50 x 10-2 breakdowns per hour; whereas the least rate of failures encountered was that of YK35 shovel with 3,04±1,09 failures per hour. As far as the mathhematics of reliability and maintainability are concerned, as the unplanned (unscheduled) downtimes (breakdowns) decrease, the Reliability or MTBF increases. Meanwhile MTTR (M) should decrease. As unscheduled stoppages of equipment get closer to zero (0), MTBF (R ) gets closer to infinite (∞), and MTTR (M) becomes zero (0) and availability will be (100) hundred percent (Pak, 2010). Making use of these indicators, the repair and maintenance teams’ and programs’ performances can be evaluated and judged. Furthermore, success of parts purchasing and supply systems can also be judged; life and quality of the parts can be monitored thru these records and calculated parameters. However, to have meaningful maintenance and repair indicating facts and figures, records and monitoring should cover at least a period of six months or one year; thus, indicate trends that may give clues to the maintenance and repair administration (Barhuizen, 2002, Kruppu (2004). Unless the maintenance and repair crews are not competent enough and properly trained, all the efforts spent go down the drain. As far as quality replacement parts and supply of consumables are concerned, if supply chain is slow and the quality of components procured are inferior, the efforts of maintenance teams are wasted off. If the above cited factors prevails, there is no improvement in maintenance and repair parameters eventhough periodical maintenance and repair programmes applied; in other words, number of breakdowns can not be reduced, mean time between failures can not extended; the impact of the maintenace programmes applied is not as good as expected. REFERENCES Barkhuizen, W.F. and Pretorius, L., 2003; Life Cycle Management for Mining Machinery, University of Johannesburg, South Africa,2008 Available online at: Barkhuizen, W.F., 2002; Life Cycle Management for Mining Machinery, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 2008 Available online at: Cebesoy, T.. ; Maden ekipmanları için bir rasyonel bakım planlaması modeli: Önleyici bakım. Türkiye 11. 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Kruppu, M.D. 2004; New technologies available to maximizing equipment reliability, Hardygora, Paszkowska and Sikora (Eds)., 2004; Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 455-459 Pak, C. 2010 ;önleyici-ve-kestirimcibakim-nedir?/ Appendix: = [Tprg – (Tupda+Tupdb] x 100 Tpd Where, A A : Availability % Tprg : Programmed total working time, h Tupda : Breakdown time (repair time) (unplanned downtime), h Tupdb : Unplanned downtime, h Tupd :Total unplanned downtime, h Tpd : Planned downtime (maintenance, lunch breaks, shift changes etc.) (Dhillon 2008). U = (Tprg) – Tupd – Tpd x 100 (Tprg) - (Tupd) Where, U Tprg Tupd Tpd : Utilisation : Total programmed working time, h : Unplanned total downtime, Tupda +Tupdb, h : Planned total downtime, h (Dhillon 2008). Where, R = (Tprg)-(Tupd) -(Tpd) (n) R : Reliability, (Mean Time Between Failures),h Tprg : Programmed total working time, h Tupd : Unplanned total downtime , h Tpd : Planned total downtime, h n : Number of breakdowns, count Maintainability: (Mean time to repair) (MTTR) M= Tupda (n) Where, Tupda n : Total downtime due to breakdowns : Number of breakdowns Failure Rate : Breakdown Rate = # of breakdowns (unplanned downtimes) Working time, h Breakdown Rate = n/ Tg = Count / h View publication stats