1.Describe what you see. Possible sentence stems: -I think that.. -These pictures have… -I see.. -I observe.. 2. What do you notice? Possible Sentence Stems… -I noticed that.. -These pictures remind me of.. -All of these pictures… -I wonder… 3. What do you think these pictures have in common? Possible sentence stems… -All of these pictures... -I think pictures these show… -Looking at these pictures, they all.. 4. Look at each picture. Complete one of the sentence stems from below. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Night_Sky_Stars_Trees_02.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Artist%27s_impression_of_an_exoplanet_orbiting_a_star_in_the_cluster_Messier_67.jpg Possible Sentence Stems... -I am wondering… -I think that… -One question I have is.. -These pictures all.. -These show examples of.. 5. Look at the chart below. What can you tell based on looking at it? https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hrcolour.jpg Possible Sentence Stems.. -I notice that.. -I can tell that… -I think…