PowerPoint Presentation Rubric Unacceptable (1) Acceptable (2) Very Good (3) Message is communicated. The project is missing pieces, information is missing and scattered. No sign of planning. Overall project message is missed. The project may be missing a few pieces, information is more organized but critical parts are still not present. The project lacks planning and organization. All pieces are present, but some information is missing. The missing information does not hinder the overall understanding of the presentation. Information could be better organized and planned. All pieces are present, planning is evident. Information is organized and presented in a logical manner. The overall power and impact of the project is well represented. Organization of slides and information presented. Shows student understanding of material presented Lacks enough support for each piece of work. Student has little, if any, personal insight. The presentation shows signs of background support, but fails to incorporate all elements. Little if any student insight. The presentation has an adequate amount of evidence. There is some student insight. Information is organized well. The presentation goes above and beyond the requirements. More than adequate information is presented Student provides insightful perspective. Student is reading directly from the PowerPoint presentation. Student reads from notes but at times is unclear and does not have good eye contact. Student tends to rely too much on notes, but is well spoken and clear. Student is well versed and does not read from the slides or from notes. Slides are confusing. Font animation, number of images and backgrounds distract completely from the message. The backgrounds, animation and images are not consistent, and distract from the meaning and presentation in places. Some of the design (backgrounds and images, font animation) is a little confusing but doesn't distract from the meaning of the information Backgrounds and images support the slides and do not distract from the message. There is consistency in design from slide to slide. Font is too small and there are too many words/sentences on each slide. Slides cannot be read. There is some difficulty reading slides because of the font size or number of words. The slides can be read although some slides have too much text or some have fonts that are too small. The font is large enough and there is consistent use in all the slides. The amount of text on each slide is Spelling and Grammar The spelling and grammatical errors obscure the message of the presentation. There are many grammatical and spelling errors but the presentation still conveys the message. There are a few grammatical or spelling errors but these don't distract from the presentation. There are no spelling or grammatical errors. Citation of Sources Information Citations are missing. Sources are not cited properly. A few sources are incorrectly cited or missing. All information is cited correctly. Oral Presentation Eye contact, not reading directly off PowerPoint Technical Aspects Backgrounds and images. Technical Aspects Text Excellent (4)