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Fahrenheit 451 One-Pager Assignment & Rubric

Fahrenheit 451 One-Pager Fall 2019
What is a One-Pager? It is a single-page response to the book you read. It connects the ideas in the
Fahrenheit 451 to your thoughts in a creative way. You will create your One-Pager so that your audience will
understand something about Fahrenheit 451.
You can do this on an 8.5” X 11” sheet of paper. You may use a template if you would like. You must have the
title of the book, correctly punctuated and formatted, along with the author’s name somewhere on the page.
The entire paper should be full of images and quotations.
Topics you must have::
❏ Write a 5-7 sentence RACES paragraph covering the theme of the book, correctly punctuated and
complete sentences with textual evidence to support your claim. Choose three quotes that support
your theme statement. (required) (This should be pasted to the back of the one-pager). The theme
statement should be prominently displayed on the one-pager. All items (symbols, pictures, etc. should
relate to the theme statement.
❏ Select two interesting quotes that are notable and jumped out at you. Write them on the page with
quotation marks around them. Include the page where the quote was found. These should be the most
important quotes that tie all of your information on your one-pager together
❏ Show 2 symbols from the story and explain what they symbolize (represent) and why they are
symbolic. These should be symbols that lead to the overall theme of the book.
❏ Choose a character that you believe to be the most important symbolically to the theme of the book.
Using the STEAL method of characterization, show how that character has been developed
throughout the book. This should be a visual representation and should have one piece of textual
evidence to support EACH aspect of the STEAL method. (total of five quotes with page numbers)
Helpful hints:
❏ Don’t simply summarize the book.
❏ Use the entire page; make it rich with words and images
❏ Make it colorful and creative - and colors. Make sure the colors used have significance.
Theme (RL.1,2)
I can compose a theme statement that is ROLU
❏ Relevant to the text - stretches throughout the text (Evidence from
the beginning, middle & end)
❏ One Sentence - Not stated with one word, is not a topic or genre.
Sentence is complete
❏ Life Lesson - Statement is an actual lesson, not a matter of fact. It
answers the question: What does the author what us to do or learn
about how the world works or how people act in the world
❏ Universal - The theme statement is not so specific that it can only
be used for this work. Can be used with a similar text
RACES strategy
I can cite strong, thorough textual evidence to support my theme
statement. (RACES strategy)
❏ Question is restated
❏ Question is answered
❏ Evidence is cited and formatted correctly (53).
❏ Evidence is strong, thorough and complete - not random quotes
❏ Evidence is explained, not just summarized. SAY, MEAN, MATTER
❏ There is a piece of evidence for the beginning, middle, and end of
the text to support the theme
❏ There is a summary statement
❏ Analyze how your assigned characters developed over the course
the book
❏ Must use the STEAL method of characterization with evidence from
the text & visual representation
❏ 5 quotes are cited and explained to develop the character
❏ Visual representation of the character
Symbolism (RL.5)
❏ Identify 2 symbols that represent a deeper idea/meaning
❏ Explain why they are symbolic and what they symbolize
❏ Connections to the theme is evident
Grammar, Mechanics
and sentence
structure (W.4)
❏ Very few, if any, errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or usage
❏ Title formatting and Capitalization
❏ All parts of the project are complete
❏ I can use organizational/formatting structure (graphic organizers,
outlines, etc) to develop my writing ideas.
Examples of One Pagers