Uploaded by Lindsey Lohwater

Stress Modeling Worksheet: Biology, High School

Today, you will construct a more sophisticated SageModeler Model that helps you assess,
discuss, predict, your overall level of stress. (Or, more optimistically, you could build a “lifehappiness” model! Your choice.) Our goal is to practice our modeling skills so we can
eventually apply these skills to an ecosystem.
To build your model:
1. Brainstorm sources of stress in your life.
2. Brainstorm factors that relieve stress.
3. Brainstorm consequences of stress.
4. Convert those sources, factors, and consequences into STRONG VARIABLE NAMES.
5. Open a blank SageModeler page. Add and link those together into your model.
6. Make sure your arrows are colored (and shaped) the way you want them to be.
Stop and check in with your teacher. Then…
1. Show that you understand the difference between DIRECT and INDIRECT connections.
To do so, brainstorm (or modify) at least one indirect connection and then add
intermediate variables to it to make it direct.
2. Show the predictive quality of your model; make a guess as to what will happen to one
variable when you increase/decrease a variable that’s indirectly connected it. THEN run
the simulation to see if you’re right.
Stop and check in with your teacher. Then…
1. Incorporate (or identify) at least one “reinforcing loop” in your model.
2. Incorporate (or identify) at least one “balancing loop” in your model.
3. Ask your teacher for an unexpected “event” in your life. Is your model as it’s currently
built useful in predicting the likely consequence to your stress level? If so, explain what
your model predicts. If not, describe how you’d consider changing your model (but you
don’t actually have to change it).
Recording your work:
1. Create a new Google doc.
2. Name, date, class.
3. Title: something equivalent to “A model of my stress level.”
4. “As a part of my learning how to model complex systems, I’ve constructed the following
model of sources of stress in my life, factors that decrease my stress, and consequences
of stress. This model was built using an online app called “SageModeler.”
5. Screenshot of your overall model.
6. “Based on my model, I predicted that if I changed ____, then ____ would
increase/decrease. As you can see from the following screenshot, my prediction was
7. “Here is a close-up of a part of my model that represents a ‘reinforcing loop.’ I know it’s
reinforcing because…”
8. “Here is a close-up of a part of my model that represents a ‘balancing loop.’ I know it’s
balancing because…”
9. “What would happen if _________ happened in my life? My model does/doesn’t give
me the ability to make a prediction, because…”
10. Any final reflections on what you learned about modeling through this exercise?