Film review rubric Excellent (N/A) Summary of movie and details support reviewer's opinion Good (N/A) Excellent Writer gives a brief summary of ?lm without disclosing ending; includes enough info to satisfy; details from the movie and evidence from summary strongly support reviewer’s opinion Evaluation of various aspects of film (Vocabulary) Excellent Contains suffcient evaluation of many aspects of the flm including directing, acting, location, special effects, soundtrack, etc using specific vocabulary (word bank) Effective organization (connectors and mature ideas) Excellent Review is strongly organized with clear transitions and logical connections that create a sense of being tightly woven together Final evaluation Excellent Review offers a clear conclusion or evaluation of the movie with a recommendation for viewing to others. Fair (N/A) Unsatisfactory (N/A) Good Fair Summary is either a little too long or not long enough but does not give away ending; not quite as compelling; fewer details from the movie and evidence from summary to support reviewer’s opinion Summary is either much too short or much too long; may be vague or tell too much; few details from the movie and little evidence from summary to support reviewer’s opinion Good Fair Unsatisfactory Contains insufficient evaluation of aspects of the flm including directing, acting, location, special effects and soundtrack using specific vocabulary (word bank) Contains no signifcant evaluation of aspects of the film and no vocabulary from the Word bank has been used. Fair Unsatisfactory Contains some evaluation of aspects of the flm including directing, acting, location, special effects and soundtrack using specific vocabulary (word bank) Good Review is organized and most transitions and connections are clear, but either organization is somewhat lacking or the sense of ?ow is somewhat abrupt Good Conclusion is satisfactory but is lacking of a clear final evaluation Review lacks strong organization ; jumps around too much or lacks effective transitions; not in logical order Fair A conclusion is present, but it's weak and lacking of a clear final evaluation Unsatisfactory Little or no signi? cant summary; no details from the movie and little evidence from summary to support reviewer’s opinion Review is choppy or incohesive; organization is unclear; few effective transitions Unsatisfactory No conclusion is present. Convention and presentation Grammar Spelling Excellent GOOD FAIR UNSATISFACTORY Review has a very good use of punctuation and capitalization. It is very well presented (margins, letter…) Review has a good use of punctuation and capitalization. It is well presented (margins, letter…) Review has a fair use of punctuation and capitalization although there are some mistakes. It is presented fairly (margins, letter…) Review has a poor use of punctuation and capitalization. It has many mistakes and the presentation is not neat ( no margins, illegible letter…) Student uses grammar very well Good use of gramar although there are some minor mistakes Student has many mistakes but the review is still understandable Impossible to understand due to gramar mistakes Spelling is very good Spelling is quite good (very few mistakes) Some spelling mistakes Many spelling mistakes