Tutorial MECH 3003" F/l&l Subrnit before Tuesday 1"2rrerin.(boxi 1,. Definition of measurement and instrumentation 2. 3. Draw and expiain the process flow Purpose of ;: ,reasurerne iti sy:;tem. Give any types of measurement process examp:le auto g;:le svst*rl uritn passcodc: and explain all the characteristic involve. @ Mu^tu*,{gwl anJ i^,9wr,rrnliliong Mragvrqmerrf €,.prc.,5.J in is ,{e$nnd as o 'tqchnicrl f*.tts 4, hvu,rbe6, unr|5, sgwrboti, anol indi<dl:rrrs oL{oin in&rv,r}i,vr of inslwttntrlir''' i5 /ttned qs a col\ttv( du.ri'es trstil ln @ na*tl3 ruv}b and reaal;n .r"riatF. ftgsi(al lrt,rrliliog, rnsqfuYqr4e?+ vl.,ereas Jysler\c (i)- A prrors enc'o-passo( a sysirar"ralit suvis o{ ,neclnu:,uA oyrdiers *[o] qer{orrrr' v;ork in o.de. }t gtodueu Jb!!r phgsiral vqriat}a tii) Tf.e g\sica) qurvfi,fic( h be f'neat'rrqd arq k"tor*, aJ ,vteasu'ca av,cl theg '5ew0 q3 jaf+ 1p tha mearrrcmeni ryslenn' trii)1he m(4s\rr@'\Qn| tsh- culv\friteJ tf 'Ynsn6 slevs'''t, signal ?r o.o(5 fffit'-"r".1 Sor^Sng SISb^ty+ condrliou\nj cltrnevrl, Signqi pt cetsi{ ala'nent, ard Jd+q 'rlr Sig"^l conliliwriE oltwvrt , a^llo.. [w9"nt5' P.i-or9 g?rasing tle,"entr ap wtnic\ QrO jrr c*|ad with i"/r# ar *gr,r'u,Ys/ " thnl wrl'l ptrfwrn ttr fi,51. s{a, o{ 4ra"rd"..lir. q,nJ (ro,l,rco the o'orLl in tttt {*"rl # so.c ir}errTedlofc W'Ai rqsi*qnca, cuYv0n|,unllaf SrXna\ 9wc$sig a\tnnqltt ,\ispluct.cnl, volor!, rccrlet li"n, ak". Fo. uayrplg slYip canvcds ltqpo.r.l',nrt clnnge lo disPlr.e-or|- s,r.h D#a grcsenlk\itu 0 r,tlp..i I rra ^s a bir g" -fht q|\rr honl, Jeccqle.u .ser.sir,,{ elernarr}s will oowvrl finS rn-lcr^cdialo yo.lila jnhtelecln.cl "6nr. h. e*rnryl{, in r6yw elcrrtwt Obserter PrsJ q clt*,* ^"d lrrpose i: lo gwn}t '''r'€r $qlvlt 'il^* coYrsrFonlr to I"p uqiqblz [try t"e^ta' [rv) ,f1,.n"3 ele-snt i,l l\s 8'5] poi"] af *nla* w\ith rooivc ,\ $i MZaJuorntrf 0r sNi,,'M[^s lrnrt ar .|*.0, prtJ,arrt ,\wrl, l4ll, u" nn"fibn Sgslorq ltre protess an4 {reJs 1lz o"r}prl ,fi,t',,. fht Se"sa- iT tlu 6vur ' '119 5!5ervtr wrtln taurel $c vat,ae) l\rplo.<*on| tltclriol 5i{na\' ffrr', {lc Liqrhllic ffip, -}hs pn}rr.1;r,ne}1. w\l I ,tl" *nlig elt'ntrr| Sinrtrl rontil'ornivrj elcrnnni re(ei"ef, -lk urtpr4- 'f covNdk #J, a €rm |l"ot i( more luilablc {at l';t"rt pwt0$irrjrra$ DC voll.3e r0C cur.trl, or &tX^lo,'.5 signrl' Sgv''l cor^dihonig cnvr ir.cl,,Je ov'nyli$."iion, fil+eAg slosh^3 a^d .s,Xr^al Ji$utbrh{s{ coYrYtr (l) , iSolal'iw, , ^f4 thy ,'[,er Prsc{JnJ "t1rl'tod }" r"nok or^t1'*l- mi\al\c {tv 9r'ccur11 q$e' confJfuv'i'} ynn6r. v *rLq [vi) pr{Jrn}a}'a4' ?or t{awgle, aa aoal frv.astiy elerrnt moks ]\s .n]g] {tonn +1.( cordi}ionil5 thrren} J\,{*r[V. {w fi,ahrr JiOihl conNcdor CnU<) cohrrerls ilrt tolhgo ihlv o digitol €on, ru iny# 'h +h( cor"rpulqr; a mirroco,',pr'Ior *l,,al rck, 'Iggi.al aw flr( tq\rulq]q # i.o+41 nnart llo thc ,{qlus vl o v.^a^${r.,\ vanatoL tnrl |t* inrsnihq Jl6,kl aala" _cqltnlq]io^s vi[tn'h'* 4t*l,on\< <r"v,npoqc# arralyris aF krtar''rsnc'T], anJ c'orrt}on frw"s'* Vohay,1t {low 1*}os anc{ de*5'l$ dn}a 7h Sigv,crl . Cvii gkyv,pnt no'rlincarilS. 'it^ o {*r +{^aJ-ccn k o^il$ pw5e,.l*lto,n olenpnt tvhib# ndar',ysJ val,ar '^n{trJ+bu{ b ot:crwo. Llr.,*'yr.d ")Dcla\'-*cl i^dieattrf, fo rtadowts, no} c\av)- rtcw-trsq Ji6*^) 4lphar',,rr,*ric Aisfrgs, a.,J crnnp.,rle. progro,n usrr inhr.foa. \,rclui& g^le Ar"l.r^nle/ @ (i) (i;) ?ro.ors wi141 passcs/e Esla"o : The a,,rh*atsd gds- (wrr)nJ sl,,,t rn Jtrdi( "*)i]r'u when n', iny# s)gnal is t"35orcr\ tg a Yu.o6u\zed looS* car or w!,0,n fir pascofq logi< is talte (g1. l"n+: Light (i,-af) (i ) &*iu3 cre"a€nt' (rv) 5e",1 + Elec4onic logi. siijnal ( *onrrf! krg-;,') + .,ndi*',niUc"nl;l;;y[,id'Iii,r*lll$,,t-h]il ,Til#;i'-ilut.'iftll'';i;.{n,,I 6iXrro\ lleqart, , i''f, }, , '-o* s,il filJsrs sievrvl rroires fifr)- *rkfp:f;ffifi1.rn n t I;6*ol cunv{y[6 ( rocauo tLe a",elr3 s0nol r procrsrQs i] q^d cov,vor]s irfi Jigihl ftrmal whie\ is procassed (fer6rr,,s r^alhe.alka) qhd [o3i.0\ og-ti*r) in c canpulor }hr*gh a grogrnnoq2{ Sefi\^('( *t'rl ;s able +0 rs"d *l'e vqriqbk/f,' TI.e progrn", €qs alSo Covnyare v$sr.i,,p,rl Slrin3 Ov' 'flrS p^rt,"dt sg,r*an' wth fAt yrt tl^evr qlrr,'eyrf. "s l*y ih.rid0 ''i\"e cwtp"rlork rryyvfog tU rnoqru ,rf logi.al oye*1'oa ns' thE hard*a,t o.d .ro#,,ort are ,cfiw. I-F 4Lr logi< gields .}r $*i tLt gale wil\ e!e4 " Oh,crwX , thr golo r('y,qins rh+ ( fnlsr (g)). fr .'wrpw}ar -ifi1 rlo,,hr , o,.J o}ht' *ol"lus lil4 7-seg-41 a!3"r.fr, wh;.| rl. ,\\ o[ fl., prrrnrelrrr, vaaablvf, , an{ co*dihors ir,' rqql-+rqc ol +t .f uocu6ig in "ldr;lio |i.r tu*tr1 tloroni ar uell as *1"( jascola raa.i,te physi-llg. the,ta oolp+s are lisp ort rnsaJvrsi .rol",er 'yln**rtn {k cov.p.,rltn gosunaru u&r iyrhr&cc ,.,i als,, s, aly\nanu'wic a","plt. lr9 Sat,ra n+wrs is r,rSed +o gerfuor lgi*l ,p6afi6,r,s.or, 'p^"*i- "ruJh gas"ole +o 5;w 4nrt (! s{ f"ts" 10J ,asvlt, o" in sovnq cqses trr. }1,,s tndeye.totb withoqt the cr*grhr" (7"+p.,,t, \loltage 4^4 Jcr,rnd in1 Ar.alo3-*v- conJ*iuns fvnJ * digthl {utw," .C""Yvagl] pasi(ode p{Q5enn}r.}iovr ,"rtase liino"'tes Uy con'iqr|S o 'ro"''-linuq' iny,a| 519"n1 \,lo 4 li,,orn perhvr4r elafi;r1 irvlqh,,vt 'f" h"rl. lfie gatvamic pcth Vc+veer', 4*r , pwccsr,l Fr.ccstiu {.,npac'fin,.a dugflai"' on,d o,tp,ri sSna\5r ood qlso 0i) pat^ - :-j:::;:lf;,.**f.Ii.$ril:frilili:#jrfi#"T;.., :i':fl,dfr': inkrp,ehbfe (v) Sigtrrj pasrcala fiayrsmrllu/ cuwn| th oy* ^,nd c(vs< }1.a golu), disyla.annn| (rolohue r^no.li,o, sf *1^u gS.), I as r",li.nlrr {0,. 1[,c aolivthss donq bJ L,t gol")