Uploaded by Adora Hawk

Articulation Meeting Agenda: Collaborative Focus

Collaborative Meeting Focus
Agenda Topics for Articulation Meetings
Each meeting has embedded professional development and sharing of instructional best practices as
aligned to the meeting topic. These agendas are written as snapshots with detailed notes taken during
the sessions. All meetings follow the FIA team expectations for collaboration.
Classroom environment: Keeping them engaged
 What does this look like?
 Physical Environment
 Classroom Engagement through arrangement of environment
 Cooperative Learning Strategies
(Review of EU; Skill alignment)
 current unit in Atlas
 PD-creating an authentic and measurable statement of inquiry
 What are the skills necessary to support understanding of the EU?
(Learning Experiences)
 Bring your current unit of inquiry and subject guide
 Locate objectives being assessed and match LE’s to support objectives
 Map progression of skills
Student Data
 Variety of assessment strategies
 Giving meaningful feedback
 Tracking and record student data within Atlas
 Review student needs and how they are documented in the unit plan
 Document student strategies discussed
 Differentiation of lessons-documented in differentiation box
 Up-dating the resources used-give a brief summary as to the description/effectiveness of resource:
this is documented in the Atlas Unit Plan
(Taking Action)
 creating lessons that motivate students to take action
 Reflecting with our students on service
 Connecting to learning outcomes
(Reflections box Unit Plan)
 Actively reflecting with our students in the classroom
 Motivating students to take ownership of learning
Updating the unit plan summaries
Presenting the learning
Progression of skills-how will you communicate this with parents?
Schoology Reporting/Scoring
 Reviewing MYP Criteria scores in Infinite Campus
 Chart progression of assessment
 Communicating MYP scores vs Traditional grading with parents
(Collaboration Tools)
 Using Atlas collaboration tools, continue mapping ATL skill progression with grade-levels
 Leave notes within the tools
Finishing Strong
 What are your needs?
 Report Cart Comment Bank
 informal observations
 Share out-Kudos to…
(Archiving-Unit mapping tool)
 Preparing unit plans for archival
 Summer PD-dates/times Tiffany will be on campus
 Sign up for summer collaboration credit