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Communication Beliefs: Improve Your Skills

Don’s Beliefs on Communication
I believe:
1. I only get one ‘First Impression’ opportunity per day
2. It’s rarely what I say that matters, but how I say it
3. I must learn to always communicate in a respectful manner
4. I communicate what I keep of all my thoughts. What am I thinking
5. It’s not that they didn’t understand, it’s that I didn’t explain it clearly enough
6. I need to be aware and responsible for my emotions when I communicate
7. I need to listen more with my eyes (nonverbal)
8. I should ‘Seek first to understand . . ., then to be understood’ (Stephen Covey)
9. It’s better to get the other person’s attention before I begin to speak
10. I should own up to what I say by using ‘I’ messages
11. Why did God give me two ears, but only one tongue
12. I have a preferred communication style. Which one is it
13. I must use many of my senses ( auditory, visual, kinesthetic ) when communicating
14. I need to think positive when I speak. Communication is influenced by attitude
15. There’s a definite connection between effective communication and trust
16. For clear and concise oral and written communication, I need an extensive vocabulary
17. To connect one-on-one, I need to place more value on the other person than on me
18. Listening requires effort and energy (eye contact, focus, notes, questions, gestures, etc.)
19. It’s important to remember and use names
20. When in doubt, check it out. Ask!
21. Everyone communicates, but few connect (John Maxwell)
22. I need to be careful of target words (whatever, always, never, right, wrong, you know,
but, you guys, etc.)
23. Virtual communication is here to stay; I need to become better at it
24. I can’t multitask on important matters when I’m communicating
25. I need to work on my observation skills if I want to improve my communication
26. From my observation of a situation (person and context), I make an educated guess of
how I should communicate
27. Effective communication requires: willingness (commitment), belief (attitude), and
action (proactive)
28. Though I see myself as a good communicator, I can be even better
29. I could/should ask the people I work with for suggestions to communicate better
30. My oral communication will improve to the degree that I read and write more
31. Listening is the communication skill that I need to master the most, yet it’s the one that I
was never taught
32. When I’m listening, I need to suspend my assumptions, expectations and prejudices
33. When I’m listening, I need to catch myself judging the other person’s comments
34. I need to be available and visible if I want to communicate with others
35. Some people (extroverted thinking) need to speak-think; others (introverted feeling)
need to think-speak.
36. Communication is always a choice, for which I am responsible
37. Appropriate eye contact contributes to effective communication
38. I need to improve my communication by using different Languages of Appreciation in
the Workplace (Chapman and White). I tend to speak in my preferred language. The key
is to speak in the other person`s preferred language:
a. Words of Affirmation: communicate specific character qualities; praise for work
well done; compliment the person for successes; write a note or an email; etc.
b. Quality Time: face-to-face communication; stop by; give them your full
attention; take time to listen; etc.
c. Acts of Service: pitch in to get things done; what can I do to help; ask before you
help; if you are going to help, do it their way; etc.
d. Tangible Gifts: tickets; gift card; short vacation/retreat; coffee; restaurant; etc.
e. Physical Touch: hand shake, high five, pat on back, fist to fist