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MAT 121 Syllabus Spring 2020

MAT 121-01
College Algebra
Spring 2020 MWF 9:00-10:00
3 Credit hours
Wayne State College
Part 1: Course Information and Learning Outcomes
Instructor Information
Office Phone:
Office Hours:
Nicole Listerfelt
Carhart Science 107A
(402) 375-7440
MWF 8:00 - 8:50 am
TR 9:30 - 10:30 am
Or by appointment
Catalog/Course Description
Prerequisite: Placement or “C-“ or better in MAT 105. Equations and inequalities;
functions and graphs; polynomial, rational, and radical functions; complex numbers,
exponential and logarithmic functions; systems of equations and inequalities.
Textbook & Course Materials
College Algebra
Gustafson and Hughes
Edition: 11th
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN number: 9781111990909
Core Academic Tenet
CAT #3: Students develop, evaluate, and use quantitative and logical reasoning to solve complex
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes associated with the Core Academic Tenet (CAT).
SLO #1 Demonstrate skills in mathematics, reasoning, and/or statistics to analyze
SLO #2 Interpret and explain mathematical, logical, and/or statistical concepts.
SLO #3 Evaluate quantitative and logical information within their social context.
Part 2: Course Assessment and Grading
General Studies Assessment
Assessment of Student Learning Outcome:
SLO #1 A multiple choice part of the final will assess a student’s skills in
mathematics, reasoning, and/or statistics to analyze information.
SLO #2 A multiple choice part of the final will assess a student’s skills in
interpreting and explaining mathematical, logical, and/or statistical concepts.
SLO #3 A multiple choice part of the final will assess a student’s ability to evaluate
quantitative and logical information within their social context.
Graded Course Activities and Letter Grade Assignment
Grade Scale:
93 100
A90 92
87 89
83 86
B80 82
77 79
73 76
C70 72
67 69
63 66
D60 62
< 60
Grade Breakdown:
Homework...................... 10%
In-class Quizzes ............. 20%
Online Quizzes ............... 10%
4 Exams.......................... 40%
Final Exam ..................... 20%
Part 3: Course Requirements and Expectations
Course Requirements and Expectations
Calculators: Only scientific Calculators will be allowed for use on exams and quizzes. No graphing
Homework: Homework assignments will be given almost every week. They will be turned in at the
beginning of the class period in which it is due. The homework assignments will make up 10% of your
overall grade. The lowest homework score will be dropped. Thus there will be no make-ups or late work
In-class Quizzes: The in-class quizzes will be worth 20% of your overall grade and the lowest scores will
be dropped. There will be a quiz almost every week. With a quiz being dropped, there will be no makeups. Any missed quiz is an automatic zero.
Online Quizzes: These are online homework assignments that are categorized as quizzes on Canvas and
they will be worth 10% of your overall grade. These online quizzes prepare you for the in-class quizzes.
There will be one almost every week and will be due before class on the day of our in-class quizzes. No
online quizzes will be dropped because there is usually a repeatable option to get a better score. There
will be no make-ups for missed online quizzes. Any missed online quiz is an automatic zero.
Exams: There will be 4 regular exams that are worth a total of 40% of your overall grade. Only
documented absences will be acceptable for the potential of a make-up exam. If you miss an exam due to
illness, you will need to provide a note from a medical professional. A similar excuse will be accepted
for WSC athletes participating in official WSC sporting events with a document provided by a coach.
You will need to notify me before class starts, however the documented excuse can be turned in
afterwards. After documentation has been provided, then a retake date can be discussed.
Final Exam: A comprehensive final exam will be given May 6th, 2020 from 8:00 – 10:00 am.
The final exam will be worth 20% of your overall grade.
The final exam cannot be rescheduled. Make your vacation plans accordingly.
1. Disrupting the class by talking, playing on your phone or eating will not be permitted and can
result in points taken off your next assignment.
2. Academic dishonesty and plagiarism, including copying directly from an Internet site or another
student will not be tolerated. A score of zero will be given on the work or exam. Academic
dishonesty on the final exam will result in a failing grade in the course.
3. If you are going to miss class on a non-exam day, contact me as soon as possible (email is
preferred: niliste1@wsc.edu) and ask what you missed.
4. If you are going to miss class on an exam day, let me know as soon as possible. Make up
exams will be given only if class is missed because of a school event (covered by a note from
your coach, etc…), an illness (covered by a note from the doctor stating you were unable to take
the exam that day) or another really good reason (covered by a note from the Dean of Students).
5. If I need to miss class, I will email the class through canvas. This will go to your preferred email
that is listed in WildcatsOnline.
Course Schedule/ Outline
Chapter 0: A Review of Basic Algebra
Chapter 1: Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 2: The Rectangular Coordinate System and Graphs of Equations
Chapter 3: Functions
Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Chapter 5: Solving Polynomial Equations
Chapter 6: Linear Systems
Part 4: Course & Institution Policies
This section of the syllabus template lists campus policies and services regarding Student Behavior, Title IX, Support Services,
Disabilities Accommodations, and disclaimer. Academic policies, including the selected policies detailed in this syllabus section,
can be found in the Student Handbook on the WSC website (https://www.wsc.edu/info/20028/student_handbook).
Student Behavior
Academic Integrity Policy
Please refer to the Wayne State College undergraduate/graduate catalog.
https://www.wsc.edu/download/downloads/id/2184/general_and_graduate_catalog_2019-20.pdf p. 37
Title IX - Equal Education Opportunity Policy/Nondiscrimination Policy
Wayne State College is committed to providing an environment in which all students who
participate in college programs and activities can work together in an atmosphere free from
unlawful discrimination, harassment, or violence.
Wayne State College is an equal opportunity institution. WSC does not discriminate against
any student, employee or applicant on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, disability, religion, or age in employment and education
opportunities, including but not limited to admission decisions. The College has designated an
individual to coordinate the College’s nondiscrimination efforts to comply with regulations
implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Titles VI and VII of the Civil
Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies and practices may be
directed to the Student Affairs Office located in the Kanter Student Center Room
201.Supportive Services
Wayne State College provides an array of services to assist students, including the US Conn
Library and computer labs located across campus. Assistance with online education is
available in the Library Room 215. The Counseling Center provides assistance in career
planning, goal setting, personality assessment, stress management, and individual and group
counseling. They are located in the Kanter Student Center Room 103.
Disabilities Accommodations (ADA Policy)
The Disability Services Program provides services for students with disabilities at Wayne State
College. Disability services are offered through the Holland Academic Success Center and
include determination of eligibility for services, referral to appropriate resources and responses to
requests for accommodations. Accommodations can include exam accommodations, recorded
books and campus reader service, learning strategies, support/discussion groups, and screening
and referral for evaluation.
Students who are interested in learning more about these services are invited to contact the Holland
Academic Success Center by emailing disabilityservices@wsc.edu.