Uploaded by Roy Jumilla

Electromagnetic Light Bulb Research Proposal




Light may be a cross, electromagnetic radiation which will be seen by the standard human. The wave nature of sunshine was initially illustrated through experiments on optical phenomenon and interference. Like all magnetic force waves, light-weight will travel through a vacuum. In physics, the term light-weight typically refers to non-particulate radiation of any wavelength, whether or not visible or not. This twin wave-like and particle-like nature of sunshine is understood because the wave–particle duality. The study of sunshine, called optics, is a vital analysis space in fashionable physics. The electricity and magnetism light-weight bulb will clarify many necessary ideas like DC (Direct Current), electrons flow through a bulb's filament in one direction, AC (Alternating Current), electrons flow through a bulb's filament in 2 directions, A field is created once electrons flow through a conductor. once magnets square measure placed close to wires that carry current, a force is exerted on the wire. (Technically, the force is on the electrons within the wire. The electrons square measure "trapped" within the wire so inflicting the wire to maneuver rather than the individual electrons.) once a wire carrying

Associate in Nursing electrical current is placed in an exceedingly field, every of the moving charges (electrons), that comprise this, experiences the force and along they'll produce a macroscopical force on the wire itself. {visible light-weight|light|visible radiation|actinic radiation|actinic ray} is that the light that humans will see. The key issue to recollect is that our light-weight is what scientists decision actinic radiation. Scientists conjointly decision lightweight nonparticulate radiation. actinic radiation is simply one tiny portion of a family of waves referred to as magnetic force (EM) radiation. The a lot of energy Associate in Nursing lepton has, the farther it's from the nucleus. Atoms build light-weight in an exceedingly three-step process: they begin off in their stable "ground state" with electrons in their traditional places.

after they absorb energy, one or a lot of electrons square measure kicked out farther from the nucleus into higher energy levels.

II. Research Questions:

1. How much volts(V) can a magnet power in a light bulb?

2. Will the light bulb gain enough power to light up?

3. In what way will the magnet can power the light bulb?

III. Hypothesis : If the magnet is stacked to one another other as well as connected to the light bulb then it will make an electromagnetic reaction causing the light bulb to light up.

IV. Significance of the study : This study shows that the electromagnetic light bulb is a helpful device especially from the younger researchers out there looking for an easy but good yet amazing topic.

V. Definition of Terms :

Lightlight or visible light is electromagnetic radiation within the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be perceived by the human eye.

Electromagnetism- is a branch of physics involving the study of the electromagnetic force, a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles. The electromagnetic force is carried by electromagnetic fields composed of electric fields and magnetic fields, and it is responsible for electromagnetic radiation such as light. It is one of the four fundamental interactions (commonly called forces) in nature, together with the strong interaction, the weak interaction, and gravitation.

Electric lightAn electric light is a device that produces visible light from electric current. It is the most common form of artificial lighting and is essential to modern society, providing interior lighting for buildings and exterior light for evening and nighttime activities. In technical usage, a replaceable component that produces light from electricity is called a lamp.

Electromagnetic Radiation- In physics, electromagnetic radiation (EM radiation or EMR) refers to the waves (or their quanta, photons) of the electromagnetic field, propagating (radiating) through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.



Continuous spectra of nonparticulate radiation. Such spectra ar emitted by any heat substance.

Heat is that the irregular motion of electrons, atoms, and molecules; the upper the temperature, the additional fast the motion. Since electrons ar a lot of lighter than atoms, irregular thermal motion produces irregular oscillating charge motion, that reflects endless spectrum of frequencies. every oscillation at a specific frequency may be thought-about a little “antenna” that emits and receives non-particulate radiation. As a bit of iron is heated to progressively high temperatures, it initial glows red, then yellow, and at last white. In short, all the colors of the color spectrum ar diagrammatic. Even before the iron begins to glow red, one will feel the emission of infrared waves by the warmth sensation on the skin. A white-hot piece of iron conjointly emits actinic radiation, which may be detected by a photographic material.

(Britannica, 2019)

Hold a fluorescent light-weight bulb close to this table and it'll suddenly flicker on. it's like magic, however its easy science: associate degree embedded circuit produces associate degree magnetic force field that acts on the mercury gas within the bulbs, creating them glow as if they are obstructed in.A fluorescent tube glows once associate degree electrical voltage is ready up across it. the electrical field created within the tube excites atoms of mercury gas, creating them emit ultraviolet. This invisible light-weight strikes the phosphor coating on the glass tube, creating it glow. In alternative words, the table is harnessing the facility of wireless energy—a effort that has tested thus elusive to people who would harness it on a bigger scale, like inventor, who’s doomed Wardenclyffe Tower, was an effort to transmit electric power across nice distances. (Campbell-Dollaghan, 2013)

The reason why you utilize associate degree antenna for radio waves and a filament for lightweight is that the relative wave-length of the 2 waves. You are correct in this they're each electro-magnetic waves, but radio usually incorporates a frequency between 100kHz and

100GHz thus has wave lengths between 3km and 3mm. light-weight within the inexperienced is regarding 500nm or zero.0005mmwavelength. you'll so radiate light-weight with associate degree antenna if you'll build it 250nm long -- however this has solely recently become doable with nanoscopic fabrication. Normally, light-weight emission is restricted to chemical processes on the molecular scale like flame oxidization or molecular vibration like heat. during a filament, a current creates vast amounts of negatron scattering resulting in giant amounts of vibration within the material, on scales from the molecular level up -- so a glowing filament produces light-weight -- and plenty of actinic radiation with wave lenghts up to 50um some. this is often referred to as "black-body" emission and was the sole thanks to build artificial light-weight for an extended time. (The sun is additionally ab lack-body electrode -- however at a temperature of

5700K). additional recently,chemical and material emitters (i.e. florescent and LED) are developed that ar way more economical in this the magnitude relation of sunshine to heat is much higher than is feasible during a metal based mostly filament. (About90-98% of the filaments energy is emitted within the infrared).For more data on electromagnetic radiation and light-weight wavelength antennas, there ar Wikipedia articles. Diode lighting may be a specialty of UCSB analysis and you'll realize many articles on-line from the lighting institute. Piezo electrical resistance has many applications (the spark in gas lighters is made by a crystal that's thumped to create a charge), and there ar science experiment kits oversubscribed to experiment with it.(Matson,2015)

Incandescent light-weight bulbs ar devices that convert electricity into light-weight by heating a filament, victimization electrical phenomenon, till it emits nonparticulate radiation. As current passes through the filament, its high resistance causes its temperature to rise till it glows. This result is understood as incandescence, and it's the guideline behind the standard light-weight bulb

(see figure 1). the sunshine bulb filament is regarding 3000 K, thus it offers off electromagnetic wave, that (as shown below) means that plenty of energy goes into heat.

Like several utilities, Pacific Gas & electrical (PG&E) has achieved an outsized fraction of its energy and demand savings through lighting programs. These have enclosed a range of program sorts, together with those targeting residential and nonresidential customers; upstream and downstream programs; and programs incentivizing pronto available technologies (e.g., through deemed programs) and rising technologies. For the 2010-2012 program cycle, lighting measures diagrammatic over one third of PG&E’s electrical portfolio savings claim. (CPUCED,2013)

Electromagnetic Light Bulb

A Research Proposal

Submitted to Ma’am Genebeth Gorobao

BY:Dean Lenard S. Jumilla

January 7, 2020

Palawan National School


Chapter I:

Background Study………………………………………………………………………1

Research Question………………………………………………………………………2


Significance of Study……………………………………………………………………2

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………2


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature……………………………………………………………4



Chapter III

Materials and Procedures………………………………………………………..............7




You will need 2 round magnets, 1 small light bulb, and a copper wire.


Prepare all the materials you will need for the experimtent. This is just a simple experiment yet educational and full of information. Tie the copper wire around the magnet. Get the other magnet ang slowly place it closely to the light bulb. And watch the bulb being lighted by the magnets.


You may hear about using electromagnetic power to provide electricity for electric gadgets or appliances. Light bulb are devices that convert electricity into light by heating a filament using electric current, until it emits electromagnetic radiations or power. It gives off blackbody radiations, which means a lot of energy is going into heat.


Relate that electric current creates a magnetic field and investigate ways to change the strength of an electromagnet.
