Research Methods Course Outline - Bugema University

Course Outline
MPHP 521/MDVS 521/MEDM 521
First Semester, 2019/2020
Paul M. Mukasa, PhD
CONSULTATION TIME: 5-8pm Every Sunday; Venue – Board/Faculty Room
MEDM 501/DVBC 521/MPHP 521 RESEARCH METHODS Lecturer: Dr. Paul M. Mukasa/Mr.Oguma Lennox
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Course Description
As a combination of education and development research methods, this course provides an
understanding of Social Research and an adaptation of research methods and techniques to problems in
development and education. It has a special emphasis on appropriate methodology in preparation of
the thesis. The course introduces the learner to the mode of inquiry, how to structure that inquiry,
modes of observation, data collection methods and data analysis, and the social context of research.
Hence, it discusses the research methodology from topic selection/conceptualization of the research to
reporting of the finished product. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods approaches are
discussed in-depth.
Course Objectives
The ultimate objective of this course is to impart to the learner the principles and research methodology
for conducting credible research.
Specifically, the course endeavors to;
1. Describe and explain to the learner both the qualitative, quantitative and mixed methodologies.
2. Explain the philosophy of research including structure, deduction and induction, positivism and
3. Discuss conceptualization focusing on problem identification, formulation and proposal writing.
4. Measurements focusing on levels of measurements, operationalization, construct validity and
5. Explain methods of data collection, construction of surveys, scaling, data analysis, reporting and
dissemination of results.
Expected Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the learner is expected to
1. Appreciate the value of proper methodologies of research in generating knowledge and solving
2. Differentiate between methods and methodologies towards credible, valid research.
3. Acquire fundamental principles and procedures in doing coherent research.
4. Apply appropriate methods in the research process.
5. Produce a coherent research proposal/thesis.
Pedagogical Aspects and Methods of Delivery
The methods of delivery include lectures method with discussion where the students are given time for
questions and answer sessions to clarify some points; group discussions where every student has chance
to participate in the discussion, class presentations and; case studies which brings in the analysis of
specific researches for discovering strength and weaknesses and will allow students to apply what they
have learnt; report-back sessions that will involve study groups to take materials and answer specific
questions and report back to the entire class. Here each group will take responsibility to deliver quality
MEDM 501/DVBC 521/MPHP 521 RESEARCH METHODS Lecturer: Dr. Paul M. Mukasa/Mr.Oguma Lennox
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reports from the assigned materials; question and answer session on difficult areas and individual
assignments will be handled.
Assignments and key requirements
Class Presentations: These assignments are designed to strengthen students’ understanding of the
course materials so that they can conceptualize and undertake credible researches. According to the
principles of Andragogy, “experience is the richest resource for adult learning…” and “…the core
methodology of adult learning is the analysis of experience.” Stephen R. Covey puts it this way “one
must learn the material… and teach the material and, by mastering these two elements, one is more
likely to apply the material in life situations.” As an exercise of mastering and applying the research
concepts of this course, the student is given an opportunity to analyze required reading materials and
participate in class presentations.
Required readings: The class has two sets of required reading. One set pertains to group presentations
the other is for take-home tests. The take-home test will be an independent work. No two answers
similar to each other will be graded. Instead, such will be disqualified.
Course Materials and References
The lecturer will provide the references used for the delivery of the presentations in the course outline.
Required readings will also be provided which will be the basis for take home mid-exams.
Grading System
The Image below is the new grading system from the national council. Old students will be subjected to
the system in which they have been operating – the old grading system. However, new students will be
graded according to the new grading system. Coursework and final examinations will be assigned 50%
respectively. The former includes attendance, class participation, presentations, tests and midterm
Course Contents and Schedule
The course is scheduled for 15 weeks. The sequence of course schedule below will be followed in the
delivery of course materials. The student is urged to read ahead for better comprehension.
MEDM 501/DVBC 521/MPHP 521 RESEARCH METHODS Lecturer: Dr. Paul M. Mukasa/Mr.Oguma Lennox
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Contents: Topics for Discussion and presentations
Unit 1. Introduction to Social Research
1.1. What research is and what it is not.
1.2. Characteristics of Research.
1.3. Research paradigm and paradigm shift.
1.4. Building blocks of research and their interrelationships
1.5. Introduction to methodological issues
1.6. Deductive and inductive thinking;
1.7. Research as an objective inquiry.
1.8. Selection of research topic – Internal and external Criteria
Earl Barbie. The Practice of Social Research. 1995
Duane R. Monette, et al. Applied Social Research. 1986
Paul D. Leedy and Jeanne E. Ormrod. Practical Research, Planning and Design, 2001
Unit 2.Research Language and Typologies of Research Design.
2.1. The three main types of research questions: Descriptive, relational and causal
2.2. Types, pattern and nature of relationships in research
2.3. Variable: Attributes, Types, and traits of a Variable.
2.4. Introduction to research methodologies –Qualitative and quantitative
Paul D. Leedy and Jeanne E. Ormrod. Practical Research, Planning and Design, 2001
Louis Cohen, et al. Research Methods in Education, 6th ed. 2006.
Unit 3. Research Methodologies: Qualitative & Quantitative methods
3.1. Defining a methodology
3.2. Differentiating methods and methodologies
3.3. Salient features of qualitative and quantities methodologies
3.4. Emphases of Quantitative, Qualitative and mixed methodologies
3.5. Criteria for selecting an appropriate methodology
3.6. Strength and Weaknesses of Quantitative and Qualitative Research
 Michael R. Harwell. Research Design in Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed Methods,
University of Minnesota
 Paul D. Leedy and Jeanne E. Ormrod. Practical Research, Planning and Design, 2001
Week 7
Mid-Term Examinations
Take home exam will be given to students and returned to the lecturer electronically. This
will be taken after the 7th week of the class. The deadline for the submission of this exam
will be October 16, 8am for electronic copies and the same date at 2pm for hard copies.
MEDM 501/DVBC 521/MPHP 521 RESEARCH METHODS Lecturer: Dr. Paul M. Mukasa/Mr.Oguma Lennox
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Topics: Topics for Discussion and Presentations
Unit 4. Defining and Designing Qualitative Research
4.1. Epistemological perspectives
4.2. Basic approaches in Qualitative research
4.3. How to operationalize and carry out a qualitative research
4.4. When to use and when not to use qualitative methods
4.5. Unit of analysis in qualitative research
4.6. Structuring qualitative research
4.7. Qualitative sampling design
4.8. Qualitative Data Analysis and reporting
 Qualitative Research Design: Defining and Designing
 Qualitative Data Analysis (Chapter 10)
 Norman K, Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, Handbook of Qualitative Research, SAGE
Publications, USA,1993.
 Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie et al. Sampling Designs in Qualitative Research: Making the
Sampling Process More Public.
Unit 5. Sampling Design
11 & 12
Unit 6. Methods of data collection, Data Analysis & Reporting
5.1. Basic Concepts of Sample Design
5.2. Population and sampling
5.3. Criteria of selecting a sampling design
5.4. Characteristics of a good sampling design
5.5. Types of Sampling Designs
5.6. Ideal sample size
5.7. Revisiting Qualitative Sampling Design
 Kenneth N. Ross. Sample Design For Educational Survey Research
 Korthari. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques.
 Mugo Fridah W. Sampling in Research
6.1. Sources of Data: Primary & Secondary Data
6.2. Methods of Data Collection
6.3. Criteria for choice of a method
6.4. Tools for data Collection
6.5. Principles of Questionnaire construction
6.6. Quantitative Data Analysis
6.6.1. SPSS Packages
6.6.2. Other Packages
6.7. Reporting Results/Thesis
 Class handouts.
 Korthari. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques.
MEDM 501/DVBC 521/MPHP 521 RESEARCH METHODS Lecturer: Dr. Paul M. Mukasa/Mr.Oguma Lennox
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Week 13
Unit 7. Writing Mechanics and Reporting
7.1. Research Formats -APA/MLA
7.2. Writing Style
7.3. Academic Conventions
7.4. Credible Sources
7.5. Avoiding Plagiarism/Crediting Sources
7.6. Using Computer for formatting
APA/MLA formats on line.
Bugema University Research Manual
Shawna Vyheimester ed. (2014). Adventist University of Africa Standards for Written Work
Week 14
Review for final Examination.
The lectures and presentations in this course are interrelated and complementary. Hence,
the student is responsible for the revision of all lectures and class presentations for final
examination. However, a guideline may be provided for a focused revision.
Week 15
Final Examination
Required readings are listed below. Each student should endeavor to get acquainted with these
materials. Three alternative models of testing are considered; Take-home exams/class tests/a mixture of
the two. The class will discuss and agree on either. In case of class tests, the lecturer will provide review
guidelines to facilitate focused reading. Tests are scheduled as follow:
1. HT-Qualitative Research Design: Defining and Designing – due 3RD
2. CTMichael R. Harwell. Research Design in Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed Methods, University
of Minnesota – due 5th
3. HT-S. Rajasekar et al. Research Methodology – due 7th Week
4. CT-Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative Research – due9 th Week
Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research – due 9th Week
Note: HT= Hometake exam & CT = Class-Sit in Exam.
Other References
As indicated in each Unit.
MEDM 501/DVBC 521/MPHP 521 RESEARCH METHODS Lecturer: Dr. Paul M. Mukasa/Mr.Oguma Lennox
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