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Truth in Relationships: An Essay on Honesty and Trust

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Always telling the truth ist the most important consideration in any relationship.
The question whether telling the truth is always the most important consideration in
relationships is a question that deals with the value of trust. The question can be raised in
private as well as in business environments.
Morals and the values (vermittelt – to convey values ) in our (when we were raised –
Erziehung - education) tend to (bejahen) us the question immediately. In order to
understand this reaction one (eigene Meinung!) has to question why trust and thus
telling the truth important may be so important in interpersonel relationships. (gut!)
Quickly the circumstance that one cannot control nor plan every event in advance comes
to mind. In a private environment e.g. between friends and family or the partner such
situations may occur when the loved ones aren’t – are not around and the responsibility
for even minor decisions are those one (eigene Meinung!) has to (treffen - make) without
any feedback. Daily situations may be the one of buying a gift for an evening with friends
or doing the laundry or shopping groceries.
In a business environment business partners e.g. have to be able to trust each other in
order to assure that both work in the same direcction to establish and maintain a
successful business.
But reality shows that many people act differently. (eigene Meinung!) This applies or
becomes easier visible in private than in business situations. That’s why one could argue
(eigene Meinung!) it might be an important but not the most crucial consideration.
This position may be mainly supported by circumstances when not telling the truth
appears to be the best option to maintain or protect a relationship. In private
relationships e.g. between a couple or friends this may mainly occur when dealing with
“minor” issues as for example cleanliness, punctuality or diet. Not telling the truth may
appeal here as the as a tempting opportunity in order to prevent discussions or bigger
conflicts to protect established achievements.
To sum up one might (eigene Meinung!) conclude that telling the truth is a solid part of
our moral values and should thus be followed but within the daily life neglecting or not
saying the truth might sometimes be the better path for some individuals.
Zeit am Ende eng, keine zeit mehr zum lesen!
Mehr herausstellen dass es um die eigene Meinung geht
Eine klare position einnehmen, d.h. keine widersprüchlichen Thesen präsentieren
Rhetorische Fragen stellen !
Verbessertes Vorgehen:
1.) Einordnung des Themas in einen übergeordneten Kontext
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