Name: ___________________________________________________ PHASES OF THE DESIGN PROCESS CTE STANDARD: 18.0 Identify and describe components of the design process. 18.01 Recognize the steps in the design process. OBJECTIVE: Analyze, compare/contrast varying word choice to describe interior design process. TASK: Locate the portion of the chapter in your textbook that lists the seven phases of the design process. Understand that though the process is the same, the words used to describe the phases vary among architectural, interior design and construction firms. Create a chart in your sketchbook similar to the scaled down version below. Orient your sketchbook LANDSCAPE to allow room for writing. You may write on this paper/use the back as a planning page or rough draft. OPTION: you may create a table like the one below using the computer program of choice and print out in class. (you will then glue in your sketchbook) Fill in the table with required information found in your textbook. Use the internet to locate three other versions of the process used in interior design. BE SURE it’s the INTERIOR DESIGN process. You can also search “interior design plan process”. Fill in the table so that the steps/phases are still in the correct order - list tasks for each if applicable (if they are different than your sketchbook). SOURCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Classroom Textbook Pre-Design Programming Schematic Design Design Development Contract Documents Contract Administration *list tasks that occur *list tasks that occur Move-in and Post-Occupancy Evaluation (SourceA) (SourceB) (SourceC) *list tasks that occur *list tasks that occur *list tasks that occur *list tasks that occur *list tasks that occur