Uploaded by Ciarra Greene

Nimiipuu Culture Museum Visit Worksheet

The purpose of the Museum Visit is to observe and analyze artifacts of Nimiipuu culture and think critically
about traditional learning styles, teaching methods, lessons and skills learned, and requirements for mastering
something and gaining wisdom. Also, the museum provides an informal learning environment for park
visitors; we will discuss formal and informal learning later in the quarter. This worksheet is double-sided.
1. Watch the film, Nez Perce – Portrait of a People . Reflect on the film below by answering these questions:
 What does the film want viewers to understand after watching?
 Explain any of the content that demonstrated, mentioned, or portrayed traditional ways of teaching
and learning.
 In thinking about “Educating Our Own”, what would be the topic of a film you would want
produced to educate our own people, as well as visitors. What would be the purpose of your film?
2. Artifact Analysis
Find two artifacts in the museum to analyze and provide the information below:
 Artifact name and description- copy the card information of the artifact (name, date) and use words
to describe the visual appearance of the artifact. Sketch the artifact to the best of your ability and
label different parts.
 Artifact analysis- From your observation, personal knowledge, and asking the museum staff,
describe what the artifact was made from, who it was made by, how it was made, what it was used
for, when it was used, and how it was used. If you do not know, develop a hypothesis and explain.
 Teaching and learning connection- How might this artifact been used for teaching and learning?
What cultural values might be associated to the artifact? What has this artifact taught you?
Artifact name and description:
Artifact analysis:
Teaching and learning connection:
Artifact Analysis
Find two artifacts in the museum to analyze and provide the information below:
 Artifact name and description- copy the card information of the artifact (name, date) and use words
to describe the visual appearance of the artifact. Sketch the artifact to the best of your ability and
label different parts.
 Artifact analysis- From your observation, personal knowledge, and asking the museum staff,
describe what the artifact was made from, who it was made by, how it was made, what it was used
for, when it was used, and how it was used. If you do not know, develop a hypothesis and explain.
 Teaching and learning connection- How might this artifact been used for teaching and learning?
What cultural values might be associated to the artifact? What has this artifact taught you?
Artifact name and description:
Artifact analysis:
Teaching and learning connection: