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Statistics Test: Mean, SD, Boxplots, IQR, Data Analysis

Statistics Test
1. What is 𝑥̅ ?
1. ___________________
2. What is the symbol for standard deviation?
2. ___________________
Use this data to answer 3-9. The weights of the male and female students in
a class are summarized in the following boxplots:
3. ___________________
4. ___________________
5. ___________________
6. ___________________
State whether the following are T or F.
3. About 50% of the male students have weights between 150 and 185
4. About 25% of female students have weights more than 130 pounds.
5. The male students have a smaller range of weights than the female
6. What is the IQR of male weights?
7. What is minimum weight of the females surveyed?
8. What is the median weight of male students surveyed?
9. Is the distribution of female weights left skewed, right skewed, or
10. Solve for 𝑥. Mrs. Bloom has a data set containing 2, 4, 7, 0, 2, 3, and 𝑥. If
7. ___________________
8. ___________________
9. ___________________
10. __________________
11. __________________
12. __________________
13. __________________
14. __________________
𝑥̅ = 3, what is x?
15. __________________
11. The following bar graph gives the percent of owners of three brands of
trucks who are satisfied with their truck.
16. __________________
17. __________________
18. __________________
19. __________________
20. __________________
Daylen claims she will only buy a Chevrolet truck because the data shows
Chevy owners are the most satisfied. Mrs. Bloom claims the graph is
misleading. Who is correct and why?
Mrs. Bloom gave a test. The grades were as follows:
72, 72, 93, 70, 69, 78, 74, 65, 73, 80, 77, 67, 72, 75, 83
12. What is 𝜇?
13. What is the median?
14. Based on this summary, determine whether any of the scores were outliers.
15. What would be the appropriate measures of center and spread for this data and
16. Mrs. Bloom wants to graph the scores using a pie chart, but Jordan wants to use
a stem and leaf plot. Who is more correct and why?
17. Mrs. Bloom’s students score an average of 27 points on their recent quiz. If the
grade distribution is normal, what percent of her students scored within one
standard deviation of the mean?
State whether each of the following is categorical or quantitative.
18. weight of a bag of potato chips
19. color of highlighter favored by CORE students
20. birth month