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Was a planet
Now isn’t a planet
Far away
Why isn’t it a planet
BP1: What is a planet
According to the IAU, a celestial body is a planet if it meets three key criteria: It must orbit the sun; it must be large enough that it pulls itself into a round shape by its own gravity; and it must clear its orbit of other objects — meaning that it casts out other bodies in its orbit and is gravitationally dominant in its region of space. entious-debate-ncna910836
Their study – titled “The Reclassification of Asteroids from Planets to Non-Planets” – was recently published in the scientific journal Icarus. The study was led by Metzer and was coauthored by Mark V. Sykes of the Planetary Science Institute, Kirby Runyon of the Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHUAPL), and Alan Stern – the principal investigator of the New Horizons mission from the Southwestern Research Institute (SwRI).
Bp2: It has a planet like features
Pluto’s active geology and dynamism are what allows for it to have an interior ocean, a multilayered atmosphere, organic compounds and evidence of ancient lakes and multiple moons. According to Metzger, the only planet that has more complex geology is planet Earth.