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EMT Exam Study Guide: EMS Operations

EMT Unit Exam Study Guide
Topic: EMS Operations
Learn the Facts
You should have a comprehensive understanding of:
● Anatomy & Physiology
● Conditions listed in the index
● Glossary words
● Medical terms listed in each chapter
● Pathophysiology
Understand the Concepts
You should have an extensive understanding of the following:
1. Agencies responsible for certification
2. Body Substance Isolation (BSI)
3. Definitive care
4. Do not resuscitate orders (DNR)
5. Documentation procedures
6. Elements of Incident Command System and Mass Casualty Incident (MCI)
7. Good Samaritan law
8. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
9. National Incident Management System (NIMS)
10. Procedures for EMS research
11. Reciprocity
12. START triage system
13. Techniques for decontamination
Perform the Skills
Finally, you should be able to:
1. Differentiate between libel and slander
2. Differentiate between online and standing orders
3. Differentiate between types of consent
4. Effectively communicate with family members
5. Evaluate the criteria for refusal of treatment
6. Evaluate the need for additional resources
7. Evaluate the need to gain access to a patient
8. Preserve a crime scene
9. Provide therapeutic communication
10. Recognize the need for scene safety procedures
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